
Mar 08, 2008 20:12

Who: Elisa Miller (The Queen) and Sebastian Han (Wicked Witch of the West)
What: Showing Elisa her magic mirror
Where: Sebastian's place
When: Today/tonight
Rating: TBD

there was always something left to explore )

elisa miller, sebastian han

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fairestone March 9 2008, 21:21:22 UTC
She blinked a little at how fast he opened the door, but tried not to let it show past that, nodding her head in return and came inside, "Sebastian.." she greeted as she stepped inside and looked around. Good lord. Well she wasn't really surprised, she figured his place had to be as well thought out as he seemed to be.

"Thank you for inviting me," she replied, looking over at him when she'd gotten her fill of looking around and sat herself down in the chair. She wondered what it must be like to be that formal all the time and whether he actually had any fun doing anything at all. And as much as she'd like to think that she could tell him that he didn't owe her anything (especially not after she'd told Neil), she was here and that implied at least a curiosity.

"Yes well, I'm... happy.. to help out where I can. And integrity is hard to find these days.." she swallowed slightly and put her bag down beside her at her feet. Well, she told herself she'd handle it one way or another, so the least she could do was suck it up and deal with it. "And you said something about possibly having something I want?"


wickedlywest March 9 2008, 23:46:36 UTC
"It is, isn't it?" He replied to her comment about integrity, his tone so devoid of irony that it's almost ironic of itself. If he knew about Elisa's betrayal, then he was playing it pretty close to his vest. As Elisa made herself comfortable he went to a sideboard where a small bar was set up, and made a gesture so as to ask if he could offer her anything. He poured himself a snifter of cognac, and for her whatever she requests.

At her question, his expression finally shows some glimmer of emotion; his lips curl in a dry, knowing smirk, as though he were privy to some delicious secret. "I did say something to that effect, didn't I?" He repeated coyly, swirling his glass in the palm of his hand gently. "You see, I anticipated your interest because I, more than anyone, understand the injustice inherent in some of the Atheneum's policies... Most notably their proclivity for appropriating certain items that don't necessarily belong to them."

"You may recall," he deadpanned, "That recently an unfortunate tragedy befell our illustrious administration, and in their disorganization they lost several treasures in their possession." He seemed to be enjoying the little bout of teasing showmanship, and watched Elisa intently for reactions.


fairestone March 10 2008, 00:17:47 UTC
"No thank you.." she declined the offer since well, to be honest she didn't trust him not to do something to her for whatever reason. And if she'd learned anything from this fiasco, it was that she wasn't going to be eating or drinking anything from anyone she didn't trust in quite a while.

As soon as he brought up items, and the Atheneum, her eyebrows lifted in recognition. For a moment she didn't say anything, and then finally decided she really did want to know, "Are you saying that you know where those certain items might be?" and really if he did, then did that mean that he was behind that whole thing? Too many questions.

"And does that include my magic mirror? One would assume so, since you brought it up to me.."


wickedlywest March 11 2008, 05:38:06 UTC
As the drink was refused Sebastian shrugged his shoulders and stoppered the decanter - a sardonic 'I don't blame you' expression offered in reply. He took a sip from his own glass and stepped further into the room, meandering slowly past Elisa diagonally across the sitting area, with the vague goal of the folding wall. He enjoyed building suspense, clearly, but most of it was negated by how horribly predictable he could be.

"I might know where some of the are." He answered, tongue in cheek, though he seemed a bit crestfallen when she leapt to the subject of the mirror. Well, that spoiled the fun of his big reveal! The smirk faltered on his expression and he looked momentarily annoyed, but he squared his shoulders and composed himself quickly. "One would assume." He mimicked dryly, while at the same time deftly pushing the wall aside to reveal the extravagant mirror on its stand, tilted just so that Elisa could see a hint of its ethereal surface, but no reflection.


fairestone March 11 2008, 14:44:35 UTC

She could tell he was slightly annoyed, and though she hadn't meant to do that, well, "What would I want with anything else, right?" though now that it'd been brought up.. no. Right, her mirror, that's what she'd decided to come over there for.

