Yet ANOTHER backdated scene!

Feb 18, 2008 00:51

WHO: George Woodruff (The Farmer), River Kincaid (Tiger Lily)
WHEN: Valentine's Day, roughly 6:00 in the morning
WHERE: George's apartment in the Pentamerone
WHAT: George finally catches River in the act of leaving a 'you're beautiful' gift and has something to ask her.
RATED: Probably PG-13 to be safe - mostly just Awkward though.
STATUS: Adorkable In Progress

"Oh, River," George said breezily, "I'm glad I caught you. I just wanted to say how much I appreciate all these gifts you've been leaving for me - they're very thoughtful and sweet. And I wanted to do something nice for you, in exchange..." She brought a hand out from behind her back and was holding a small cardboard box with a bow stuck on it. Inside was a small rabbit in a little nest that George had made for it, nibbling on a carrot she'd given it. "I thought you might want to have one and this one seems the most laid back from what I can tell. Plus, I'm pretty sure it's a male, so there's no worry about it being pregnant. Anyway, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to get dinner some time." The effect, she hoped, was that this was just a casual question and not something that she was freaked out or worried about.

Of course, the fact that George was saying this to her own reflection as she practiced this talk for the fourth time in front of a mirror probably messed up the whole 'not freaking out' vibe. She had been awake since about five in the morning and was fully dressed with her hair brushed, already wearing jeans and one of her nicer shirts as she waited near the front door of her apartment for River to make her appearance. She'd conducted an informal stakeout and discovered that 6:00 seemed to be the magic hour when River stopped by to leave her notes and pictures (all of which, it should be noted, were carefully preserved in a shoe box on George's kitchen counter, or else actually adorning her fridge).

With that in mind, George was waiting to catch River in the act so that she could give her a bunny and ask her out. Not, like, on a date or anything, because of course: River's a girl. And since George is also a girl, that means there can't be any dating of any kind. Still, George wanted to get to know River a little better and there wasn't any harm in that, was there?

She was actually about to go through the talk again when she heard a noise outside the door. A quick glance through the peep hole revealed that River was on her way, and George swallowed hard. Steeling herself, she opened the door and prepared to go into her prepared speech which was sincere and - above all else - very casual.

"RIVER HI!" Somewhere in the back of her mind, George could tell that this was definitely not casual, but she found that she couldn't stop herself and the words came tumbling unbidden from her mouth. "Hey, since I caught you I was wondering if you maybe wantedtohavedinner. Some time. With me." There was a moment before a look of fear crossed her features, "I mean, not today because it's Valentine's Day, and that would be weird. I just thought... well, you know, we're both mammals and we both eat so we could eat... you know, together. Maybe. If you wanted.

"Here, have a bunny." Damn, were all the Aesopean Tales such smooth bastards?

river kincaid, george woodruff

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