(no subject)

Feb 26, 2008 22:03

WHO: Cassia Wyndham-Frost (THE PRINCESS - THE GOOSE GIRL) and Alejandro Diaz (MOWGLI)
WHERE: A cafe near Central Park
WHAT: A blind date/Valentine's Day Lunch
WHEN: February 14, Lunchtime
STATUS: Complete

Because he was sneaking an extra-long lunch break in the middle of a shift at work, Al wasn't the most dressed-up man in the restaurant. He'd stuck a clean shirt and pants in his locker, but the shoes on his feet? Work boots, brown. The pants? Khaki. Still, any pants and shoes were an improvement over the last time Cassia had seen him - and that's not even counting the Compendium photo that earned him so much grief.

He was on time, too, which was hopefully a strike in his favor. He'd walked up from Central Park, and now he was standing in front of a little casual dining place waiting for his date to arrive. The restaurant was full - on any other day, a sidewalk café wouldn't have drawn that many people for so late a lunch, but it was Valentine's Day. People were taking what they could get.

Al didn't have a flower. He did, however, have a small stuffed polar bear from the Zoo's gift shop.

Cassia was currently on her way over from the subway towards Central Park, her knee length swishy skirt moving around her legs as she hurried, checking the time on her watch. She hadn't wanted to be completely dressy since it was just lunch but she didn't want to look bad either. This was a blind date after all and a date date at that. Taking some lint off of her pink tank top, her blonde hair fell straight down her back. CJ had suggested she look simple and nice. Besides, the last time she'd seen him, she hadn't even been sober enough to remember him and she'd been half-naked so the fact that she was also in clothes was definitely an improvement for her as well.

Heading across Central Park, she enjoyed the walk and was at the cafe she was supposed to meet Al at in less than five minutes. She hoped this blind date went well .. or something. He seemed like a nice guy from when she had talked to him and despite the arising of nudey picture fom his intial first post on the Compendiums, she was thinking optimistically. Entering the crowded cafe, she glanced around, tucking a blonde lock of hair behind her ears, pushing her bangs off to the side and not noticing when they fell back into the same place she'd just pushed them out of. Spotting Al, she made her way across the restaurant, knowing that it was definitely him, otherwise she would've never approached him first.

"Hi, Al?" she asked, just to make sure.

"Hey," Al said, grinning as Cassia approached. Now that she was there, in person, he found that he did remember her from the party. "Uh. Here, I got this for you." The bear was presented without further explanation; this was probably for the best, because his reasoning for purchasing it involved 'it's Valentine's day, what if she expects…' and 'well, it's less creepy than the toy crocodiles.'

"I checked in - they can seat us whenever. You find it okay? I've been here a few times, so I knew the shortcut through the park."

Giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek in greeting, she stepped back and looked delighted as he held the stuffed bear to her. Taking it from , she grinned a happy grin and hugged it to her. "Thank you so much, Al! This is adorable. I'm sorry I didn't get you anything. I wasn't sure what to get a guy for Valentine's Day and all I know is how to bake and cook and since we're already doing that, well.. you understand why I didn't bring anything." Laughing, she put the stuffed toy in her purse and looked up at him again, smoothing out her skirt habitually.

"Yes, I did. I've been here once so I figured that was the one you were talking about." Looking down, her stomach growled and Cassia looked up sheepishly. "Sorry!" she exclaimed, sheepish grin covering her facial features. "I was in a rush to get to class and I only grabbed an apple on the way out."

Oho! Al would accept a hug in greeting any day, thank you. The talk of Valentines' Day gifts was met with a wave of his hand and a grin. "Don't worry about it. They don't really make anything good for guys, it's fine."

He was just about to ask if Cassia was ready when her stomach grumbled, and he got his answer. "I used to pull that all the time. Sleep to the last minute, then eat on the way out. The worst is when you're stuck in the middle of a lecture and you have lab right after and you can't eat. They used to put bread on the table. Hope they still do." Al flagged down the hostess, who diverted from her original course to head over. "Could we get our table, please?" He asked, and the woman nodded before beckoning for them to follow.

"Chocolate. But they are always in those heart-shaped box. I can imagine a guy being happy having to carry a heart-shaped box around all day," she responded with a grin.

