Дизайн #5 - на заказ - Солнечный поцелуй (тёмный и светлый вариант)

Jun 27, 2007 13:44

Credit, if want
Comment, if take


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    Тёмный вариант:

    /* Template: Sun kiss (Dark) */
    /* Date: June 26, 2007 */
    /* S2 Style: Mixit */
    /* Available at http://community.livejournal.com/fairy_kudesnicy/ */
    /* Codes by http://community.livejournal.com/thefulcrum/ */
    /* Desing by manyashaya_tma */
    /* Pics desing by hel_lansky */

    /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* ---------- ADD YOUR HEADER GRAPHIC BELOW --------------- */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------- */

    #header {position: relative; height: 436px; background: url(http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o257/dafanya/diz/sun_kiss/sunny_diz.jpg) top center no-repeat;}

    /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* ---------- ADD YOUR HEADER GRAPHIC ABOVE --------------- */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------- */

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    /* ----------------------------------------- */
    /* ---------- PAGE STRUCTURE --------------- */
    /* ----------------------------------------- */

    /* -- don't touch the stuff below -- */

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    /* ---------------------------- */
    /* ---------- HEADER ---------- */
    /* ---------------------------- */

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    /* ----------------------------- */
    /* ---------- ENTRIES ---------- */
    /* ----------------------------- */

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    /* ---------- SIDEBAR ---------- */
    /* ----------------------------- */

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    /* syndication, LiveJournal link, designer link */
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    /* ----------------------------------- */
    /* ---------- COMMENTS PAGE ---------- */
    /* ----------------------------------- */

    /* Comments ---------------------------------------*/
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    /* Fix height in IE */
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    /* Quick Reply ---------------------------------------*/
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    #comment-form {width: 500px;}

    /* ------------------------------ */
    /* ---------- ARCHIVES ---------- */
    /* ------------------------------ */

    /* Calendar/Archive ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

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    ul.year li {display: inline; padding: 0px 5px;}

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    /* -------------------------- */
    /* ---------- MISC ---------- */
    /* -------------------------- */

    /* Sponsored Plus ---------------------------------------*/

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    #ad-leaderboard {
    margin-bottom: 10px;

    /* Utility Code --------------------------------------------------- */

    /* clear floats, inspired by positioniseverything.net/easyclearing.html */
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    /* Win IE < 7 */
    * html #header-name a { word-wrap: break-word; }

    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    Светлый вариант:

    /* Template: Sun kiss (Light) */
    /* Date: June 26, 2007 */
    /* S2 Style: Mixit */
    /* Available at http://community.livejournal.com/fairy_kudesnicy/ */
    /* Codes by http://community.livejournal.com/thefulcrum/ */
    /* Desing by manyashaya_tma */
    /* Pics desing by hel_lansky */

    /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* ---------- ADD YOUR HEADER GRAPHIC BELOW --------------- */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------- */

    #header {position: relative; height: 436px; background: url(http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o257/dafanya/diz/sun_kiss/sunny_diz.jpg) top center no-repeat;}

    /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* ---------- ADD YOUR HEADER GRAPHIC ABOVE --------------- */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------- */

    html {margin: 0px; padding: 0px; font-size: 100%; /* IE hack */ }

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    /* ----------------------------------------- */
    /* ---------- PAGE STRUCTURE --------------- */
    /* ----------------------------------------- */

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    /* ---------------------------- */
    /* ---------- HEADER ---------- */
    /* ---------------------------- */

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    /* ----------------------------- */
    /* ---------- ENTRIES ---------- */
    /* ----------------------------- */

    /* previous and next links */
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    /* userpic */
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    .user-icon span {background: #f5f5f5 !important; text-align: center;}

    /* mood, music, location */
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    /* ----------------------------- */
    /* ---------- SIDEBAR ---------- */
    /* ----------------------------- */

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    /* link list */
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    /* tags */
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    .categories-widget li.item {margin: 0px; padding: 0px;}
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    margin-bottom: .2em;
    border: none !important;

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    color: #ff0000 !important;
    white-space: nowrap !important;
    border-left: 0 !important;
    width: 100% !important;

    /* syndication, LiveJournal link, designer link */
    .designed-widget {display: none;}

    /* ----------------------------------- */
    /* ---------- COMMENTS PAGE ---------- */
    /* ----------------------------------- */

    /* Comments ---------------------------------------*/
    #comments {padding: 0px;}

    div.comments-inner h2 {margin: 0px; padding: 1.5em 0 0 0; color: #53aec7; font-size: 2em; font-weight: normal;}

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    .comment-odd {}
    .comment-even {background: #f5f5f5;}

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    /* --- reply, freeze, screen, etc --- */
    .comment-links {margin-top: 0.9em; font-weight: normal; text-align: right; font-size: 1em;}
    .comment-subject {font-weight: bold; }
    .comment-date {margin-top: 0.9em; margin-bottom: 0.9em;}

    /* Fix height in IE */
    .comment {height: 1%;}

    /* Quick Reply ---------------------------------------*/
    .quickreply {margin-top: 1em; width:90%; padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 10px;}

    #commenttext, #subject {width: 90%;}

    #comment-form {width: 500px;}

    /* ------------------------------ */
    /* ---------- ARCHIVES ---------- */
    /* ------------------------------ */

    /* Calendar/Archive ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    ul.year {text-align: center; padding: 0px;}
    ul.year li {display: inline; padding: 0px 5px;}

    table.yeartable {margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;}
    table.yeartable td.yeardate, table.yeartable td.yearday {border: 1px solid #5389a4;}
    table.yeartable td.yearday {background-color: #dbdbdb; text-align: center;}
    td.yearmonth {border-style: none; font-weight: bold;}

    dd.viewsubjects {margin: 0 0 .75em .75em;}

    .lj-view-month table {}
    .lj-view-month widget table {margin: 0px !important;}

    /* -------------------------- */
    /* ---------- MISC ---------- */
    /* -------------------------- */

    /* Sponsored Plus ---------------------------------------*/

    #ad-5linkunit {
    clear: both;

    #ad-leaderboard {
    margin-bottom: 10px;

    /* Utility Code --------------------------------------------------- */

    /* clear floats, inspired by positioniseverything.net/easyclearing.html */
    .widget .user-pic:after {
    content: ".";
    display: block;
    visibility: hidden;
    clear: both;
    height: 0.1px;
    font-size: 0.1em;
    line-height: 0.1px;

    /* float in post bodies around enclosures */
    .asset-body {
    height: 1%;

    /* Win IE < 7 */
    * html #header-name a { word-wrap: break-word; }

    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */

  • дизайн

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