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pappybear February 6 2008, 04:09:54 UTC

So how are you?
So how are you...?

Why the hell had he asked THAT when it was so painfully obvious she couldn't answer? Idiot. That nervousness at the simple utterance into her phone in the AM had set the tone for the rest of David's day. After wrenching his tuna sandwich that EDIE had made for him - thus it just wasn't out of a can - out of the diseased meat-hooks of one Karen Sullivan, David had waited in the break room for an extra hour after everyone had returned back to work, nervously jabbing a pencil through the Ziploc baggie in front of him and into the uneaten sandwich. Defeated, and after giving the sandwich lead poisoning, David dumped the evidence into the nearest trashcan and returned back to his desk, once more swamped with files and irate phone calls.

When five o'clock rolled around, David was all too happy to shove every single paper on that Goddamn desk aside, latch onto his briefcase and coat, stand up and march to the elevator. That wasn't to say that the man wasn't disappointed, after all Belinda hadn't returned his call the whole day and thanks to his past indiscretions and overzealous imagination, he was thinking something along the lines of a trip to some uncharted island gone awry, complete with cannibals and a large stew pot.

David rode the elevator down with a few of his co-workers in silence, walking out with them into the sub-level parking garage and towards his car. When his phone started chirping at him, David all but dropped his briefcase as he frantically dug into the inside lapel pocket of his jacket, yanking the phone out, opening it and without checking the number, jammed it up against his ear.

"David Fisher."


magicbeaned February 6 2008, 04:25:54 UTC

Belinda's day had been fairly normal - slightly busier than usual because of a few outages and IT problems in some of their clients' networks, but everything had been resolved by quitting time, so that was what mattered.

Slightly amused when David answered, she smirked against the phone a bit. "David Fisher, you're 105.4 FM's lucky winner of the day!" she announced, in her best radio DJ imitation voice. She had to cover the mouthpiece a bit, to give herself time to giggle. "All you have to do is answer this simple trivia question," she started, but couldn't go on; she laughed a little bit, and shook her head. "Sorry, babe. It's been a busy day at the office, but I got your message. How are you?"

She shifted her spaceship under her arm again.


pappybear February 6 2008, 04:40:34 UTC

Best radio host imitation or no, David was no patsy and plus what sort of a good boyfriend would he be if he didn't recognize his own girlfriend's voice? Shit, that's what.

There was a lengthly pause, and finally David replied, though there was no way he could hide the smile in his voice. "I'm good. So I answered your question, sexy. What's my prize?"


magicbeaned February 6 2008, 04:48:58 UTC

Belinda laughed a bit, shaking her head a little bit and leaning against the outside of her building. "Dinner?" she suggested, with a grin. "And dessert. But that comes after dinner."

She moved away from the building after a moment, starting in the direction of David's office. "So pick me up, let's get some dinner," she said to him, still with a grin on her face. "And you can tell me all about whatever's going on," she added, almost gently.


pappybear February 6 2008, 05:04:56 UTC

Continuing to smile, David walked the last few feet to his car and unlocked the trunk, tossing his briefcase into it before shutting it and unlocking the doors, settled in behind the wheel.

"I thought you'd never ask." He teased, almost desperately glad that she hadn't told him she had some Zen rock garden class tonight or that it was Obscure Country Day at the Y and they were going to make sheep cookies with turnip icing. Starting his car, David's unoccupied hand lifted to the steering wheel, fingertips tapping idly. "I'm on my way." He replied, "and just to give you fair warning, I plan on grilling you relentlessly about your day."


magicbeaned February 6 2008, 05:10:43 UTC

"Well, I'll tell you right now - not that interesting. One of our business clients had a severe outage and we spent a lot of the day figuring that out. Milton bumped into my desk and knocked over my Millenium Falcon, but no worries. I think a bit of superglue should work just fine."

She didn't get more than a block from her building before she stopped to wait for David. "I'm outside my work," she reported, peeking at the contents of a news stand while she waited. "Ooh, I didn't get this month's Geek Magazine," she murmured, more to herself than to David, reaching for said magazine and paying for it.


pappybear February 6 2008, 05:38:00 UTC

And that, ladies and gentlemen, was why David Fisher adored Belinda Harris. Work was done, hell all of those idiot clients, co-workers and the endless mounds of paperwork were now pushed back so far they were barely recognizable. All that mattered was the car that he had backed out and was now driving down to the garage exit and onto the main road and the wonderfully sexy woman that waited for him not more than a dozen blocks away, and the fact that she hadn't gotten the current issue of Geek Magazine.


Managing to turn out onto the side street, David guided the car into the left turn lane at a red light and smiled. "Where else would you buy Geek Magazine except for on the outskirts of Darnassus?" As the light turned green, David followed in line with the other cars and turned onto Lafayette.


magicbeaned February 6 2008, 05:43:35 UTC

Belinda, unaware of how adored she was at that very moment, got the change from buying the magazine and thumbed through it - phone held between her shoulder and ear, space ship under one arm and the other hand holding and flipping through the magazine, bending it back so she could read an article without dropping things or tipping over.

"I love when you talk nerdy to me," Belinda laughed a little bit, biting her lower lip. "You know, I was surprised as hell to find out you even knew about Darnassus," she added, grinning a bit.


pappybear February 6 2008, 05:56:27 UTC

David grinned as he eased his car along at a snail's pace, contending with every other commuter/taxi driver and bus in the whole city.

"You're the one who brought it up." He said, hearing the struggle and rubbing of her phone -- no doubt his girlfriend was once again multitasking her little heart away. "I thought Darnassus was some elf paladin artichoke with revenge in his heart." The car ahead of him turned left and David was able to actually press on the gas for a change. That is, until he was met with yet another red light.


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