Her eyes lifted, following his movements towards the big reveal. And actually she was a bit surprised that he let her see it. She kind of figured she'd have to dance around some more before that. She couldn't help but stand up, her eyes flicking from it to him and then back again. Already she seemed drawn to it, or maybe it was drawing her, it was hard to tell. "... Can I?" she wanted to touch it, see it.

Make it hers.


wickedlywest March 13 2008, 04:32:28 UTC
The unconscious reaction from Elisa seemed to satisfy Sebastian; the light smirk returned to play at the corners of his lips as she stood. He did take a quick but subtle step towards her, ensuring that he put himself directly in her path, between her and the mirror. It was a gesture both innocuous and tactical, and he kept his eyes on hers, watching them flicker towards the mirror behind him, just carefully positioned to keep any hint of her own reaction from being visible.

"Of course," he said reassuringly, "I would never dream of keeping something from its rightful owner in such a manner." He began to move as if to let her past, then casually stopped himself and continued, again playing on any suspense that may be building between her and the mirror. "But then... I'm in a rather difficult position, sharing such sensitive information with you. I would at least hope that my trust is not misplaced, and that I can hope for a valuable and reliable ally to come of it." Now he watched her with that challenging smile, his price so indiscreetly laid bare before her.


fairestone March 13 2008, 04:59:22 UTC

Well there it was. What she was waiting for. She wasn't sure if it was going to be some kind of 'i want your first born' kind of thing, or what he wanted from her but somehow she wasn't surprised in the slightest. He wanted loyalty.

For a moment, she didn't say anything, her eyes on the mirror behind him instead of looking at him. "If I say yes.. and then I don't.. I guess you're going to destroy me like you do everyone else right?" she almost sighed. Newbies. Why did she deal with them? Oh right. "There are two people... that no matter what you want me to do for you... I'm not going to hurt." she didn't care much about anyone else. "I won't tell anyone you've got.. all this.. stuff." she waved her hand.


wickedlywest March 13 2008, 14:41:11 UTC
Sebastian didn't do firstborns. He hated children.

He remained immobile between her and the mirror, looking somehow both firm and casual in his stance. The comment about destroying people was met with an almost imperceptible dry snort of amusement - but no contradiction, of course. At the mention of Elisa's two exceptions, his eyes narrow sceptically in disapproval. He has no truck with these emotional exceptions.

"Right. The girl." He said dully, with a hint of condescension in his tone. "I certainly can't say I understand that. As I understand it, she defied you rather brazenly. Who would the other be?" His lips pressed tightly together; indeed, he was relatively oblivious to Elisa's romantic life, but was somehow certain he wasn't about to be pleased with the answer.


fairestone March 13 2008, 14:50:51 UTC

That seemed to break away whatever hold the mirror was having on her attention, and she blinked a bit, looking up at Sebastian, "The girl?" she asked questioningly. For a moment she looked bewildered. "You mean... Edie?" that was the only girl she could think of. "I hadn't.. been thinking of her, actually.."

She sighed and rubbed her head. "Don't ask me to explain it, I don't get it either." but the question was, now was she going to ask for three people. Christ, this was getting complicated. "Neil.. I'm not hurting Neil anymore.. never again." it was obvious that that was the one she wasn't going to be moved on, and the one she cared the most about.


wickedlywest March 13 2008, 15:02:29 UTC
[OOC: Haha, I totally mixed up Elisa/Edie with Verena/Una... But I'm just going to assume Sebastian made a similar mistake!]

"Oh." Sebastian seemed almost pleasantly surprised that Elisa wasn't going to join the ranks of the villianesses protective of their protagonists, which was an unsettling trend he was finding recently. However, any reassurance he took from this was quickly dashed by the mention of Neil's name - in fact, if anything it looked like Sebastian had been physically slapped, or perhaps taken a bite of something horribly distasteful.

