(no subject)

Mar 06, 2008 13:08

Who: Jacob (MOTHER GOOSE) and Neil McLaughlin (THE CATERPILLAR)
What: A begrudging meeting of nemeses, after their feud got a little out of control.
When: March 6, 3:00 pm - after Neil's episode, and Marie's admission.
Where: The Banquet Room of the 21 Club; New York
Rating: pg-13

NEIL: Sunlight filtered through the sheer draperies, reflecting off the polished oak walls of the Banquet Room. At three in the afternoon, the 21 Club was slow and the place was practically empty. This suited Neil fine: it provided the right sort of conditions under which he could speak with Jacob and have a certain amount of privacy. He had selected the place specifically with Jacob in mind, figuring he'd appreciate the atmosphere and be more likely to come. While waiting, Neil occupied one of a pair of wing-backed chairs by the window, smartly seated in a jacket and tie, sipping from a glass of chardonnay, feeling oddly dignified and very much his age.

A brief glance at his watch told him the time, and he wondered if Jacob would even show. There were a number of things Neil wanted to clear the air with Jacob about, and he didn't want to do through the more impersonal medium of the compendiums. They'd been at odds with one another for so long, and knowing Jacob's personality, Neil would be disappointed, but not surprised, if the Head Librarian didn't make their appointment. Trying not to fret about it, Neil turned his face toward the sunlight to bask in its warm glow on this winter's day. He was content in the knowledge that at least he did what he could to make amends. At least he could enjoy the moment he had by himself.

ANSER: "Well," began a gruff, familiar voice next to Neil's chair as the man basked in the afternoon's light, "At least it isn't some tacky underground hookah parlour."

Yes, Jacob Anser had showed up; though not after considerably internal debate after having received Neil's message. Had not it been for his discussion with Marie the final decision may have gone a different way, but he was at least mature enough to realize that the two men were long overdo for a civil chat. Not that he gave Neil all that much credit for being capable of civility, although he was somewhat impressed by the venue. The banquet room had a certain Bostonian charm, and a very mild, critical sort of admiration showed on Anser's expression as he glanced around. "Cognac." He snapped to the bartender, before settling into the armchair adjacent to Neil. Everything about his expression and body language was conveying that he didn't want to be here, much in the stylings of a young child forced to sit through Sunday mass.

"McLaughlin." Was all he offered by way of greeting, his face continually pinched in a dour scowl, and no eye contact offered.

NEIL: The sudden sound of Jacob's voice when Neil didn't expect it made Neil flinch, but otherwise, his eyes remained closed while he bathed in sunlight like some phototropic plant. Before he had set out to arrange this meeting, Neil resolved that wasn't going to let Jacob bother him, but with Jacob's dour attitude, he had to mentally remind himself of this decision.

"A hookah parlour? My God, Jacob, if only I were that lucky!" Slowly opening his eyes, Neil remained smiling at the man sitting across from him. "I'm honored that you've graced me with your company."

After his harrowing trip with phencyclidine, Neil's hair had become grayer and the wrinkles on his face were more defined. He'd lost weight as well, although he'd already gained most of that back. Despite this, the deep breaths he was taking helped to radiate a sense of peace, and for a moment, Neil envisioned himself as the Caterpillar, regarding Jacob from atop his mushroom seat. Whether this was a throw-back from his Tale, his imagination, a drug induced flashback or just plain madness, Neil really didn't care: at this point in his life, it was all the same.

Seeing the person who Neil had once considered his enemy, the sarcasm dissolved from his voice, and he told Jacob with all sincerity, "Thank you for coming."

ANSER: Anser shifted back and forth in the elegant armchair to get comfortable, grumbling some sort of thanks to the waitress as she delivered his snifter. He gave it a quick, jerky swirl before bringing it up to his lips and tilting it back for a sizable, and notably uncivil, gulp. The liquor splashed against the back of his throat and elicited a sharp intake of breath through his teeth - though the experience did seem to take a minor edge off his attitude, and he managed to settle more comfortably into his seat.

