I just deleted another ranty post about my health. But instead of whining, I'll just say that because of my stomach problems, I'm going to try my very best to cut out meat/dairy/eggs from my diet. I'll consume as many free-range products as possible, as they come from animals who aren't fed hormones and antibiotics. (Antibiotics are especially evil
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Violet is still having lots of fun with her skating, but when she came back from the ISA World's in Chicago this summer, she sort of lost her gumption. She competed against girls from all over the world who, at nine-years-old, were already skating eight hours a day and being educated by private tutors. She didn't win quite as many first place medals as she has in precious competitions (she only won two or three, I think). I don't think any of those other girls were better skaters, but they had more training.
We are getting ready to go to Tampa for ISA National's next month, and she's excited. She's been working *really* hard, which is something I haven't really seen her do since Chicago. She has finally nailed her sit spin and is landing her loops much better. She's having more fun as a precision skater, though. She likes skating with a team. She hasn't mentioned anything about skating in the Olympics, but every now and then, she talks about being in Disney on Ice :)
I don't really pressure her anymore. I want her to be a kid. I can't imagine pulling her out of school so she can skate. I want her to have a life.
She's having a lot of fun, and her athletic endurance is amazing. If she never skates professionally, I doubt it will bother any of us.
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