
Jan 02, 2008 01:05

Who: Sam Williams (WIZARD OF OZ), Allison Walker (ALICE), CJ Emerson (DOROTHY GALE), Edwina Dickering (TORTOISE) and Murdock Varletti (ALADDIN)
What: Everyone assembles at the New Years Eve party of one of Sam's uncle's colleages
When: New Years Eve, sometime before midnight
Where: A posh penthouse in the Village
Rating: PG13 for... violence?

For aulde acquaintance be forgot... )

cj emerson, edwina dickering, sam williams, allison walker, murdock varletti

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thatrapscallion January 6 2008, 00:16:19 UTC
The first familiar face Murdock spotted was Allison - and how could one not, in that dress? A pleased smile spread across Murdock's lips and he took a step towards the blonde starlet, only to have himself suddenly blocked by a rather severe looking Sam. Of course, Murdock didn't seem at all put off by the interruption - in fact, he met Sam with a bright, friendly smile, reaching out to grab one of the wizard's hands in his own and give it a rigorous shake, while simultaneously patting him on the shoulder. Maybe a little harder than is necessary.

"Samuel! How fantastic to see you! I wasn't sure if you were coming to this party, but this? This is a very pleasant surprise." He seemed to be outright ignoring Sam's objection, his tone rising to talk over any other follow-up comments that might be made. "I trust you know Edwina? I mean, how could you not - any eligible gentleman with half an ounce of sense in his head would surely have made her acquaintance." He skillfully slides Sam's captive hand into Edwina's for further salutations, banking on the onslaught of Hurricane Edwina to take over his chatter.

Even as he does this he's slipping past Sam, leaving her linked to Edwina, and making his profuse apologies, "Pardon me, you two, but I'm sure you have plenty to say to each other, and there's a few others I need to greet..." If he manages to get out of this situation unmolested he'll procede straight towards Allison, straightening his bowtie and flashing a winning smile.


superiffic January 7 2008, 09:43:32 UTC
"SAM!" Not exactly screeching, but not exactly keeping her voice down to its most lady-like tones, Murdock and his Italian stallions were quickly forgotten as she was pushed into her beloved's arms. Well, number two beloved, not counting the formidable Mr. Clooney.

"Oh, Sam! This is just super! I knew this would be worth glitter eyeshadow in golden hues!" A compliment that may have gone misunderstood if one wasn't aware that Edwina saved her rather scandalous (!!!) gold eyeshadow for only the most special of occasions. After all, her mother said that once she saw a street-lady in a very similar, if not as formidably expensive shade. "Would you like to dance? Or shall we get a drink? Only a real drink, not a you know what type drink? Do they have pink lemonade here??"


levelsands January 7 2008, 10:03:45 UTC


Sam wasn't exactly prone to swearing. There were simply so many other words in the English language that were just as capable, and generally more tasteful. But being cornered by Edwina Dickering while Murdock Varletti made to harrass two of his friends--well, shit was really the only adequate description for his mood at that moment. He attempted to push himself out of Edwina's range even as Murdock pushed him into it; not that she wasn't a lovely girl, in her own way, but it was Edwina Dickering. Proper distance was best observed for the sake of one's sanity.

"No--Edwina, you'll have to--your eye shadow looks lovely, really, but I must--Murdock--" he spluttered, one hand clasped in Edwina's formidable grip while he whipped around to attempt to grab Murdock on his exit. It was only by giving the girl a rather unlady-like, and unintentional, tug that he managed to latch one hand onto Murdock's retreating forearm. "Murdock--don't you dare--" And there Sam stood, stretched out like a Gap mannequin between a mildly psychotic blonde and a pathological liar out to ruin his name.



thatrapscallion January 7 2008, 10:12:50 UTC
Having successfully attached Edwina to Sam in Operation: Tortoise Attack, Murdock made his direct assault on a certain Allison Walker several steps away. Alas, his escape wasn't as fluid as he would have hoped - he found himself caught in Sam's tenuous grip, and spun around to politely extricate himself. "Ah ah, Sammy Boy - I believe the first slot on your dance card is already filled." A playful wink is sent past him to Edwina, even as he slide from Sam's grasp with a serpentine grace - after all, he has so many other snakelike qualities...