This first gulp down, he began swirling the snifter languidly in one hand, resting on the edge of one of the chair's arms. "Yes, well..." He all but mumbled, more into his swirling glass than his zen-like companion. "I figured it was... ahem, that it was time the two of us sat down and discussed things, like civilized m--" He glanced up to Neil and paused skeptically, "Well, like men, anyways." Yes, this was Anser being nice - which meant the insults were at least tongue-in-cheek. With a heavy sigh, he continued, "I heard about your... episode. Unfortunate business, that. It's come to my attention that I may have been partially somewhat responsible, there. Through miscommunication, mostly." He resorted to speaking to his glass rather than Neil, dancing guiltily around full responsibility for the incident like a sidestepping schoolchild.

NEIL: At first, Neil's pleasant expression remained unchanged. "Here you are calling into question how civilized I am, and I'm assuming you were going to say something about my manhood." He then crossed his legs like a lady, pointing his toe with a very feminine flourish. "I guess that goes to show where both our minds are at."

There was something about Jacob's personality that automatically made Neil want to respond with humor. Maybe it was the fun in playing the comedic role opposite a straight man. It had been this way ever since Neil could remember, and no doubt this was the root of their antagonism, which had now grown to such disastrous proportions. However, Jacob's confession caused his smile to falter and the glimmer in his eye to dim. Internally, Neil struggled with how to respond, and if it hadn't been for the city's non-smoking laws, Neil would've lit a cigarette. Instead, he drank a bit of his wine .

"I suppose it was my karma. I called it upon myself." Neil replied. Not so long ago, Neil would've also side-stepped the issue, raising all sorts of justifications for why he should treat people without consideration, while leveling accusations at Jacob, but his recent misfortune had shocked him into a sort of transformation. There were still problems, but Neil wanted to take responsibility for his own actions. "I already guessed there was foul play was involved - there were too many things that happened on that day that didn't add up. I just wasn't sure who. When I told Kilroy and Anne you threatened me before, they refused to believe it. They said it wasn't in your character." Neil paused to sort through his thoughts.

ANSER: Yes, Neil had an almost preternatural to get under Jacob's skin - the man had a sense of humour in his own right, but for some reason Neil's madcap personality just set his teeth on edge. At the effeminate crossing of Neil's legs Anser tossed out a scathing look, his fingers noticeably tightening around the bowl of his snifter. However, where he would usually launch into their usual pattern of interaction, he acerbic and Neil coy, he instead merely made a disapproving sound in the back of his throat and took a sip of his cognac.

Neil's admission that the events may have been karmic received no objections - in fact, Jacob nodded agreeably, jutting out his lip to show how rational this theory seemed to him. At the suggestion that leveling threats was out of his character Anser merely offered a derisive snort, that clearly showed he didn't necessarily agree with Kilroy and Anne. Or perhaps that he was annoyed that they didn't think him capable of threats. "Well, that's just ludicrous. I'd threaten you every day, if only I didn't suspect it would eat up a significant amount of time that could be better spent elsewhere."

His tone was deadpan, but as he lifted his snifter back to his lips, he could be heard to mumble a begrudging, "It's not as if I'd actually go through with it."

NEIL: "But you did, didn't you? You practically admitted it, moment's ago. 'Partially somewhat responsible'," Neil's voice was sober and his expression, serious as he echoed Jacob's words. "It rather sounds like the confession of a guilty conscious, to me."

There was only a tiny amount of wine left in his glass, which Neil finished off in one swallow. Frowning, he had a suspicion he was going to need something stronger if he was to continue this conversation, and so he called the attention of a passing waitress by raising his finger. "A brandy, please. Thank you."

ANSER: At this implication Anser's expression fell into one of grumpy guilt; his lips a tight frown and his eyes cast down, refusing to meet Neil's. "Yes." He finally said with great effort, "Yes, I did. I had Eleanor enact a mild hex in a pique of anger, but nothing so serious as to cause you significant harm or discomfort. She knows better than that. Unfortunately..." He let out a belaboured sigh as he continued his confession, focusing his attention on the swirling cognac in one hand. "There was a misunderstanding with Marie as well, and the two of their separate acts of retribution seem to have combined into something more... potent than either directly intended."