"Yes!" God, she hated that. She would spend hours doing some last minute studying for a final when she was over at San Diego and would go to sleep at 4 and wake up at 8 A.M. for a full day of classes. "I just had a block of four classes all in a row starting at 8 A.M this morning. So you can imagine why I had no time to eat."

Following Al and the hostess to the table, the hostess lead them to a table near the window and Cassia went over to her chair, pulling it in with her as she sat down. She looked around the place before looking down at her menu. After a waiter came by and got their drink orders, dropping off a basket full of pieces of bread and some butter off with them. Grabbing one and putting it on her plate, she looked up at Al as she buttered her bread. "So tell me about yourself. Like what do you do and all that good stuff," she started off, figuring that was a good place to start.

Al followed Cassia and the hostess over to the table, and claimed the remaining chair. After choosing a drink - iced tea - he waited for Cassia to finish with the bread and then took a piece for himself. "I'm a zookeeper at the children's zoo in Central Park, but actually, at the end of this month I'm transferring over to the Bronx Zoo. I specialized in canines in undergrad, but there weren't any positions open when I applied, so I wound up in my current job instead. I'm kind of sad, though; I mean, it's a better position, but I like where I am now. Kids get so excited about the animals."

Al lifted his shoulders in a 'what're you gonna do?' shrug, grinned a lopsided grin, and turned the question back on Cassia. "You said you had a long block of classes today - what are you studying?"

Sipping her Sprite when it came, she bit into her piece of bread, chewing it slowly. "I can imagine. I loved the zoo when I was a kid. Even when I was doing my undergrad in San Diego, I would go to the zoo and the wild animal park all the time," Cassia commented with a smile. "But maybe this is a better opportunity where you're getting transferred?" the blonde suggested, holding the butter out to Al.

"I'm studying Social Work at NYU. Getting my Master's! It's a lot of fun, but a lot of work. I can't wait to be done though so I can actually get in the field." Cassia had her personal reasons for wanting to go into Social Work though she did certainly like to help people and be more hands-on when she did it. Psychology just wasn't cutting it for her. If she went into Psychology, she would've liked to become a Child psychologist or a Family Counselor. "Where are you from?"

"Social work? Seriously? That's pretty awesome." Al's eyebrows shot up, and he turned a rather impressed look on Cassia. "Grad school's kind of intimidating - I'm looking to apply for biology or zoology, but there are about a thousand hoops to jump through."

"McAllen, Texas. It's down in the Rio Grande Valley, pretty close to Mexico. My parents and aunts and uncles are still down there, but most of us kids moved north. Got a few cousins in San Antonio. My brother's in Dallas, and I moved to Las Vegas before coming up here. Rosa moved to California, too, so I'm not the only one out-of-state."

"Thanks!" she said with a grin. "I don't know if I'll go on. Maybe in the future. But after my Master's, I think I'm done." She nodded in agreement with his comment about how intimidating grad school is. "It's terrifying. I was so freaked out. Like, doing my undergrad was a breeze, but grad school? Scary stuff. But you get used to it. Plus it's so much easier because you focus on exactly what you ant to do. The work might be harder but I think it's worth it in the long run. You should definitely look into grad school!" When it came to school, Cassia was a huge advocate for getting your education. She could definitely be the poster child for universities everywhere. "Plus, I think opportunity-wise for jobs, the higher the education you get, the higher, better-paying positions you'll get."

"Ohh, I see," taking a sip from her water, she continued her 20 questions. Wasn't that what you did on dates anyways? She didn't mind if he asked her questions. "What made you decide to move to New York?" Oh, she should look at what she wanted to eat shouldn't she? Looking down at her menu, she decided on the clam chowder for an appetizer and a turkey sub with potato chips.

"Honest answer? I wasn't doing anything with my life, and the Pen was a place to stay while I went to school. And then I really came to like the community, so I stayed." Al shrugged, then followed suit and flipped open the menu. He picked out a sandwich - ham and swiss, with potato chips - and closed it again.

"Yeah, my reason to go back to school is job-related - pretty much, if you want to be a Curator, you need an advanced degree. But I've been out of school for a while, so it's scary. I'll do it, I'm just exercising my right to whine a little first." The grin on Al's face turned lopsided.

"So, where're you from? New York, or are you from out-of-state like me?"

"Mmmm," Cassia said with a nod. "So where did you used to go? And what'd you get a degree in?"

