The Tiger Pays a Rare Visit to the Pentamerone

Feb 04, 2008 20:51

WHO: Adrian McMillan [Shere Kahn] and OPEN!
WHEN: Monday afternoon around 4:00 PM.
WHERE: The Pentamerone, where Adrian hasn't set foot in years!
WHAT: Adrian decides to pay a rare personal visit to pay his dues... well, and to see if he can track down any information on a certain man-cub.
RATED: To be determined.

Adrian had instructed his driver to wait for him just outside the Pentamerone's gate. Climbing out of the sleek black Lincoln, he carefully adjusted his silver tie and made sure his black wool coat sat exactly so across his shoulders before leisurely strolling up the walk toward the building's front door. Ostensibly, he was here under the guise of paying his dues--normally he simply dropped a check in the mail and never gave the matter another thought--but some recent information had come to light regarding a certain individual Adrian had a personal interest in and, well, the Pentamerone was perhaps the best place for information gathering among the Tale community. He couldn't believe how easy the boy was making it, first openly admitting his identity on the Compendiums, then posting a picture of himself so that Adrian knew what he looked like. Really, if the boy had then proceeded draw him a map to where he lived, Adrian wouldn't have been surprised. Pathetic, really.

Not breaking his measured stride, Adrian stepped onto the building's front porch and pushed open the door into the lobby. Once inside, he stopped just inside the door, first carefully removing his leather gloves, then his sunglasses, stowing both neatly in his inner jacket pocket. This fastidiousness completed, he then paused to consider exactly how he was going to go about this. Should he simply wander the grounds and question anyone he came across, or could there be an easier way?

adrian mcmillan, noreen rivera

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