Slowly Creeping Back

Apr 23, 2007 12:14

Yesterday, I could feel my lousy mood swings starting to affect me again.  I sat and read and read and read and I just didn't feel like moving. I went outside onto the balcony into the warm night and drank a couple of beers. Then I got the wild idea that I was going to go outside and do some yard 10.30pm. I've just been so spontanious recently. I finally fell asleep around 3am and then got woken up by Abby at 8.30am so I didn't even get 6 hours sleep. So I've drank about 3-4 cups of coffee today and my body's not used to handling that much caffeine in one now I'm all jittery and I can barely type because my fingers are moving at a mile a minute yet I feel like they're gonne slip off the intended keys and hit others. I feel like someone set off a vibrator inside of me....I'm just buzzing, LOL.

Not done anymore packing as yet. I'm going to pack some of Abby clothes up next...but first I need to wash them and I can't do that at the moment because her launfry hamper is in her bedroom and she's taking her daily nap. We went outside this morning for her daily bit of fresh air and exercise but it started to rain about 10 minutes into we can back inside and Abby wanted to go to that's where she is now and that why I'm here in front of the computer. Ha.

The caffeine is making me want to zip around the flat tidying things up and putting stuff in boxes...but I can't make too much noise as Nick is still asleep and Abby's also that means no music either. Thankgoodness for iPods. At least I can hear something while I'm acting all hyped-up :p

hyper, manic depression, busy, stuff to do

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