Who: Velvet Lyon (Scheherazade), Alex Chase (King Shahryar)
What: Meeting on the subway after her afternoon at the Met with Murdock.
Rating: TBD? PG-13, probably, because Alex has a mouth on him.
It had been a long, but pleasant, day for the young Arabic Librarian. )
She listened in on conversations, too, very quietly delighting in webs of relationships and the urgency of mundanities that made up the human condition on the subway.
But enough of that; her antagonist of recent days stepped onto the train, and sat down, shoulders slumped. She noticed him immediately, of course - she always paid attention to who was getting on and off the train at every stop. She watched him, at a diagonal from where he sat, view partly blocked by people standing. And, of course, then he looked around, and Velvet was saved from initial eye contact by a woman taking the seat next to her. She looked away from the Kentucky man, smiled up at the woman, shifted so they could sit without quite touching one another. And then looked back to see if he'd noticed her.
Velvet. Who else? She and the unexpected result of rolling a French phrase around in his head, like a mouthful of wine, had occupied his thoughts lately, beyond the preoccupation of paper-cuts and work. In the dim fug of standing beside the photocopier, his mind drifting away into nothing, he was now shocked into reality by a memory that unbolted itself from the recess of time, and slid slyly into his conscious and became more of reality than reality itself.
Velvet. Unforgiveably, she had given him back his memories, and now even in the packed train carriage, Alex fancied he could see the slight ghosts of time-past that surrounded them, before dismissing them. Grim smile, and a little wave, the sort a child makes, but infinitely more sarcastic.
The 1 train rumbled and shrieked into the next station; the woman sitting on Alex's left got up, and Velvet mirrored her. Where the other woman got off the train, Vel took her place, sitting gingerly next to Alex, offering a thin-lipped, apologetic smile. "Hi."
But there was nothing but the echo of recognition of 'my Tale' and the emptiness of his expectations felt hollow, like a magician inadvertently dropping the card up his sleeve, magic gone. There was no reason for her to press up against his thoughts, coyly curling herself into them until the separation between 'Velvet, the shy Librarian' and 'Scheherazade, mistress of stories' became a porous substance, blending the two until they were inseparable.
Wasn't quite what you were supposed to think, sitting on the edge of your seat - Alex could feel the hard line of seat-end against his back, pressing back courteously to give her space, room.
"Hi," he said with a reluctance that wasn't explainable, to her anyway.
"I do. Apology accepted and all that," he said, more formally than he meant, tugging the knot of his tie loose in a fretful jerk. It felt even tighter.
But it doesn't mean it hasn't happened, an incessant little voice whispered in his ear. It doesn't stop what happened after. She just doesn't know
Alex studied a chewing gum wrapper with all the attention paid to grand masterworks in museums.
She went quiet, again, defeated. It had been what he'd said, over the Compendiums, and even though he said 'apology accepted', he still acted like an unprecedented jerkwad to her, and it didn't seem like she was making much headway. So, she just sat there, quiet for a while, letting the subway jerk her back and forth in her seat, until, finally, after another stop, she leaned back against the wall with a sigh.
"You really don't have to worry about Murdock. I don't know why you have to be so antagonistic towards him."
"I don't like him. And I don't trust him." He was inherently untrustworthy, and had a roving eye uncontained to one Librarian, a present girl. Even if he wanted no part of Scheherezade, he didn't want her hurt exactly. Just less inclined to fall for the witless burblings of an idiot who couldn't contain himself. It stung his dignity, deep down.
"Anything. Something I should be worried about?" He speaks off-hand, words tripping off his tongue as easily as if blithely unconcerned. The notch of seriousness is as he looks back. Watches back. For signs that might worry.
Barely there, even, except for a shiver on a packed, overheated subway car in a sweater, coat, and scarf. The train pulled into the station, and Velvet fought the urge to run off it, though her stop was still a bit aways. It was just Alex, after all. Just Alex. Just Alex being... well, Alex.
But, she couldn't think of anything to say.
"Where've you been?" Striking stilted conversation.
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