Christmas drabble about Big Bang (or some kind of...)

Dec 26, 2010 00:26

Here I am again! Are you doing well, everybody?
Holiday break has finally started, I'm so happy! 
And, oh, Merry Christmas everybody!! *a little late, I'm sorry....*
Thank you my dear giuggiu , you helped me finding inspiration! So this Christmas Drabble is for YOOOOU ♥
Sorry, the fic is a bit sad and it isn't clear at all, but it just came to this! xD I don't even know why.

Here we have a song drabble. The song is "Wooden Heart" by Elvis Presley. I just happened to listen to it after watching a lot of videos with Big Bang's fanservice (thank you again giuggiu ^v^).
I probably shouldn't have done this because I don't know Big Bang so well (I still barely recognize them *coughcough*) but I hope you'll like it anyway *well, giuggiu will be the only one who will read this anyway, so why am I even writing this? xD*

Genre: AU, kind of OOC (because of what I wrote earlier)
Rating: Pg-13 because sad things happen and there are very few sex hints

Pairing: T.O.P. and Daesung

Another day in the dust. Upon us we can barely hear human noises. We kind of feel comforted by the bombs' noise.

Every explosion reminds us that we're alive. We're still alive.

He cries everyday. Oh, God. What's a day, after all? We can't see the light and we will never see it again.

I know that, we both know that. But how could we say it aloud? It's way too painful.

He doesn't say a word. It's been a while. I touch his shoulder and shake him.

-Don't worry, I'm alive- he says. His voice is a soft whisper.

-Do you think they're still looking for us?- he asks. I can see his eyes shining in the darkness.

-I don't think they still have even a memory of us. The captain's dead. Nobody will rescue us. The enemy is going to land. The last fight is near, nobody has time for this. Nobody would care for two lost soldiers. We're dead anyway-

every word just keeps filling me with more and more hatred. I don't even know who has to be hated.

Our mates? They just have to follow orders.

Our siblings? They don't even know what happened.

The enemy? Oh, yes. But why, after all? I don't even remember why this war has started.

I hear Daesung's sobs. He's crouching in the pitch black and cries.

-It' over, then- he manages to whisper, but cries even louder.

I can barely see, but I reach his shoulder and grab him. He's always been like a brother for me, my younger brother.

My best friend. It's not that bad to die with him, anyway.

It's better this than dying in the battle field, surrounded by people I don't even know.

His face's on my chest. His shoulders are shaking. I'd like to cry. I'd like to break free. But it's way too impossible.

I put my face on his hair, he's dirty and smelly. Oh, well, we both are. It's not that bad, it's just a little sad.

Human beings has always born dirty. But the two of us are dying dirty, as well.

I would say it even seems a little comfortable for it to be like this. It just seems so natural.

-I don't want to die- he cries, and holds my hand stronger.

I just swallow. I don't want to say it aloud. It's just too obvious what will happen to us.

-Don't worry. I'm here with you. Don't cry. You're a man. Let me clean your face now- I smile.

It's so dark I can't see his face, but I still brush my sleeve against his skin.

-Thank you- he murmurs and grabs my collar -I would go mad without you-.

His fingers wander on my neck. They're cold and I don't really know what to think about this.

Why should I refuse this now? Why should I refuse the warmth of his body?

I kiss him. It's not good-tasting nor anything, but it's the best kiss I've never had. It feels so true.

His lips are trembling but I know he isn't trying to reject me.

I can feel his eagerness in his lips. Our breaths run so fast.

I know this is probably my last good memory and I want it to be the best I have.

My hands tremble as they caress his bare skin. He suddenly stops me. His face is so near, I can see a little light in his eyes.

-I don't want this to happen just because of... because of everything. Please don't break my heart. I... really do love you- he murmurs.

I just smile and grab his face with both my hands. I kiss him again. His lips are dried, yet soft.

-Your words remind me of a song...- I smile and hug him, pushing his naked body  in the dust again.

-Which song? Could you sing it for me?- I can say from his voice that he feels relieved.

-I'll sing it for you later. When we're done- and I kiss him again.

He just moans and waits for more to happen.

I'm shaking. This is the most exciting moment in my life. I want to feel his body pressed against mine.

I want to fill his emptiness.

I kiss, I lick him everywere. I'd like to clean his body with my tongue, to make him feel good as if he still was up there, in the real world.

Not the battle field, not the trench. The normal, beautiful world.

That world full of light, the world where I could still see his face and enjoy his smile. Thinking about this it's so painful now.

We're laying next to each other. My fingers caress his face, drawing his expressions straight back in my mind.

They linger on his lips, his cheeks, his eyelashes.

-Seung Hyun... Thank you- he suddenly says
-I really do feel alive right now. We can feel the dust, the dirt, each other's pain. We're sharing something we'd never shared if we were up there. Now I can say, without regrets, that I had the best from life-
A tear runs fast on his cheek while he's saying this.
-I really do feel like this... So, please, tell me.. Why do I still feel so sad?- he murmurs and closes his eyes.

Tears falling from his eyes, faster and faster.

I just don't know what to do or say. I keep caressing his face and I listen to his rueful sobs.

-I owe you a song, Daesung- I smile. The sobs seem to calm down.

-It's a good song, but it has some German words. And I really can't speak German, so don't mind too much, okay?-.

He quietly laughs, then nods. I can feel he closes his eyes under my fingers.

I close mine as well and raise my face to the "ceiling" of that sort of cave.

I start to sing

Can’t you see
I love you
Please don’t break my heart in two
That’s not hard to do
’cause I don’t have a wooden heart
And if you say goodbye
Then I know that I would cry
Maybe I would die
’cause I don’t have a wooden heart
There’s no strings upon this love of mine
It was always you from the start
Treat me nice
Treat me good
Treat me like you really should
’cause I’m not made of wood
And I don’t have a wooden heart

When it comes to German, I can hear him laughing softly.
But I don't stop, I can't. I just smile and go on.

There’s no strings upon this love of mine
It was always you from the start
Sei mir gut
Sei mir gut
Sei mir wie du wirklich sollst
Wie du wirklich sollst
Cause I don’t have a wooden heart

He opens his eyes and smiles: -Sing again, please-.

I do it.

I stare at the ceiling for the whole time. I sing that song over and over and over.

His head pushes heavierly and heavierly against my legs, over where it lies.

I keep singing.
I keep singing.
I keep singing.
I keep singing until I have no more saliva.
I cough.

-Daesung?- I caress his temple.

But he doesn't answer.

I smile, thinking he's probably sleeping.

I sing again, but my voice gets softer and softer.

Because in the bottom of my heart I know the truth.

-Daesung? Daesung, are you okay? Daesung...?-

But he doesn't answer.

fanfictions, g:bigbang; c:top; c:daesung;, drabbles, christmas fanfics

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