Mar 21, 2010 00:17
So yeah, split up with the Doctor that thursday. Sadly turns out he's not the guy I thought he was. Again it's a case of "you don't know someone til you split up with them"... Makes me glad it ended soon enough for me not to be emotionally involved. Don't regret though! It takes time to get to know someone and I did definitely have fun for the 3 months it was happy! And it reminded me that 1. I'm awesome and 2. Life is much more fun not spent bombing it to the pub every day.
So yeah, life's fucking good! No drinking isn't going badly though I did almost cave and grab a sip of wine tonight - it looked sooo nice! - but resisted and now only 12 days left (ish) so hurrah!
Missing all the numpties!! hoepfully will amke it up to see yas sooon! xxx