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drawnin February 2 2008, 00:32:31 UTC

Now that that was over, they could finally relax. Well, he could. "Thank you. As appealing as you may be shirtless, the orange speedo killed it," Noreen told him, the flirtatious statement coming out easily for her. He'd known her long enough to know that she was a natural flirt and sometimes didn't even realize it when she was flirting with someone.

"So tell me what you've been up to?" she asked, now serious. Noreen hadn't seen Alejandro in a while and was slightly antsy to know what he had been doing. Call it her motherly instinct.


whenyoucallme February 2 2008, 02:45:19 UTC
"Note to self: no more orange speedos." Al replied, with a cheeky grin. Hey. He was a flirt too, and it came as something of a second nature. Most of the time, it was out before he'd even thought about what he was saying. "Are trunks really that much better? They cling." He laughed, exhaling air through his nose, and dropped back down into his seat.

"Up to? Well, work. And there was that party-crashing thing with Murdock and Evan and... a new guy. Don't remember his name so well. I told Murdock we were crossing territorial boundaries, showing up uninvited, but he swore it would be fine. And the next thing I know? They're insisting that we agree to leg-hair removal."


drawnin February 2 2008, 03:21:59 UTC

"They are manlier? And make you look less like a Cabana boy?" Noreen suggested. Thinking about it, she shrugged, flicking some hair out of her face subconsciously. "I think it was just the shock of seeing you in an orange speedo. It's such a loud, random color."

Passing a hand through her dark brown locks, she tilted her head, a sure sign she was listening to him. Party crashing with Murdock and Evan eh? She liked to know the occasional happenings of her hook-up buddy. Leaning forward in interest, her eyes widened at the mention of 'hair removal.' "Wait a minute, leg hair removal?? I need to get comfortable for the rest of this story. Let's make our way over to your bed." She realized how that may have sounded and that made her internally cringe.


whenyoucallme February 2 2008, 04:14:28 UTC
"...you know, Edwina did say something about a 'pool boy.' I know she didn't mean anything by it, but..." Al trailed off and made a face. It was a wrinkled-nose, squinty-eyed face, the kind of face that most clearly said 'uh, no.' "Okay. No orange, and definitely no speedos or briefs if they make me look like a Cabana boy."

'Cause that? Was not an association Al wanted to encourage.

"Yes. Leg hair removal. I swear, if Murdock wasn't already my friend? I'd strangle him. But the girls seemed to have a good time with it, and it'll all grow back. If only I was sure that Murdock would listen to me next time I said 'don't invade their territory.' But nooooooooo, suddenly I'm un-manly and afraid." Al rolled his eyes. As for Noreen making herself comfortable on his bed? In an absolutely shocking moment of self-restraint, he didn't say anything. Not a word.

He may've smirked a little, though. Just for a second.


drawnin February 2 2008, 05:39:29 UTC

"Way to stereotype us, Al," Noreen told him, raising an eyebrow. Laughing at the look on his face, the brunette grinned at him. "Thank you, pool boy."

That wasn't an association she rather liked herself. It was so stereotypical Hispanic that she hated it. She'd always felt more in touch with her Spanish side then her French side because frankly, no one stereotyped her mother.

"What party was this?" Noreen asked curiously. Noticing his silence at her comment about the bed, she rolled her eyes and stood up, pushing his head with her two fingers. "Shut the fuck up. And get that smirk off your face." Finding his bed, she flopped down onto it, making herself comfortable. "What are you waiting for, a strip tease? Continue! And hurry up and get over here." It wasn't as if they hadn't fallen asleep together before!


whenyoucallme February 3 2008, 01:09:07 UTC
"I know. I read that and went '...POOL BOY?' but I didn't want to say anything, 'cause mouthing off to Edwina kind of feels like kicking a puppy. The puppy didn't mean to chew up your favorite shoes. It was just teething, you know?" Al raked his fingers through his hair and smiled. And then the insistence that he stop smirking made it worse - the lopsided smile became a grin.

"Okay, okay." Al held his hands up, defensively, and dropped onto the bed next to Noreen. "So there was leg hair removal and then costuming. They had some... I don't know, lingere-themed thing going, I really didn't understand it. There were a lot of feathers and corsets, it looked completely uncomfortable. I probably would've taken off if the other guys hadn't been there, but I didn't want to leave 'em."


drawnin February 3 2008, 16:48:54 UTC

She honestly felt like slapping him. Suppressing this urge, she moved onto her side when he dropped onto the bed, feeling more comfortable like this. Propping her head up with her elbow, she listened to the rest of his story.

"First of all, who's party was this?" Noreen asked curiously. "That's some pretty messed up entrance requirements for a party." Wow, she wasn't aware that Al would actually go and get his legs waxed and wear a corset. She was highly amused by this. Sitting up, she yanked over his leg and rolled up his pants, laughing at the sight of his hairless legs. "Wow, they're almost as smooth as mine," she teased him, lifting up the leg of her sweats for a second before dropping them and laying back down on her back. "So did all of you guys dress up? I sincerely hope you were drunk through all of this."


whenyoucallme February 4 2008, 04:15:18 UTC
Most of the time, Al deserved a good slapping. He was really lucky to escape unscathed most of the time.

