Blah Blah Blah

Nov 08, 2005 00:43


I'm reading this story that I wrote and listening to this amazingly beautiful song that my friend burned onto a cd for me. I have no idea who sings it or what it's called but I love it. It's from one of them communities I just joined but I don't know which one and it's a Kate/Sawyer mix from lost. Damn, Sawyer is one fine piece of human if I ever saw one.

I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooo in love with Gary Oldman. Don't worry, I'm not some crazy stalker that follows him everywhere. I'm just loving him. There's no real reason why. One night, I had this weird dream that just happened to feature the talented Mr. Oldman and from then on I've been infatuated with him. See, it makes no sense whatsoever. I am never going to meet him or anything but it's nice to have a day dream once in a while.

I'm so excited that Veronica Mars is coming back this week. I would love Weevil long time if he let me! Weevil and Logan, and I guess Wallace because he is just too sweet for words sometimes. Duncan, eh, I guess I would do him. I loved him last season when he had the facial hair. It was kinda hot.

Lost is coming back as well. I hope Sawyer doesn't die because abc will be hounded with plenty of pissed off calls and emails......from me. Lol, jk, no but seriously yeah.

There is some good tv on now. After my beloved Angel was canceled, there was a black hole in the television world that only lost and veronica mars could fill. Honestly, I didn't watch Lost from the very first episode because I work on Wednesday nights and missed it but my friend, the same one that burned the cd for me, turned me on to it....there's got to be a better way to put that. Anyway, now I'm hooked.

Charisma Carpenter....I'd totally go gay for her if she asked. She is probably the only person I'd do it for too. Imagine if Josh Holloway and Charisma Carpenter had a baby....that kid would be fucking gorgeous while oozing sex appeal. That would be sweet.

Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire in 11 days! I'm so excited. A kickass movie with a kickass cast and the kickassist kickass Gary Oldman.

OK, this post was pointless but I don't care.

Bye for now,
Fairy_Magic :o)
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