Dec 08, 2012 15:40

lol So back in like January of this year, I watched Himitsu no Arashi-chan and Naka Riisa was the guest. She has this ridiculous sense of fashion and I laughed SO hard at what she made Arashi dress up in for the "fashion show".

Fast forward to today.

As of late, I started following Naka Riisa on Instagram and she LOVES posting pictures of herself in her crazy patterned outfits. Not that it's really a surprise having watched HnA haha~ What really struck me as hilarious though was that she was SUPER excited about showing off these sneakers she had. And the irony? They're these. Which, for those who don't know/remember, MASSU owns a pair too. And Shige was saying how only Massu would wear gorillas on his feet (in some interview from long long ago).

And in some Resident promo, Massu commented that he and Naka Riisa like to chat about fashion. And that they get a long well (well, no duh, with tastes like that).

And I decided then and there that she completes Massu and is now my massu het ship LOL

This decision was proven to be correct when today, I watched Mannequin Five (found here) and Massu showed up with a crazy outfit, finished off with a pair of leopard print jersey pants which I recall Naka Riisa owning things of similar pattern. Needless to say, she picked him for her mannequin must item.

Massu x Riisa anyone? :D :D :D
(He bought her balloons for her birthday! how can you NOT ship them?!)

Man I wish I can upload pics from Riisa's instagram to here......

- - -

In other news, I SHOULD be studying for finals instead of this.

Oh and World Quest pv is awesome :D And I can't stop staring at Massu and Shige *__*

::massu is the shiz::, ::fangirling::

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