Anser made an uncomfortable sound in the back of his throat, and finally forced his eyes up to meet Neil's. Despite how begrudging every word and gesture he made was, there was a hint of unmistakable remorse in his eyes. "It was irresponsible and unprofessional of me, Neil. And I... apologize." the words were followed by a petulant, scathing glare, as though to blame Neil for forcing him into a position where he had to apologize.

NEIL: "Marie..." The name was uttered from Neil's mouth as things fell into place. Completely ignoring Jacob's glare, he stared at some nondescript corner of the room and fell into one of his characteristic Caterpillar silences. It was Marie who had done this to him. At Christmas, Neil had provoked Marie with an 'gag gift', which was meant to insult and infuriate her - she was probably tickled to be the instrument of Jacob's 'punishment'. Revenge was more like it. The punishment far outweighed the crime, Neil thought. Memories of the images he'd seen and the pure horror he experienced under the influence of the PCP flashed before him, causing the corner of his mouth twitch. Anger swelled, along with thoughts for his own vengeance, but then his more rational, logical side countered by reminding that the cosmic laws of karma were simply using them to teach him a lesson, that fortunately he'd survived and was placed on the right track again: any form of retribution would only continue the negative vibes. And Lord knows the Atheneumneeded less negativity.

Wasn't Marie helping with Kilroy and May's wedding outfits? Should he tell them that Marie was involved? What good would it do? Jacob was being irresponsible, especially since what was done could've killed him, or worse - but then again, Jacob apologized and seemed remorseful for his part. The mere fact they were sitting across from one another held testimony to that. Jacob was acting grumpy, and it irritated Neil, but ultimately that was Jacob's karma to deal with, not his problem. Neil knew he could only take responsibility for his own reactions, and right now, he only wanted peace, if only in his own mind.

A few minutes passed. The waitress returned with Neil's brandy and he accepted it absent-mindedly, holding the snifter in his lap. When he finally broke from his trance, his eyes were the only things that shifted, looking at Jacob. "Apology accepted," he said, calmly. God, he could use a cigarette right now. "You should know that the photograph and all the copies I made were destroyed. I burned them just before I took the drugs."

ANSER: Anser seemed quite content to lapse into silence alongside Neil, though as the latter contemplated the matter at hand at length, the former cast the occasional furtive glance at him, searching for signs of how the reaction would play out. He just swirled his snifter and looked out into the dwindling light outside the window, almost getting lost in his own thoughts before Neil's words pulled his attention back to the here and now.

"Hm? Oh, yes. Well. Good then." He muttered with awkward formality as Neil accepted the apology, and despite his gruffness Anser was visibly unburdened by those mere words. The clause that followed it garnered an earnestly surprised, then doubtful look, his eyes watching Neil askance for signs of sarcasm. "That... I appreciate that. I wouldn't normally give a good goddamn about your little reindeer games, but... I'd rather Pearl's memories come to her naturally, if at all. There's no need for..." He shifted uncomfortably, "For Kendra to be forced upon her. She needn't deal with such things at her age."

NEIL: The minute change in Jacob's expression did not go unnoticed by Neil. He nodded sagely at what was said. "I let anger cloud my judgement and keep me from listening to my conscience. It was like, holding an atomic bomb." For emphasis, Neil spread the fingers of his left hand out to indicate an explosion. "And threatening to use it for negotiation." The suggested simile was that such a powerful weapon, if used indiscreetly, would do more harm than good, harming even innocent people and civilians.

There was a moment's pause, while Neil reflected on his own example. "The reason why I was so angry was that I thought you were the one who had sent me the cursed cake. What you'd written in reply to my compendium entry suggested you had something to do with it, and given the circumstances, it wasn't that far of a stretch to assume." At that moment, he wondered if Jacob even knew the details about the incident.

ANSER: Anser just nodded gravely at the metaphor, still looking out the window, as though half listening to the conversation and half lost in his own thoughts. He at least seemed to be calming down a bit and looking for relaxed, and even comfortable in the setting - his expression lost its defensive edge and slowly he began to look more like a tired, beleaguered with too much to deal with and too few of these quiet moments to enjoy. He tipped back the last sip of his cognac and, after looking at the empty thoughtfully for a moment, and glancing briefly to the exit, he offered an almost imperceptible shrug and gestured to the bar for another round.

