Apr 26, 2005 02:04
So, the show is over. Wow. And yesterday I turned 17. Wow. And I may have fractured my wrist. Ow.
Oliver was amazing every night that we performed, but last night was definitely our best. Every note was nailed and every scene was on. Much joy. Then, after the show, I got to talk to all of my friends who came. Evan came, and he got me a dramagram and carnation. It was sehr suss. And Katt and Ethan and Katt's brother Andrew came, and they were all really nice to me, and Ethan and Katt gave me hugs. Katt gave me a huge bouquet of orange flowers, which are frelling gorgeous. Katt, Ethan and I are going to go see Hitchhiker's next Saturday. I can hardly wait! My parents gave me a bouquet of flowers too, as did the Drama Club (since I'm a senior), Katy Milne and Amy Quinn (who made my day by coming and giving me flowers! so didn't expect it!), and from Ellie Harris from my church. I felt so loved. Still do. After the auditorium cleared out a bit, I went back to the lighting booth and talked to Nate for a bit. I saw him earlier that day while we were filming Sweeny Todd and we talked for and hour and a half during my dinner break. He gave me an amazing present. *dribbles onto the floor in Nate induced glee/hormonal overload* I have to contact him soon to let him know when he can take Alex, Laura, Derek and I spelunking and give us Techie Training. *sigh*
Cast party was fun, and all that. I'm pretty beat, though. Parents let me sleep through church, but I do have to go to LHFC and the evening service. Still, life=very good.
As for the wrist thing, yeah. I fell off the stage on Friday during mike check, and I sort of smashed my wrist or something. I have bruises all up and down my leg, but the wrist worries me more because it's still swollen and has no evident bruises, but keeps me in constant pain. Hrm. I'm missing strike tomorrow so that I can get it checked out and x-rayed. We'd go to the doctor sooner, but er costs waaaay too much, and the doctor's offices are of course closed on weekends. Ow.
Other than that, though, I am very happy. And tired. And happy.
I think I'll go be a blob some more now. Tinkerty Tonk!
shocking normalcy