May 31, 2005 19:18
pierce your nose or tongue?: nose
be serious or be funny?: funny
drink whole or skim milk?: skim
simple or complicated?: kinda both.
flowers or angels?: flowers
color or black-and-white photos?: color, but some photos look good in black and white.
lust or love?: love
sunrise or sunset?: sunset. sunrises are to early
M&Ms or Skittles?: M&Ms.
rap or rock?: rockk, but sometimes im in the mood to listen to rap
staying up late or waking up early?: staying up late
TV or radio?: the tv kidna sucks lately
eating apples or oranges?: apples
being hot or cold?: hot, being cold sucks.
tall or short people?: doesnt matter.
sun or moon?: moon
emeralds or rubies?: rubies
left or right? right
having 10 acquaintances or 1 best friend?: 1 best friend
sun or rain?: sun
vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream?: vanilla
What is your biggest fear in the world? eww, i hate spiders
Kids or no kids?: kids
Cats or dogs?: dogs are more fun.
Half empty or half full?: are they trying to ask if im optimistic or pessimistic
Mustard or ketchup?: depends...but i guess ketchup is better.
Hard cover books or soft cover books?: why does it matter?
newspaper or magazine?: magazine
Sandals or sneakers?: sandals
Wonder or amazement?: amazement
Red car or white car?: red
Happy and poor or sad and rich? how about happy and rich.
Singing or dancing?: dancing
Hugging or kissing?: i dont think i should have to choose.
Happy or sad?: who in their right mind would wanna be sad.
Blondes, brunettes?: brunettes
What time is it?: how is this about me?
Nicknames: Macp, manda, runs with antelopes< haha that was great).
Birthdate and place: january 5, newton
Pets?: dog, two cats
Eye color?: greenish, hazel i guess.
Hair color?: brown
Where do you want to live?: something on the east coast more southern than this, but not like the actual south (wow im difficult). like maryland or new jersey or something like that i guess.
How many kids do you want?: 2 or 3. but i'd rather have just a set of twins.
Do you want to get married?: yes.
2 doors or 4 (on a car)?: 4
Coffee or ice cream?: ice cream
Shampoo or conditioner?: i'd prefer not go without either.
Bridges or tunnels?: i hate both, but tunnels if i have to choose.
One pillow or two?: one
Salad dressing?: anykind of vinagrette mostly
Color of socks?: white.
Non-alcoholic drink?: apple juice
1 minute ago: ....
1 day ago: ....
1 week ago: ....
1 month ago: ....
1 YEAR AGO: what are these people thinking of?
Wearing: jeans, white shirt with lace at the top, blue and white jacket type thing.
Current Smell: um...i think it was chance.
Current Favorite Show(s): the tv kinda sucks a lot lately. but umm law and order i guess.
Current Book: i read 5 people you meet in heaven like a month ago.
Current Refreshment: umm...nothing
Current time: whats the obsession with asking about the time.