"Some girls Murdock knows. Uh. Bianca, and the other woman was named Cassia?" Al paused, thoughtfully, but whatever he was about to say was interrupted by Noreen's examination of his (now hair-free) leg. "Yeah, we were drinking. And there was more liquor at the party. We dressed up - Murdock tried to talk his way out of it, of course."


drawnin February 5 2008, 05:14:16 UTC

Bianca and Cassia? "The Princesses?" She'd seen them around the Compendiums. Right bunch of blonde bimbos, at least from what she'd seen, or read. "Why did Murdock want to go to this party?" Noreen asked curiously, pushing Al's leg back near him and laying back down.

Finding the covers, she wiggled underneath them. As she listened to Al talk, she felt herself zoning off, not because she was bored. More due to the fact that she was fantasizing about ravishing Al on his bed. First of all, wasn't that incest? Wasn't she basically his mother? Secondly, that would just be awkward whenever Evan came back from wherever he was because he was obviously not in the room. She came back to reality sometime around the time he said something about 'dressing up.' "So what did you wear?" Noreen asked, a smirk playing at her lips. "I'm trying to imagine you in a corset and fishnets." She paused for a second, then shook her head, "It's not working."


whenyoucallme February 5 2008, 05:19:54 UTC
"I think Bianca's the princess from his story. So of course he wanted to go." Al lifted his shoulders in a little shrug. "I don't get it, but I mean, Kipling didn't write those kinds of stories." For which Al was grateful. Running around a jungle sounded a lot more appealing.

"...that's probably for the best," Al replied, grinning at Noreen's revelation that she just couldn't imagine him in a corset. "Now. Don't tell Murdock I said this, 'cause he'll use it against me, but me? In women's clothing? Not pretty. Like, however bad you think the orange speedo was? Five times worse than that."


drawnin February 5 2008, 05:26:30 UTC

"Oh. In the pursuit of true love and all that? How lame!" Thankfully, none of the characters in the Jungle Book were flitting about finding the loves of their life. Thank you Rudyard Kipling!

"Oh my God." She had to laugh. She couldn't help it! That was the worst mental image of her life. "I hope you didn't have to wear girly knickers. Or spanky pants. I mean, how else did the corset stay attached to the fishnets?" She had plenty of experience with this type of costume wear. "And don't tell me there were heels involved. Please." She was already starting to silently shake with laughter at the thought of him wobbling around in heels. That was one of the funniest things she'd ever seen. Or thought of. That was definitely not what she had in mind she she thought about him. Definitely not as a cross-dresser of all the things. Maybe a kinky cop outfit (What! She was allowed to have fantasies!)


whenyoucallme February 13 2008, 05:50:13 UTC
"God, no. No spanky pants. Believe it or not, I do have a line, and that is past the line." Al raised a hand to his face and covered his eyes with his fingers. Oh, the horror of spanky pants.

"Pursuit of true love? Something like that. He's pretty intent on her, but speaking as a buddy who's been to bars with him - he's pretty intent on a lot of girls. Think he has a weakness for blondes."


drawnin February 13 2008, 06:20:06 UTC

"Thank God!" the leggy brunette exclaimed with a grin. "Otherwise, I think I might've had to bribe some of the girls into giving me pictures!" Noreen nudged him with her foot. "So you thinkin' of going to any other parties like these? Because I want to come. And bring a videographer."

Flipping onto her stomach, Noreen looked up at him. "What's so great about blondes anyways? They're bimbos!"


whenyoucallme February 13 2008, 06:41:22 UTC
"You got me. I don't know - I'm not really a 'blondes' kind of guy. But Murdock, he kind of has a history of picking 'em." Al lifted his shoulders in a shrug. "To each his own, I guess?"

"I'm not going anywhere where I have to wax, I hope." Al answered, eyes wide in mock-horror. "But there may be some pictures of Bond night floating around. Did I tell you about Bond night? Edie was going as Bond and she needed Bond girls, and Bob was giving her trouble or something - I forget - so I offered to be her Sylvia Trench."


drawnin February 13 2008, 07:03:55 UTC

"Well, his Princess in his Tale was maybe blonde? So that's why he just tends to be attracted to blondes?" After getting uncomfortable with being on her stomach, she flipped back onto her back.

"Why is my Man-Cub a cross-dresser!!" Noreen exclaimed, throughly amused. "Seriously though, what is this. Tell me about Bond Night. And you being a Bond girl!"


whenyoucallme February 13 2008, 07:26:42 UTC
"Your Man-Cub is not a cross-dresser!" Al protested, complete with waving of hands in front of his body. It was as if he expected the gesture to ward off accusations, or something. "I've only done it, what, twice? And only one of those times was completely voluntary! I'm just secure in my masculinity."

Al shook his head, though he was grinning as he did it. "Okay, Bond night. Noah of the Aesops agreed to hold a Bond night at the Pen not too long ago, and people were coming in costume. I was just gonna come as me, but I saw the thing with Edie come up and I thought 'hey, okay, I guess that's a possibility.' I mean, I'm willing to try anything once. Well. Anything that doesn't look likely to kill me."


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