He immediately turned back to Allison, descending upon her fluidly, giving her very little time to prepare aside from a wide grin flashed upon approach. Not that she would have known exactly what to prepare for - which, in this case, was some sort of improvised, if elaborate, waltz. Taking one of her hands in his, and letting his other arm snake loosely around her waist, Murdock deftly pulled Allison into a rhythmic step, following loosely to the beat of the music playing. Although he seemed only intent on joining the loosely populated dance floor, a close observer would note his trajectory seems to be taking him as far from Sam as possible.

"Happy New Year." He says coyly to Allison even as he pulls her into the dance, "You look absolutely ravishing. I really wish you would have warned me that you were planning to look quite so beautiful this evening - as is, I'm liable to make you my New Year's Resolution."


superiffic January 7 2008, 20:51:50 UTC



Perhaps Edwina wasn't a master of the subtle art of body space -- or, really, a master of the subtle art of anything; but she was not a complete idiot. Foolish, vain, self centered, and a bit of a half-wit, certainly! But not entirely stupid. And having so excitedly clung on to Sam's arm, the arm of her one true love and hopeful one day husband, it was needless to say that being tugged was not on her list of appropriate romantic responses. Especially when she was in her special golden eyeshadow! And especially whebn she had fluttered her completely objectively nicer sparkling blue eyes than that Allison at him! No! Being pushed around was not part of Operation: give Sam maybe a little peck at Midnight to show how much he meant to her. It wasn't at all! Not at all!

And letting go of her vice like grip on his arm quite suddenly, mouth hanging open, lips pouting, doe eyes out in full force, why didn't Sam love her?? Was he visually impaired?? Didn't he see how pretty she was? Didn't he see how nice she was? Not to mention the fact that she was so worldly and charming and everyone else seemed to like her but him!


levelsands January 11 2008, 08:47:25 UTC

Visually impaired he might not be, but Sam had not always been called the most observant man in the room. His eyes following Murdock across the floor as he swept Allison up, Edwin'a relinquishing of his arm only served to get her a particularly grateful look from the freed victim. Her doe eyes and pouting lips--well. Another time perhaps.

"Thank you, Edwina," he said, in as sincere a tone as he could manage, before dashing off to play Knight in Armor. Again.


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thatrapscallion January 8 2008, 03:39:50 UTC
The giggling from Allison seemed all the encouragement Murdock required - he continued to traipse around the dance floor with her in tow, no doubt drawing a modicum of attention from other party-goers. He occasionally spun his partner back and forth, keeping her lightheaded and off balance for the time being, his hands and feet directing her effortlessly - he was certainly a man who knew how to lead.

"Oh, quite simply!" he answered coyly, "All I need do is declare that, for 2008, my goal is one Allison Walker. Then, having done so, I'd have to devote all of my attentions to your tireless pursuit. Balcony serenades, love poetry, dozens upon dozens of roses... Why, I'm sure I'd stop at nothing!" His grin was as light and playful as his tone, though as usual it was tempered with heavy-handed flirtation.


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thatrapscallion January 10 2008, 08:01:40 UTC
Murdock's dance was enthusiastic, to say the least - not to mention elaborate, as though he were following some complex waltz that only he knew the steps to. At Allison's chastising he furrowed his brow momentarily, then let out a melodramatic sigh, "Oh, you're so sweet to be concerned Allison... But I fear that my heart will yearn for you regardless. I'm even thinking of quitting, you know." He gives her a solemn look, to indicate the gravity of such a decision. "I've given a lot of thought about what you said about lies, and you're right: I don't want to keep living surrounded by them. You've inspired me to be a better person!"

When Allison began peering around the room, Murdock braced one hand on the small of her back and dipped her low, ensuring that her scan was cut short. "He's off with Edwina right now, I believe - you were right, he's not with CJ. It was a silly mistake for me to make, especially given how serious he's been getting with Edwina lately."


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thatrapscallion January 13 2008, 23:34:53 UTC
Murdock straightened back up with Allison in tow, and safely not dropped on the floor. He momentarily slows the fervent romp into a more standard two-step, in order to properly relish this moment of victory. "Oh, he didn't tell you? Well, that's not entirely appropriate. That's why he invited Edwina, don't you see? So she explained it to me on the way over. Very ungentlemanly of Sam, if I may be so bold."

He is, of course, misjudging Allison's look of horror as a reaction to his words - he doesn't realize that the Sam in question is standing right behind him.


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