"Hmm?" He returned to the conversation at hand with a raised brow, "What cake incident?" Apparently there were goings-on that the self-professed omniscient Anser didn't know about, particularly when they involved predominantly Modern Tales.

NEIL: The fact that Jacob hadn't heard about the cake incident was both disappointing and aggravating for Neil. It was unfair to assume he'd know, but as Head Librarian, Neil had hoped that Jacob was more on the ball about matters as serious as this, especially since enough clues were dropped in the compendiums for somebody to figure something had happened. Most of the people he'd written to about it didn't seem to put a lot of faith in the Librarians (Neil included himself in this category), so he wasn't entirely surprised that nobody had thought to tell Jacob before.

"On Valentine's Day, a number of cakes were delivered anonymously. They had been sent by Sebastian and were cursed so that anybody who ate it would experience bad luck. This was the real reason behind why I'd been robbed at gunpoint. And why James had to go to the emergency room for a gallbladder attack, and why Richie was hit by a car." Releasing a sigh, Neil took a large drink of brandy before continuing. "I know it was Sebastian because Elisa told me: she was the one who baked the cakes. However, she's very sorry for what she'd done," he added quickly, hoping Jacob wouldn't punish her along side of Sebastian. "She's trying to stay away from the negative urges of her Tale, and actually, I'm worried that Sebastian might do something to her if he finds out she told."

Taking another sip, Neil wondered how Jacob would respond.

ANSER: Anser, for his part, looked suitably uncomfortable with his own ignorance as well, though the moment Sebastian's name was dropped, he seemed to relax a little bit - at least it was a Modern, and outside of his jurisdiction. He had a well-known tendency to accept a certain level of chicanery as standard from the newest troop of Tales, and even snorted a wry sound of amusement at the notion of 'bad luck cakes'. Really, when put like that, it did sound rather harmless - though as Neil rattled off the list of surprisingly serious consequences, the humour drains from Jacob's face.

His lips pursed and brow knit in consternation, expression becoming all the more dour at the mention of Elisa's complicity. "This sounds like it falls under Patricia's jurisdiction," he say slowly, almost defensively, "But I'll be certain to bring it to her attention. I think it's high time she cracked down on the amount of skulduggery being committed in her group. As for Elisa," he made a churlish sound and looked into his snifter thoughtfully, "I'll have to talk to her about inappropriate magic usage. She should have known better." There isn't any particular vindictiveness in his tone, and from the sounds of it, Elisa will be getting off pretty light on the whole.

A stray thought suddenly occurs to him, and Anser looks sharply to Neil, with a mixed look of affront and incredulity, "Hold on, you thought I sent you an enchanted cake? Really? do you actually think me capable of something so extraordinarily cliche?" Yes, he was insulted - but there was almost a playfulness to the barb. The cognac was loosening him up, god help us.

NEIL: "Patricia." Neil rolled his eyes and flopped his head upon the back of the chair he was sitting upon. To further show his exasperation, he muttered, "Fuck." Why was she the Librarian for the Moderns again? Oh yeah, she was born first. A quirk of karma, and the bitchy woman was placed at their so-called leader. Had he been born a year or so earlier, Neil would've been given the position, and then things would be a lot different. Ever since the day she cruelly insulted the Wonderlanders, his attitude toward her changed from playful antagonism to downright hate, and wished she didn't have to get involved.

The mention of Elisa being spoken to, made Neil feel uncomfortable. Even though Jacob made it sound as though he wasn't going to be very hard on her, Neil's protective nature surfaced. "Elisa already feels torn up about what she did. It was a moment of indiscretion that she now regrets." He frowned and took a sip of brandy.

What Neil didn't expect was the conversation taking this turn. A couple of negative come-backs came to mind, but he dismissed them in favor for something that would be less scathing. He flashed a goofy smile to reveal his amusement, and said, "Personally, considering the circumstances, I should be the one insulted. After all these years, when you finally decide to curse me, I don't even get a cake out of the deal? You still have a chance to redeem yourself, though. My birthday's in May." He finished his sentence by batting his eyelashes coyly at Jacob.

