(no subject)

Feb 25, 2008 02:02

WHO Katie Santos (THE LITTLE MERMAID) and Skip Blumstein (THE SECOND PIG)
WHEN Monday, 3:25 PM
WHERE Algernon's, then coffee
WHAT As promised, Skip takes Katie out for coffee.
RATING R. It's Skip.
STATUS In progress!

By the time 3:20 rolled around on that Monday afternoon, Skip was really wanting a smoke. His fingers itched to reach for the cigar in the breast pocket of his shirt, but he thought better of it. With any luck, Katie would be ready to go by the time he arrived (five minutes late, as he had planned; just enough, he imagined, to frustrate the girl, but not enough to make her doubt his sincerity), and the tastes of tobacco and coffee always battled for dominance in a way that was unpleasant when consumed right after the other.

So, instead, he investigated the time on his cell phone while casually trying to spy on the customers of Algernon's -- or rather, he was trying to spot the presence of one particular NYU professor who, he feared, might have lingered despite Katie's best efforts. That would've been most unfortunate, as Skip's attire that day did not readily lend itself to a quick getaway, which may or may not have involved climbing up the drainpipe of the frat house and begging Malachi to save him from the inevitable beating Rick Jones would administer if he had even an inkling of what his favorite Asian and least-favorite pig were about to do. Okay, it was just coffee. Innocuous enough, but Skip Blumstein was never very good at being innocuous. So he had worn the nice clothes today; the Italian shoes, the Rolex imitation, the pretentious white button up and slate-gray cordoroy trousers -- hell, he even wore the coat that his mom had given him for his birthday the year before that made him look like a metrosexual, which, in Skip's language, translated to blithering faggot.

He caught a glimpse of himself in the reflection of the store window before going in. His heart sank. Goddammit, he always looked like shit.

katie santos, skip blumstein

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