Who: Edie Steinlen (Snow White) and David Fisher (Papa Bear)
What: David visits his sick friend
When: Backdated: Tuesday - 03.04.08 @ 6:00 PM
Where: Edie's brownstone in Williamsburg
Rating/Status: PG-13 for language/Completed over AIM
David: I'm going to invest in a fucking biohazard suit. There really were no words to express just how strangely disconcerting seeing those words in Edie's handwriting had been, much less if she had said them. It was out of a mixture of curiosity and friendly duty that David found himself in front of the familiar brownstone with its red door... No tidings of joy or offerings of any sort, David just brought himself. Lifting a hand, he knocked his knuckles lightly against the door, giving her plenty of time because after all it took a dying person a bit longer to get to around.
Edie: Ah, cursing and negativity were indeed the first sense all was very wrong in Denmark. With severe nicotine withdrawal, the inability to consume anything more than broth and tea; Edie was down right grumpy, even ornery. It did take a bit longer than what would have been her normal response, pushing herself from the couch where she'd remained camped to drag her sorry looking self to the door. Edie definitely looked worse for wear, appearing far more thin than she usually did; the waifish girl came to answer the door in a pair of fleece pajama pants that appeared three sizes too big for her and a long striped nightshirt that seemed unable to remain on her shoulders. "David?" It came out in a coarse albeit surprised croak, as her eyes widened to find him at the door. "Is everything alright? Did you need something?"
David: The skinny twig that answered the door had David almost looking at the numbers on the side of the brownstone again just to be sure he was at the right place. Then, being address by the twig, David blinked a few times and realization laid him out with a good-natured bitch smack. "Hello to you too, sunshine." He answered, no nonsense tenor holding a slight humor to it as he looked over her shoulder at the semi mess, which had been her cocoon for the past week before finding her surprised face all over again. "Do I really have to have a concrete reason to come over?"
Edie: "No, you're just not the sort to just pop in for tea." She stepped away from the door to let him into the house, face flushing just a bit in her embarrassment at the state of things. Nigella Lawson was on the television, and the coffee table was a mess of two large bowl sized mugs, one with ginger tea now gone could and the other with broth of a similar state, the couch was covered in blankets and perched on the back looked a ragged little white cat that was quite obviously a feral stray; curled up in a peaceful little ball. Next to the couch on the floor was a mess of quilting supplies, scraps of fabric, and a near overflowing wastebasket of tissues. "Not that I would mind, I always like my time spent with you dear...I don't think I have any more fume masks; I gave the last to Amelia."
David: Stepping past the threshold into biohazard territory, though seemingly unaffected as he had had do deal with a sick little boy plenty of times in the past 3 years, this was an old hat -- though dealing with a sick Edie wasn't. "Thanks for the thought," he began, looking around at the dimly lit room. "But I don't need a fume mask." Looking over at the couch and the white cat curled up on it, he turned his attention back to the twig of a friend in front of him. "Sit down." He said, although it wasn't his usual demanding tone, more like a suggestion if anything.
Edie: "Alright, I'm sorry for the mess, can I get you anything?" Edie had begun to ramble before being instructed to take a seat, which she immediately did, settling back into the nest of blankets. "I can put the kettle on?" It all came out in the typical Edie fashion, although her voice was slower, softer, and still as scratchy sounding as hell. Causing an amusing picture of the poor girl who looked like she was surviving the plague trying to be hospitable.
David: She didn't have anything to be sorry for, what was usually a spick-n-span abode was now only slightly mussed largely due to the fact that the proprietor had come down with a nasty flu... If it was anyone's fault, Anthony was to blame, leaving his flat mate to go off and be a playboy or whatever it is the kid did, David neither knew or cared. Shucking off his coat, he draped it over the back of a chair near the door and watched her for a few moments. "Did you want tea?" He asked, moving over to the coffee table to collect the two mugs.
Edie: She leaned back in the couch as he offered to make the tea for her, a soft smile curling up at the edge of her lips. Ondine the cat, woke up to the noise of the new visitor a curious green eye on the man as it stretched; a low grumbling noise rising in it's throat. "Tea would be nice, mine's been cold for hours."
David: David never professed to be Jane Fucking Goodall when it came to animals, so when the cat focused it's green eyes on him, stretched and proceeded to practically spray testosterone around the living room, David settled a stone cold look of 'you just try it, pal' on the grumbling feline before turning, mugs in hand, and heading off towards the kitchen. "I'll try not to burn the water this time, kiddo." He stated, half teasing as he flipped on the kitchen light and set the mugs down. Filling the kettle with water from the faucet, he then turned the stove on and placed it on one of the burners.
Edie: The cat received a hush from Edie, which surprisingly quieted it down rather quickly. Settling herself back into the couch and clearing the immediate area so her could join her; she spoke up with a hint of a laugh. "I'm sure you won't. Did you want me to change the channel, or is Nigella ok?"
