I was told to say this... so listen. Does anyone know a guy with two penises? /joking/ not like I need a guy with two penise... but scientific purposes. Hmmm. Like, I've got a 8 and a half inch deep vagina. No, I will not mention that. <3 The width I will not mention, nope, not trans. \*digs shoe into the sand, embarrassed.\* Do other women have deep vaginas like this? I know a lot about sexual reproduction and stuff but, I've never talked to other women about their vaginas. I measured when I was 15, out of boredom and while I was thinking about my boyfriend at the time. It was a long distance relationship.
so, I'm not a hoe. I'm still a virgin to be honest. By choice, because, I believe in the almighty above and because I want to experience a deep connection with someone I love. I don't want sex just to have sex.
\*whew.\* I feel stupid posting but I just learned the average sized vagina of other women racially is like 7 inches. So this isn't a big deal. I get that. I'm just bored and want to talk. I'm like a christian scientist at heart, so please don't be too rude? I'll be embarrassed and shy about it. I'm not a prude, I was always interested in the scientific facts of sex growing up. At 10, I read a book on how to please men and it told me all kinds of weird and interesting facts. I need to look up where the C spot is on a man is again, because that always interesting
It was the same as a child, that I read books on pregnancy. I was a young lady who was interested in learning about how to give birth and go through pregnancy. I've never been pregnant, and it's not surprising that I didn't end up teen pregnant, but mostly I'd like to enjoy the idea of being pregnant and being a mom. I was always really gung ho about taking care of babies and my siblings growing up. I wanted to find a baby in a dumpster one time, just so I could raise it. I've always been interested in the concept of sex and reproductive organs and baby rearing.
Anyway, that's that. This isn't a romance ad. I promise. I'm bored and there's no one to talk to. Boom. Ahhhh. Let's talk about anything! Okay! Seriously. Ask questions.
I wanted to post to reddit, but I don't have proof like two penises. Ya know? Here's a picture of my okay face. <3 I don't think I'm anyone special, so don't worry. I'm just bored and have no one to have a conversation with. Don't know why. It's driving me nuts.
https://i.ibb.co/56JYkKb/89777589-198640591405235-6105924227540451328-n.jpg I was isolated, so I wouldn't be hurt but now I'm bored all the time and have no friends. Understood? Please sate my boredom.