She couldn't help a giggle. "Well chin up! Or I could be mean and tell you to suck it up." The petite blonde found being mean to be a hard thing and even when she told him to suck it up, she was still smiling. She was hard to take seriously and was often smiling out of habit even when she was angry! It was so obnoxious! "Wait, wait. I can be serious." Looking serious, she turned her lips downward so that it kind of looked like she was pouting but this was her best serious face. "Suck it up and get your act together! Go back to school!" Cassia ended up snorting somewhere in the middle of the sentence. Throwing her hands up in defeat, she sighed. "I give. I can't be mean! Or serious, apparently."

"I am actually from California. Northern California mostly. But I grew up in Los Angeles, then I .. moved up to San Francisco and then I actually went to San Diego for college. And now I'm here! Getting my Master's. And I work for another Tale actually, she's a psychoanalyst and I'm her assistant, which let me tell you, is a tough job. But I guess it's a lot better then working for other people. Tell me what you like to do for fun. Besides crash parties and wax your legs and put up naked pictures of yourself," she told him, a twinkle in her bright blue eyes as she said it.

The waiter came back again to get their orders and Cassia ordered her turkey sandwich and her soup, handing the menu back to him and looking at Al to order next.

Al laughed at Cassia's inability to keep an appropriately disapproving expression on her face. "Don't worry, I already have people telling me to go back to school. You don't have to be the mean one." He picked absently at the remains of his piece of bread, eventually chewing thoughtfully on some crust while she gave a quick review of her background.

"I went to college here. Degree's in biology, though I took a lot of classes in zoology and animal anatomy and the like. And fun? Uh… that's kind of it. I'll try just about anything once. I like stupid werewolf movies, horror movies. Sometimes, when Murdock and Evan and the guys are going out, I'll go with them. Sometimes I'll go to a show or something with some of the other Keepers at work. That's one nice thing about New York - there's always something going on."

"Oh, alright, good." Cassia dramatically breathed a huge sigh of relief. Pushing some hair out of her face, she sat back in her chair as she listened to him talk about what he liked to do.

"Yes, I love that there's always something to do here, though I'm usually more of a homebody, unless I'm partying with my friends. That's how San Francisco is too. There's always something going on there. There's almost too much to do," she said with a small laugh. "Horror movies! I get really freaked out in those. I'm the kind of girl who screams a lot in the movie theatres and I break people's hands and jump into my friend's laps and all that. No matter how corny it is, I still get really scared."

"Really? The Howling movies crack me up. They're so corny." Al laughed. "But I don't know - I mean, I'm a Jungle Book guy, so wolves are near and dear to my heart."

"Do you have roommates?" He asked, after a moment's thought. "I could swear I saw some entry a while back, but I could just be confused. Usually when I get home from work I'm too tired for much more than a flip-through. I just want to eat and kick back and watch something mindless on TV."

"Yes, see, I'm a reincarnated Princess, making it completely appropriate to be scared in these movies. I just need someone to watch with who isn't as scared as me." Cassia shook her head to herself with a small grin. "We should watch a horror movie together. You'll probably laugh at me. Once, I knocked over an entire thing of popcorn, that's how scared I got."

Cassia nodded in response to his question, taking a sip from her drink at the same time. Thank the waiter when he brought her clam chowder, she waited to start eating, blowing on a spoonful of hot soup. "I do have roommates. They are Tales too. I don't know if you know them. C.J. Emerson and Jonas Reilly. Do you live at the Pen still?"

"Okay. Can't promise I won't snicker if there's flailing, but I will promise not to tell anyone. Horror movie directors love that jump-out-and-getcha stuff. Cheap shots. It's probably not your fault that you jump - that's what they're going for." Al grabbed another piece of bread and started to spread a little of the butter onto it. "The names are familiar? But I don't know if I've met them. If they've ever lived at the Pen, we probably have met."

"Yeah, I'm still at the Pen. I'm rooming with Evan, but - and I haven't told him this, so maybe I shouldn't be saying anything, BUT - now that I have the new job, I probably need to move a little closer to the Bronx. Not into the Bronx, but uptown a bit, possibly. It's one thing to commute from the Pen to Central Park, and another to catch a train to another borough. So I may be apartment hunting soon."