ANSER: "Oh, well as long as she feels bad." He retorted in dripping sarcasm, though the look of guilt at having betrayed her confidence from Neil seemed to make him swallow at least a portion of this sentiment. He swallowed and readjusted his expression to something more mildly doubtful, showing largely that the lingering guilt over what he'd done to bring them to this location still had some bearing on his reactions. "I'll be keeping an eye on her. Should you wish her to avoid a little meeting with my always pleasant self, you'd best keep her on the straight and narrow." He gestured to point sternly at Neil, but it was only a brief gesture before he went back to his drink.

At Neil's light retort, something amazing happened - something almost completely unprecedented: Anser cracked a smile. He even snorted, in a matter that wasn't entirely unlike a very short, very wry chuckle. "Touche." He offered back in a dry deadpan, "I'll be sure to keep that in mind." He tilted his glass back again, a small smirk lingering on his lips that was both wistful and almost sad. He seemed to be on the verge of lapsing into some serious introspection.

NEIL: How Neil wished for a camera to capture this image, because nobody would believe him that he'd seen Jacob actually smile. Mirth glinted in his eyes, sharing the moment with unspoken delight, but the sudden sudden change was reflected in Neil's own demeanor. Regarding Jacob as he took another drink, he contemplated the other man, and decided Jacob could actually be a fun person, had circumstances been different. In particular, the subject of the photograph, which had sparked this whole mess in the first place, came to mind.

The pendulum clock ticked quietly in the background while the muffled sound of traffic could be heard outside. Finally, Neil muttered, sympathetically, "I'm sorry about...the whole Kendra thing."

Although the incident had happened years ago, Neil knew from recent experience how deeply the separation from a loved one could scar, leaving deep wounds imprinted on the soul.

ANSER: Anser was staring thoughtfully into his snifter when Neil spoke, and he didn't react to the words. There was no start or scowl, but merely a slow sigh, indicating that he had been thinking on the exact same topic. "Me too." was all he said, meaningfully, into his glass. "She was a good woman. You knew her - so positive, all the time. It was a tragedy to see that snuffed out. And when I see it rekindled in Pearl, I..." He released a listless, self-deprecatory chuckle, as though to dismiss his own ideas as foolish. "I just want that part of her that lives on to be happy." He lifted the snifter and tilted it back to drain the last gulp, before setting it down on the chairside table decisively.

Apparently the little meeting was over, because Jacob was pushing himself to his feet, though not in the angry way he normally stormed out of any interaction with Neil. As he smoothed himself down and straightened his cuffs, he turned to point a stern gaze at his company. "Don't think this means I consider you to be anything less than a crazy son-of-a-bitch." He explained grimly, though there was a hinted coyness behind his eyes that he couldn't completely dispel.

NEIL: If Jacob's earlier smile was unexpected, then this display of openness took Neil utterly by surprise. Blinking back his wonder, Neil otherwise kept a straight face while listening to Jacob describe his feelings for and about Kendra/Pearl. It was true, Neil had known Kendra back in the day, but at the time, he was a twenty-two year old troublemaker, high on drugs and his youth, without the mellowing effect of age and experience to balance him out. He was one of the very first Modern Tales to ever appear at the Pen, and was disparaged by most of the older Tales. Jacob was the authority figure who Neil felt ought to be ridiculed, but Kendra... she was one of the few Neil remembered as somebody who was nice, and he would've liked to have known her better, if the car accident hadn't taken her life. There was a rumor going around at the time that Jacob and Kendra were an item, but the photograph Neil devilishly nicked from the desk in Jacob's office seemed to seal it. Neil held on to it for years without really knowing why, except to be an ass to the Head Librarian: he had no idea what part it would play years later.

There wasn't much more that could be said, and so when Jacob rose, Neil didn't protest. He accepted Jacob's final statement with a smile, and raising his snifter in a small toast, he calmly replied, "I wouldn't have it any other way."

neil mclaughlin, jacob anser

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