November Chat - NaNoWriMo & Future Contests

Nov 02, 2011 09:06

Hello Community!

I hope everyone is doing well :D

We haven't had much going on here as of late, so I have no updates to post.

I was thinking of doing a contest for November, but NaNo is upon us. I'm not sure how many of you are participating in National Novel Writing Month but it's quite the writing experience. The goal is to write a 50,000 word novel within the month of November. Sign up is free and it's still not too late to join the writing adventure. They usually offer you a copy of your novel in print for anyone who completes the challenge by November 30.

Having NaNo buddies are a great way to stay motivated. If anyone in the comm is participating, feel free to add me as a WriMo buddy. I'm celestial_circumference
If you're looking for more writing buddies, leave your NaNo name here!

I've secured an artist to make some fanart for winning entries!!

Since this will be the first contest I'm hosting, I'm narrowing it down to two options: The Stuck in the Middle Challenge and the Anonymous Challenge. Which one would you like to participate in first? Just leave a comment here with your vote and if you need a refresher on the challenges, you can visit this post here

The plan is to offer sign ups during the last week of November and give out the prompt on November 30 so you have more time to write. I hope for your feedback concerning contests Community! ♥

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