Feb 12, 2005 22:58
So much has changed,
but not all of it visible.
I still wear glasses,
don't do much with my hair
and I am still most comfortable
in simply jeans and a hoodie.
Most of the changes have
been emotional and circumstantial.
One of my best friends,
who I met so long ago
I no longer call a friend.
We grew up and changed
in ways that didn't match.
I don't go to my dad's
everyother weekend as I once did
and I have trouble getting there
for even a day every month.
I've learned to let people deal
with problems on thier own
since I realized I need time
to deal with some of my own.
Because of this,
I only talk to a handful of people
on a regular basis.
I don't live in the same little house
so not many know where to find me,
though they still can online.
My tastes have broadened some what.
I like more types of music
I have even taken some interest
in movies and video games.
I have had a job for over a year now,
at a place that can be aggravating
but it truly a fun job
that can even be helpful
on days that are just so gloomy.
I have a boyfriend
who never fails to make me smile.
He's taught me a lot
and even has me eating a real lunch.
He has been at my side
throughout many of these changes
and has changed along with them.
So many changes,
some in subtle ways
and other's drastic and devestating.
But I have learned a lot
and would never wish it different.