Cassia pouted without even knowing it, out of complete habit. She was one of those kinds of people who could be teased easiy because she very easily got upset or defensive. "But there will most likely be flailing. Meaning now you've been forewarned so you'll know in advance!" At his promise to not tell, Cassia pretended to look miserable. "Oh, thanks. That's really reassuring." She looked down at her soup but ventured a peek up at him before looking back down at the clam chowder, Eating her first spoonful of the now mildly hot soup, she put her spoon back down. "Do you want some?" she offered.

"Ah, apartment hunting New York City. That can be a very long and tedious process, let me tell you. I was living in a hotel for three months before I could properly secure a good apartment."

"Oh, no thanks. Wouldn't want to steal your soup, and mine'll be here soon." Al waved off the offer of soup with a smile. "Yeah, not looking forward to having to shop around," he agreed. "I did some exploring-of-options when I landed the job at the Central Park Zoo, and that's part of what made me decide to stay at the Pen. Finding a good place is almost impossible without months of research."

Al took a sip of his drink. "So you're sure there will be flailing. Even for something silly? I could dig up some ridiculous "B" movie. There are plenty out there - hey, we could just sit down and turn on the Sci-Fi Channel, most of what's on there is funny-ridiculous."

Cassia donned a serious look on her face. "I'm talking Anaconda made me cry. And hide in a corner. Don't even get me started on that spiders movie. And Alien? Oh dear God!" Cassia busied herself with her soup before it got cold, eating a few spoonfuls before looking back up at him. "I've just always been easily scared. I refuse to go in Haunted Houses. Once, when I was back in California, my parents took me to this place called Six Flags on Halloween so it turns into this whole scary park thing. I think I crawled around on the floor as we went through one of the walk-throughs. And punched a guy out." The blonde shrugged innocently, reaching out for her drink. "I do however, enjoy comedies. And adventures. Indiana Jones is my hero."

"Hey, Six Flags!" Al said, grinning. "We drove up to Astroworld a few times when I was a kid. I hear it's closed now, which is a shame. Goodbye, childhood." He frowned, then abruptly shrugged. "Never on Halloween, though. That would've been cool. Uh - so not really a horror movie fan, I'm guessing, if Anaconda was too bad. But that's okay; not everyone has to like everything."

Indiana Jones? Al laughed. "Have you seen the new trailer? I thought my coworker was crazy when he told me they were making a new one, but it's for real. I kind of want to see it, even if Harrison Ford's getting dangerously close to too-geriatric-for-action-films. Ohhh, there's the sandwiches."

And indeed, a tray arrived with their food. Al moved his napkin and bread plate aside so that his main plate could sit in front of him.

"Everything gets shut down. And taken off the air. Do you remember the cartoons when we were kids? They were so amazing!"

She couldn't help a laugh. She had definitely seen the new trailer. "I want to see that. It looks hilarious. Indiana Jones being old now and still adventuring? That is comedy." She took one last sip of her soup before looking up at Al's exclamation. Seeing a waiter coming with their sandwiches, she moved her own soup bowl and bread plate out of the way. Giving them their food, Cassia uttered a cheerful 'thank you' in the waiter's direction as he whisked off, probably having a busy, long day.

"So what about music? What do you like to do for fun? Are you getting tired of all my questioning yet?" The last part was asked with a grin.

"No, not tired of your questions. I like a lot of music. I mean, as long as it's loud and has a beat, I can probably at least listen for a while. Like live music, though - recorded stuff is okay, but it's not as much fun as being there."

Al took a moment to peel the bread off of his sandwich, after which he began carefully removing pickles. The lettuce and tomato? Fine, but apparently he was not a pickle-person. "How about you? Anything you just can't stand, or is any music okay? I'm… well, okay, I kind of lie. I don't like country. I don't hate it, but it's really not my thing."

"Not yet anyways," Cassia added for him with a teasing grin. "I like anything that doesn't involve accordions. And country. I don't like to stick to one genre of music, really, all sorts!"

Taking her own sandwich, she took her napkin, picking the whole thing up and turning it over, then taking the bottom bun off and wiping the mayonaise off. She loved mustard, not mayo. Asking a nearby waiter for mustard, she waited for that, then spread the bottom of her sandwich with mustard. Mmm, mustard definitely won out in the epic battle of mustard versus mayo.

"I do like classical when I study. It helps me think better. And scores. I'm completely guilty of buying all the Lord of the Rings soundtracks."

"Seriously? I've never tried classical. I… actually don't know anything about classical music, honestly. Might have to give it a shot if I do wind up going back to school." Of course, Al would have to be able to locate classical music that he liked first, and without any prior knowledge? Kind of an adventure in randomly trying stuff.

