Feb 09, 2006 11:47
i find i get inspired in the oddest times, and then i neglect to write things down and they are lost. I also have a collection of half started unfinished bits of writing that haven't turned into anything.
it's really sad.
it's a graveyard of ideas.
Been listening to alot of micheal franti lately...i know i'm a hippy but his music makes me really happy. Hes also an amazing person
i saw him live in the summer with Blackalicious, Isreal Vibration, Nine Mile, and a whole bunch of others...but he was amazing.
afterwards he came out and gave me a hug and MAN is that guy tall...6'6. anywho....he also gave me one of his dreadlocks so i could weave it into the dreads of my friend Carley. Carley fell 90 feet rockclimbing and literally broke every bone in her body and suffered some pretty bad nerve damage. She is one of the most amazing people ever though. We lived together and her outlook on life is astounding. Anyways we used to listen to Michael Franti in the back yard while we slacklined, did yoga (which i hate) and painted. It was great, so the fact that he gave her a dread to help her heal was amazing.
Theres a screening of his movie "i know i'm not alone" in halifax in march...i'm definetly going. Anyone? Anyone? Please check out the website for this film...it's pretty much amazing. www.iknowimnotalone.com
anywho...this is rambly and makes no sense...