David: "Nigella's fine," David spoke up from the kitchen as he began to wash the mugs out as well as a few odd pieces of silverware and a small plate, placing them in the dishwasher. Hopefully this time the damn kettle would squeal, as last time it hadn't and he had inevitably burned the water inside -- buying Edie a new kettle in the process, and perhaps this one wasn't a mute. Shutting the dishwasher, he looked through the rectangular window on the half-wall separating the living room from the kitchen at the TV screen and Nigella animatedly discussing a new dish. "What's the recipe today?" He asked, having truly never understood why the media had made such a large pissing contest over the woman's curves, which were in fact, an improvement in his eyes.
Edie: "It's her Trashy episode...She's making fried peanut butter and banana sandwiches. in a Placebo shirt." Edie replied with a smile, looking over into the kitchen with a small soft laugh. "You don't need to do the dishes, silly!" She paused a moment to bask in the goddess on the television screen. "I'm so in love with her."
David: Edie's declaration of love caused David to give an uncharacteristic chuckle as he watched the dark haired woman on the screen slice up bananas and place them on peanut butter smeared bread. "I know I don't need to do the dishes, but someone has to." Not that David would've wanted to see Anthony in a maid's uniform, but it wouldn't've hurt to have stayed home and taken care of his flat mate instead of leaving her to waste away in a mess of quilting supplies and half full mugs of congealing chicken broth. The kettle behind him giving a low whistle (thank God) David turned around and found the box of ginger tea and finding a clean mug, dropped a tea bag into it and added the hot water from the kettle, turning the stove off. Finding a spoon in a nearby drawer, he picked up the mug and the plastic honey bear on the counter near the stove and headed back into the living room, handing the mug over to her and then the honey bear. Giving the cat one last look, David took the cleared off seat next to Edie on the couch.
Edie: Edie wouldn't have minded it either, but she wasn't about to fault Anthony for going where the money was, where they were actually offering him gallery shows. Smiling as the mug was handed to her, she took to draining a bit of the honey into the ginger tea before sticking the bear on the table. "Thank y-" Edie found herself cut off by the hissing cat. "Ondine, stop it or else I'm kicking you back out into the cold." And with that the cat stopped moving to settle next to her head and as far from David as he could.
David: Good riddance. Unphased by the cat having a shit-hissy behind Edie, David settled back against the couch, focusing on the TV as Nigella began frying her creations. He had NEVER been good with animals: cats, goldfish, dogs, large rodents... Each and everyone had seemed to get their panties in a twist over his presence... Once, when he was around seven years old, a squirrel came up out of nowhere and took a bite out of his foot, then practically gave him the finger before scurrying away. A few days later, David had found a mushed up flat squirrel in the middle of the street in front of his apartment building and had never felt such smug satisfaction in his life. "Welcome."
Edie: Edie on the other hand had always seemed to attract them, squirrels and birds seemed to flock to her. Smiling warmly as Nigella moved on to baste a ham with cans of Coca Cola, she took a long grateful sip of her tea. Groaning a little bit at the food on the screen. "That looks so goooood."
David: Woman definitely had some interesting cooking techniques, and from the perspective of a man who burned boiling water on more than one occasion, it had to mean something, right? "You really have lost your mind, kiddo." He smirked, eying the frying sandwiches and ham. "That stuff'll kill you... Better off with hot dog pizza."
Edie: "Everything looks good, I'm starving.” Edie whined just a bit, curling into the blankets with a sigh. "Hot dog pizza though, I think I could do without that.” It came with a tongue being stuck out at him. "Please tell me you ha--" Her words were cut off by a nasty sounding, though reduced cough. "haven't eaten that before."
David: "It's an acquired taste." David admitted of the delicacy which was hot dog pizza. "It's something I can actually make... Frozen pizza with hot dog slices all over it. Nothing easier." He smirked, looking briefly over at her for any disgusted reaction and quite used to seeing them from the numerous people he had told about hot dog pizza. Yes, he knew or rather 'didn't know' what hot dogs were made out of, but that didn't sway him from consuming them.
Edie: "You worry me sometimes..." Was all that he got in return, settling in to finish the half of her mug of tea with a soft sigh, her voice seeming to get better or the honey and ginger.
David: And just like that angry squirrel getting flattened on a Massachusetts road, David realized that the conversation as well as his time there, was over. "Someone has to keep you on your toes." He replied. "I should go." Pushing himself up off the couch, he walked over to the door and picked his coat up off the chair, putting it on before turning towards her. "Don't fawn too much over the food, okay? Get some rest."
Edie: "I'd hug you if I wasn't a walking plague." Edie smiled from her place on the couch, pushing herself up to walk him to the door. "Thank you for coming to visit me, Sir."
David: A small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, David placed a hand on her shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Anytime. Next time I'll even make you a hot dog pizza..." If he didn't burn it, that is. Hand dropping back to his side, David turned and opened the door, stepping out onto the front stoop. "See you later, kid." Another small smile and he shut the door behind him, moving down the sidewalk.
Edie: "Later.." Edie smiled watching him out, locking the door only after he reached the corner and returning to the couch where she was stationed.