Al took a bite of his sandwich, and chewed thoughtfully for a few moments. He still held onto it after he swallowed, but he paused in his eating long enough to return a question to Cassia. "So what do you want to do when you finish your grad degree? Work for the city or state? Or something else?"

"You should. It soothes and calms. Might help you work better. And if you go back to school, definitely, though my old roommate could concentrate the best listening to heavy metal, which wasn't very conducive to my learning environment!" She picked up the first half of her sandwich and bit into it. Oh, that was delicious! She loved turkey sandwiches, they were definitely the best kind, especially after Thanksgiving. Her parents always knew how to make the best sandwiches.

"Yes, something like that. I was thinking about moving back to San Francisco and working for the county there but I'm too established here to leave. I just hope I can get hired somewhere here!"

"Well, New York's a big place, I'm sure there'll be something. If not for the city, then for the state. But San Francisco wouldn't be bad - I mean, I've never been, but it looks great in the movies?" Al paused. "…well, not that movies can totally be trusted, but you know what I mean? I hope."

Yeah. Way to say something stupid, Al. He quit talking and abruptly took a bite of his sandwich: when all else fails? Eat. At least that would save him from having to recover. He chewed, then followed with a sip of iced tea. "Is California really as warm as everyone says? Texas is, and humid if you're near the coast."

Instead of getting offended, Cassia just laughed. "It's a really nice city. Besides Los Angeles and New York CIty, if there's one other place you should go, it's San Francisco. It's beautiful." With a wistful expression, the blonde reached for her sandwich and took a bite, chewing thoughtfully. "I miss it, it's really great up there."

Mirroring him and taking a sip from her Sprite, she put it down and raised an eyebrow at his question, then frowned as she thought about it. "Well, it depends where you are. In SoCal, it's really warm cause you're right by the ocean and all that. In NorCal, it can get warm summers, but during the winter it's pretty cold! Luckily we are right by the ocean, not far up like San Bernadino, hence the name the Bay."

"I'll have to visit sometime. California has some great zoos, I'd love to go look around. I really have to say, it would be nice to be someplace warm for a bit. I went back to Texas for a short visit over the holidays, to see my parents. It was nice to get a break from the snow."

Al paused, and laughed. "Of course, if I moved back down there, I'd be complaining about the summers. Just can't win; if only it could be 70 degrees all the time, right? But I'll take hot over cold if I have to pick - Mowgli's from a hot place, too. So it's in my blood, I guess."

"Oh you should! I'm sure you would like it, though all the good zoos are in SoCal. If you go to San Diego, which is where I got my Bachelor's from, there's a really nice zoo, as well as a wild animal park that you take tours through. It's pretty cool!"

Cassia grinned. "I don't think there's any place with perfect weather. I hate the snow, personally. I don't know how I've survived in New York. Lots of coffee, most likely." By this time, Cassia had finished off her first half of her sandwich. "I want to try living in the South. No snow, but so much rain, and I don't know if I'd survive the sticky heat. I'd want to tear my clothes off!" The poor, innocent blonde didn't really think about the bad connotations of what she'd just said.

Oh man. There Al was, chewing and nodding along, and then Cassia made a comment about taking her clothes off. To his credit? He didn't laugh. He didn't even smirk. But that may be due to the fact that he was too busy trying not to choke. After a few seconds of coughing and a big gulp of iced tea, he'd righted himself, but not without tearing up a little first.

"Sorry." He said. "Windpipe."

Riiiight. But he still chose not to comment; he may have been a guy, but he wasn't stupid. "I'd like to try the northwest, myself. I've done the west, and the east coast. Something out west might be interesting. But who'm I kidding? I'll probably never leave New York."

Looking concerned about Al choking, she frowned and leaned forward. "Are you alright??" she asked, hoping he was okay.

"There's this phrase about leaving your heart in San Francisco, cause once you go there, you always want to go back? I think that's completely true about New York City too, so basically half of my heart is in San Francisco and the other half is here in New York!" Now, to start on this sandwich. "It's alright, New York is nice, I love it here. And all my friends are here now, I only have my family in San Francisco now. But I like to travel. I backpacked across Europe the summer after I graduated from SD! Though, I don't normally do sporadic things like that, honestly."

