First entry...ever

Apr 17, 2011 22:20

So. Maybe doing this whole first post thing after a full rich day of laundry, homework, and insufficient napping time is a bad idea. But it's happening anyway.

I will admit that I mainly joined LJ because of the really awesome TVD fanfic archived here. I'm in love with The Vampire Diaries. Completely, utterly, head-over-heels in love. And I'm so very glad it's finally off hiatus.

I'm in love with other things too. Chocolate is a big one. Coffee as well. Black-and-white photographs. Traveling, especially in Europe. I also have this weird thing for metros. I could spend all day riding the metro in whatever city I happen to be in. It's a little strange.

I also love cheesy chick flicks, mostly because they make me feel better when the day's not going well. I don't pretend to have good taste in films. I don't have that much tolerance for being miserable.

I hate a few things too. The NRA. Horror movies (especially the ones with demons or possession--those tend to stay with me for weeks on end). People who never use turn signals. Math. I loathe math. And mornings. I realize mornings are necessary, but I don't have to be awake to appreciate that fact.

But yeah. That's more than enough for now. I don't plan to have a rhyme or reason to this LJ thing. Friend me if you want, ignore me if you feel like it. After all, my motto is from Alice in Wonderland, which is proof that I'm not all that seriously minded.

And I'm totally okay with that. :)


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