"The Catarpillar?" He said, aghast; he had some mild amount of Modern solidarity, but it certainly didn't extend into some camps. "From Wonderland?" Again the word is practically spit; he hadn't seen this coming, and if he had he would have been more mindful of sending one of Elisa's cakes to her own suitor. A myriad of barely constrained emotions flashed across his face as the pieces came together, only now realizing the possibility that he may have already placed himself in a vulnerable position. Elisa had, for all intents and purposes, thrown him a curveball.


fairestone March 13 2008, 15:08:18 UTC

[OOC: Hee quite all right. It happens XD]

Fighting not to roll her eyes or actually slap him for good measure, since he was doing such a good job of looking wounded, she instead gave a curt nod of her head. "Yes. The Caterpillar. From Wonderland. And I know.. that I inadvertently gave him.. one of my cakes. I suppose it's a good thing you didn't tell me who or I would've refused. You do whatever the hell you want to anyone else, but you leave him alone," and finally crossed her arms in front of her chest.

Letting out a soft sigh then, her features softened slightly. "If we can abide by that.. then.. I guess you've got yourself a deal. Though hell if I can bring that to my home.." she'd have to stick it in the bakery or something until she could figure out what the hell to do with it. Maybe moving was the right option.


wickedlywest March 13 2008, 15:53:18 UTC
Sebastian's lips formed into a tight, displeased line; however, he made no direct objections. As a matter of fact he had no further quarrel with Neil - the man had insulted him and he had retaliated, thus making them (arguably) even. This didn't mean he liked Neil, nor that this wasn't a considerable blow to his respect for Elisa, but ultimately it was a compromise he could begrudgingly deal with.

"Oh, it can stay here." He answered amicably, though with a firmness that suggested he wouldn't accept any other offers. "Where it is safest. However, you can access it whenever you wish. I spend much of my time out these days, being mid-production, but I can have a secondary key made so that you may come and go as you please." He attempted a thin-lipped smile at this charitable diplimacy. Then, with a knowing raise of his brow, he stepped deftly to one side to give her a path to approach the mirror.


fairestone March 13 2008, 20:22:52 UTC

Glad that there weren't any objections, she nodded her head a bit. "All right then it will stay here and I'll take a key.." god that was amusing. In a very weird and twisted sort of way. Having a key to Sebastian's house. She wouldn't be surprised if the whole place was bugged, but she'd deal with that or get over it.

Slowly she approached the mirror, and felt this very strange sensation. It was a familiar and yet wholly new sensation that swept up through her body. Maybe it was calling her, pushing her towards it. Reaching out she touched the edge of the mirror, and wondered how long it had been since someone had used it. She turned back to him, "Could I have.. a minute?" god that sounded awful.


wickedlywest March 13 2008, 20:46:40 UTC
Sebastian did seem oddly cool about giving someone free reign to his home; but then again, as a hotel room, it was scarcely a personal space, and the biggest secret to be uncovered within was the mirror itself. That wasn't to say he didn't have a few protection spells cast on it, but nothing Elisa should worry about unless she tried to start a fire or bring by unwanted company.

"Of course." Sebastian said, with a hint of tacit understanding in his voice; he'd been using the mirror rather regularly himself, and was well versed in the allure of its power. He straightened his tie and, with a brief nod, turned to step out of the living area and into the adjoining room.


fairestone March 14 2008, 03:16:05 UTC

Watching him go, she tried to put him out of her mind and focused on the mirror. She almost felt silly, talking to a mirror, but it felt natural at the same time. Stupid contradictions. Letting out a breath, she ran her fingers over the edge of the mirror again, but realized she had no idea what to ask it.

Though she wanted to, she knew it was best to make sure it was hers. "Mirror.." she stopped and sighed. Maybe she was just too self conscious about the whole thing. "Mirror mirror on the wall.." she almost laughed to herself. "Who's the fairest of them all?" Oh yes, this was horribly ridiculous.


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