"Fine, just fine." Al said, pounding his sternum with a fist as if that would help clear the airway. A few more coughs, another gulp of tea, and he seemed to be doing much better. "Europe would be cool. Only other country I've been to is Mexico, and that's because we lived so close to the border. Wasn't a big thing to drive south. We, uh, never had a lot of money for travel. Weren't poor, but mom didn't work and there were two of us boys, so."

Al lifted his shoulders in a shrug. "But if I can make it into a Curator job, maybe I'll be able to afford Europe or something. Got plenty of time left in front of me, I hope. I'm only thirty. Not like I need to start checking out retirement homes yet." Ah, there was the smirk that had gotten lost in the coughing fit.

"Europe is a really nice place to be. I'd recommend everyone going there at least once." With a rueful smile, Cassia took a sip from her soda. "Unfortunately, I wasn't able to go see France. Ran out of time. And money. I had to come back in time for fall at NYU to start."

The date was going surprisingly well. Cassia had to commend Murdock for setting her up with a good date, not that she didn't believe in him or anything, but it was Murdock for God's sake. She hadn't exactly been comforted at his reassurances. He'd tried to set her up with Christian. Enough said. Lunch seemed to fly by and before Cassia already knew it, the cafe was starting to thin out. They were both already done with their food but the pair had been quite caught up in conversation. She actually was kind of starting to ... like him. Huh.

Cassia happened to glance at her cell phone to check the time. 1:20. Ah! She had a class to get back to at 2:00. "Oh," she said with a frown, looking back up at him. "I have a classs at 2. I didn't even know it was getting so late!"

"It's okay. I'll, uh - wait, here." Al fished in his jacket pocket, and came up with a pen, which he used to scrawl a phone number on the napkin. "You can call me - or I'll call you - or write you a note soon, or something. And I'm at the Pen, so. Easy to track down." He offered over the scrap of napkin, then started to stand, presumably to see Cassia out. To comfort the suddenly very alert waitstaff that he would, in fact, be back, he slid his wallet from his pocket and left a credit card by his plate.

There was a pause as he pushed in his chair, and then Al added, "This was fun. Thank you for coming out, and double thank-you for not teasing me much about the orange-underwear photos." He grinned.

She'd already stood, and looking up, she smiled and took the number from him written on the napkin. "Definitely. To set up our horror movie night?" Cassia grinned at the thought. Putting it in her purse, she laughed at the subject of the orange-underwear photos. "To tell you the truth, I just put those out of my mind," hefting her purse onto her shoulder, she continued with a small laugh, "but I can go into those if it'll make you feel better. What better first date material then orange tightie-whities?" Cassia questioned rhetorically.

Now she was at a loss. Did she kiss him? She kind of wanted to but wasn't that a little forward?? Cassia wasn't sure if he even liked her. How awkward would that be? She was obviously thinking about it too much. Letting him walk her out to the outside of the cafe, she turned to him and kind of subconciously clasped her hands together, thought kept them at waist-level so she didn't look like a dummy. "So I'll see you later then." She decided to go for a hug and then she hadn't even known she was going for a kiss until she was already doing it. Pulling back, she stared at him with wide eyes and clapped her hands over her mouth. "Oh my God! I'm sorry, that was an accident." Wow, talk about the subconcious deciding to act for her!

Al was having the same dilemma, actually. It was a first date, a blind date, and while he was usually all about the kissing? This was kind of a new, tricky situation. He didn't generally do the blind date thing, and he didn't want to freak Cassia out.

However, his problem was solved for him. The apology was met with the faintest of amused expressions, before he emphatically shook his head. "Do not apologize, it's fine. You…" Al trailed off, apparently thinking the better of whatever else he was going to say. "It's fine." He repeated.

"I will definitely contact you about the horror movie night. I'll have to track down something that's not too scary."

Cassia's cheeks were flushed and she really couldn't blame the weather. "Um, alright!" she said, obviously flustered by the kiss. Reaching behind her, she smoothed some hair down and put her hands in the pocket of her jacket, a grin crossing her face before she could even stop it.

"Anyways, I'll talk to you later then!" And before she could try it again like she was completely tempted to do so (She really hadn't kissed anyone in a while and Evan didn't count! She had been drunk) Cassia hurried off towards Central Park to catch the subway, though she still couldn't wipe that silly grin off of her face.

cassia wyndham-frost, alejandro diaz

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