(no subject)

Jan 28, 2008 23:54

Who: David Fisher [Papa Bear] and Edie Steinlen[Snow White].
When: BACKDATED. Saturday Night. 2:30 a.m.
Where: David's Couch, Edie's Kitchen.
What: A restless phone call, and a discussion of a new nightmare.
Rating: PG-13 for description of violence and some language?
Status: Unfinished.

She had said she was fine, Edie was always fine; that's why. Or at least that was what she liked to think, the image she liked to offer. How was she supposed to be any sort of help to anyone if she was wrapped up in her own problems? Regardless, she had floundered with David's number a bit. Picking up her cellphone, abandoning it in favor of brewing up a large pot of hot chocolate....picking it up again, only to decide she needed to whip fresh cream. By the time that the madelines that the girl had decided were absolutely necessary for a proper calming cup of chocolate, it'd had all gotten cold and still she hadn't slept nor let David know what was truly plaguing her. Elisa was someone that she wanted to get along with truly, but she was terrified. Even if she could shove aside the feelings of discontent she felt, the newest nightmare to add to her collection was something to make her altogether wary of the woman. And still the details were hazy...a groan and the pot was dumped to start a new one, and as the heavy cream and half and half came to a simmer...the large mason jar of what Edie called her own "instant" hot chocolate to the side. She finally relinquished to her own fear of being a bother and dialed David's number. Just hoping he wouldn't be asleep yet.

It took a severely disturbed person lacking in the brain department as well as a decent set of eyeballs to realize that Edie wasn't all right. If he had been more demanding or someone other than himself, David would've hounded her over those damn journals until she had come clean, but David wasn't that way, preferring to step back and give people room rather than attack them with a slew of questions. It didn't help that he felt slightly guilty at not warning them -- but then again out of a city of over 8 million, who would've known that they'd ever run into each other? Having the distinct knowledge that he wasn't going to actually head to bed until well into the hours of the new morning, David had set up camp in front of the TV; slouching on the sofa, bare feet kicked up on the coffee table and working on one of his numerous drinks of the evening. The apartment was dark save for the glow of the TV screen as a couple tried to persuade a group of people to buy some sort of new-age blender of some sort... David's blonde head rested back against the sofa as he watched the screen through uninterested half-lidded eyes... 'I could use one of those..' he thought. 'To jam up your ass.' In the middle of an accompanying amused smirk, his cellphone next to him chirped and he looked down at the phone's screen, pressing 'mute' on the TV's remote before answering. "Why hello there."

There in the background was a distinctive rustle of what sounds like metal and wood. And the beeping of a kitchen timer. "Evening Sir..I..I didn't disturb anything did I? I know it's late but..." Well how far did one have to babble before getting to details. Should she even offer up the details of just what had been plaguing her. "..you said I could call. I can call back tomorrow morning though, if that'd be better."

Taking a sip of his drink, David placed the glass on a leg before sighing. "No, nothing disturbed..." His voice slurred in a mixture of both the hour and alcohol. While he didn't come across as a man who liked being thought of as someone people could turn to for advice, David was in fact pretty happy that Edie had decided that calling and getting things out in the open would be the best thing for her psyche. "What's on your mind, kiddo?"

"I'm having a new nightmare." And that would perhaps say it all, poor David had been the only one that Edie had ever thought to inform of her problem before. And even then it had taken some prying on his account. Offering a light sigh, which morphed into a long deep yawn, Edie sat down on the kitchen table, keeping an eye on the pot as she spoke. "It started Wednesday night, and I haven't slept much since."

Listening with what he hoped was a sympathetic ear, David nodded more to himself than the empty room or the woman on the phone. The man was no stranger to insomnia, having had it dealt to him, as well as his damned neighbor across the hall who insisted on coming in and using his coffee pot, when she could just as easily get her own (it was no wonder the woman couldn't sleep with all of that caffeine being pumped into her veins.) "It's more than just Elisa, isn't it."

"....Elisa was in this one...Except, not Elisa. I don't know who she is yet." Edie murmured almost guiltily, back with a thump to the heavy wooden table. A heavy sigh escaped her. "Usually it's just some odd jarring image, something I can work past since it's nothing more than a hazy sort of impressionist painting of a scenario. And that's damn well frustrating. But this is the most detailed one I've ever had....and it's horrifying."

Except not Elisa. David placed his feet on the floor, sitting up from the couch and rubbed his eyes with his free hand, eyes closing as he then scraped his palm across his blonde scalp, continuing to mess his hair up more. Perhaps David wasn't the best person to call at any time and ask for a sympathetic ear, as he had never been the type to coddle someone and tell them that 'everything was going to be okay', because how could he honestly say that? "You want to tell me your dream? Maybe talking about it would help."

She was not used to coddling of any kind, having been raised to "take care of it yourself or quit fucking crying like a baby," she found David's brand of encouragement oddly comforting. Pushing forward from the table, Edie tended to the pot on the stove. Adding in the pre mixed shaved chocolate and spices to melt, a slight thinking noise escaped her, heading into the kitchen to gather a bottle of Desaronno. "Maybe.. I'm not bothering you with his am I? I don't want to be a pain, and I know she's your friend too. So I don't want to upset you." It figured, that even when she was on the verge of complete exhaustion, Edie would apologize.

"She's no friend of mine." David answered perhaps a bit tersely than he had intended as he picked up his drink from the cushion next to him and slammed the rest of it back. Setting the empty glass back down on the couch, he pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes briefly before reopening them and dropping his hand. "Tell me about your dream... Please." He added, tone slightly apologetic.

"Alright...First night it was just dark and cold, very oppressive I kept waking up gasping for air. The second night it became clearer, it was somebody shoving me down into water, a barrel of sorts.. I could feel the wood and tar and the top closed and it was dark.. I'd wake up gasping for breath...Now I see more, bits and pieces of my entire past life...it looks like a puritan colony of some sort, and it's now that I'm complete sure it's her. It's in her eyes, I don't know what our dispute was though, or who she is to me.. but she drowned me..." Edie let out a brief sigh then, flicking off the stove top. Her appetite near completely quelled, "...and I know that that's why I died."

Listening as Edie explained her dream, David realized with undeniable clarity that he somewhere deep inside of him he regretted wanting to know about her dream. The first thought that came to mind was that it was a good thing because at least one mystery was solved about how Edie had passed on in one of her many lives -- though he quickly chose not to put a voice behind it. "I'm sorry that happened, kiddo." David began, standing from the couch and moving across to the kitchen where he flicked on the light. "But this is a different life, you both are different people." For one, David couldn't imagine Elisa killing anyone, much less drowning them. Reaching up towards a cabinet, David opened it and removed a half bottle of Beam and turning off the kitchen light, retired back to the couch.

"Well that's what I'm hoping at the least." Edie sighed a little bit, her fingers coming to pinch at the bridge of her nose for a moment. "She seems like such a nice woman, Sir. She does. But I've never before felt such a guttural urge to run away from anyone before ever...She's nice, pretty, and she bakes and what sort of bad person can bake? And yet...well when I was with her I was more terrified than the night I had been held at knifepoint".. Or at least she thought it was knife point. To be honest, she had simply tossed her bag which held nothing more than a pack of tobacco and a metro card and ran. "..in Washington Square Park!"

david fisher, edie steinlen

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