No answer, for a short while. She was upside-down off the edge of her bed, for one, and she was listening to music--it was only luck that the cell phone was on the floor in front of her, and she could see it dancing across the carpet. She extended a hand over her head, tugged away the rather enormous headphones, and lifted it to her ear.
Once her phone call is victorious, Delilah assumes a similar position. Falling backwards, she lies flat on her bed, with her legs bent at the knees and feet dangling somewhere near the floor. Wolf sniffs at her shoe.
"Hey, it's me. You got a minute? Because this little pocket of the Pentamerone just got thrust into bizzaro-world, and I need to be grounded stat."
"Let me check my schedule... yep, I can fit you in between my upside-down toenail painting and falling off the bed." Rita adjusted the strap of her black tank top. "What is up."
"Awesome. Thanks for fitting me in. So - okay. So. I think Anser is crazy. Like more than usual. In the cranky direction, of course. Nate was over helping me with this thing, and Anser comes back, right? And I thought it was going to be like 'Hey Anser, this is Nate, Nate, Anser.' But no. He freaks out - Anser I mean. He freaks out and takes his umbrella and goes all vorpal sword with it. If I hadn't stepped in Nate might be a the hospital right now full of umbrella tip puncture wounds. But I mean what is that? Like who does that? Threats of violence aren't normal greetings among the male species right?"
"Umbrellas are for flying, not for spit roasting pigs." She reached on the floor before her head to silence the iPod, which was undercutting their conversation with strains of The Kamikaze Hearts. Her pause was nothing if not extremely skeptical. "You were building a desk?"
"Yes we were building a desk. Focus woman. I don't know standard male guardian protocol. Or standard female guardian protocol either actually but that's not the point - What's with this flipping out? I mean what the hell? It's weird right? Is it weird?"
"I don't have many friends period. You are an elite crew. But - he was mumbling something about - yeah, college guys? So because they've moved on to a higher learning institution that makes them uber sketch? I don't get it. And I mean - that's not how we work, right? Anser never gets this nuts when that creeper Easy is around, and that's someone I actively set my dog on. So why's he freak when some guy who isn't out to get me is within a 10-foot radius?"
"Thanks thanks, but Delilah, listen. Easy doesn't ruffle him because you hate him, so it's like safe. You're not gonna drop trou for some elderly greaseball, you're too smart, he knows that. But having co ed desk building parties? Probably he just doesn't know what to do. Probably he freaks out and thinks of other things kids-these-days do with other pieces of furniture. Y'know?"
There is a long pause. Then Delilah gags. "Dude, never use the phrase 'dropping trou' in the same sentence as any and all references to Easy ever. I'm using some serious mind mojo to block it now but if I have to put you on hold to go puke then that's why."
There's another long pause, and unseen she thins her mouth. Then, more quietly, "I don't know. I guess. But it's - we're not like that. He's not my dad or anything."
"Hey, it's me. You got a minute? Because this little pocket of the Pentamerone just got thrust into bizzaro-world, and I need to be grounded stat."
There's another long pause, and unseen she thins her mouth. Then, more quietly, "I don't know. I guess. But it's - we're not like that. He's not my dad or anything."
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