(no subject)

Jan 22, 2008 08:33

Who: Luke (Eldest Billy Goat Gruff), Jonas (Middle BGG), Bob (Bridge Troll), and OPEN (River? George? Rita?)
Where: Pen
When: Tuesday afternoon/evening
What: FIGHT!!!

Jonas maybe was not a tiger in bed yet, per say, but he was stealthy like one when it counted. The reel in theater three was totally fried from Eugene getting bong water all over the control panel, so they'd sent him home early. He'd been prowling...okay, maybe just loitering outside the front door for twenty minutes, waiting for Bob to get distracted with some contraband desk porn or maybe just to go to the can, which finally he did. Or something, Jonas wasn't really paying attention at that point because he was texting Max about how they were going to support their growing family of sea monkeys, considering he only had two not even part time jobs. The point was, when he looked up, Bob was no longer at the desk. He slipped inside, quiet as a whisper, quiet as the thought of a whisper, and made a beeline for the stairs.

"HOLD IT RIGHT THERE, BUB!" Bob's voice came billowing down the hall, loud enough for people all the way up on the third floor to hear. A threatening finger pointed in his direction, and he came stomping toward Jonas with heavy steps, the pizza rolls he went to heat up in the microwave forgotten. “You little fucker! When I toss somebody out, they STAY fucking out! Now split, before I split your skull in two!"

Despite his tiger stealth, Jonas reacted more like a fainting goat than a billy goat. It would have been embarrassing, except he was way too busy trying to decide how much pain Bob could inflict with a plate of steaming microwave crap. He edged closer to the stares and shifted from foot to foot, then miraculously produced a smirk and poised to make a run for it. "Hey, hey Bob. How's it going? Check out your face, wow, have you actually been evolving backward?"

Lips curling into a snarl, the insulting remark from Jonas didn't help lighten Bob's mood. God damn fucking Goats! Trying to sneak over into his bridge the Pen. Enough was enough, he'd lost whatever shred of patience his had left when it came to his Tale-mates. "Didn't you hear what I said, shit-for-brains? Or do I have to POUND it into you?" The way Jonas was standing, Bob could tell that the young kid was about to flee, but Bob was already anticipating which direction he might go, just so he could grab hold of him before he got away.

"What was that?" Jonas asked, listing to the side and stuffing his phone in his pocket. "I'm not fluent in Dumbass." Basketball was never Jonas' forte. In fact, he didn't have what one might call mad skills in anything but surfing and climbing, but he still tried to fake Bob out. He darted to the left, then made a sudden twist for the right, only he wasn't exactly dexterous and his feet weren't totally in tune with his brain, so it was less sudden and more like a vaguely confused pause before he made a run for the stairs.

"OH NO YOU DON'T!" Tossing his plate of pizza rolls onto the floor with a loud clatter, Bob lunged forward,, stretching out his hand to grab the Goat, but he just missed him. "Fucking a!" Barreling up the stair case behind Jonas, eyes practically on fire with rage, Bob wasn't about to let the sucker get away. "Not this time!" he exclaimed, reaching out and this time catching Jonas by the bottom hem of his jacket.

Luke had just come out of his own room, part of the suite he shared with Jonas. Bob had tried to bark at him when he came in, but Luke had happily been wearing headphones and pretended not to notice to troll. But seeing him now - with his grubby paws on a Younger Goat - he couldn't ignore him. Happily, a bowl of petunias sat at the top of flight of stairs leading down to the lobby. Without a word Luke picked up the flowerpot and lobbed it down the stairs towards Bob.

Tugging on Jonas' shirt, Bob was about to land his fist down upon the younger man's head, but something hard and heavy crashed upon his shoulder in an explosion of terra cotta, dirt and greenery. "What the...?" Bob shook the dirt out of his hair and turned his gaze upward to see who had attacked him. Seeing Luke there, Bob snarled, but held tightly to Jonas, not letting go of his hostage. "Is that the best you can do, mother fucker? Throw flowers?" He gave Jonas a jerk backward, sending him tumbling down the stairs, then planted his feet firmly for an attack. "Let's finish this right now.”

Fortunately, Jonas had the whole tuck and roll thing down pretty well. He was not a stranger to bullies, even if most of them weren't squirrely trolls like Bob. The tumble only resulted in impending bruises and a headache, and Jonas' natural instincts kicked in enough that he scurried back to his feet. "Oh my god, you seriously suck, you ass!" he yelled indignantly, rubbing his head and glaring at Bob's back. However, he rapidly realized there was some kind of macho standoff going on, and okay, he wasn't a pansy, but Bob was like, three times his size. He cast a glance at Luke -- who looked pretty fucking fierce and had weapons attached to his head, then quickly high-tailed it for the kitchen to find an alternate route upstairs.

Luke glared down the stairs at Bob. A dozen different lifetimes of confrontation with the troll flashed through his mind; this was no different. No matter that Bob was stronger than him this time. The troll had hurt one of his Kin. He was his first and last enemy, and defeating him was the singular purpose of his existence. He started down the stairs, feeling the heavy weight of his horns.

Strangely enough, the appearance of the large set of goat horns on Luke's head didn't phase Bob. On the contrary, they helped get him in the fighting mood, recalling the very first time they confronted one another on his bridge. Luke had a definite advantage at the moment, having the high ground, and Bob knew he needed to fix that right away. He didn't make a single movement until Luke was close enough, and then clenched his hands around the Goat's horns. Using Luke's downward momentum, Bob moved aside and flung Luke as hard as he could, holding back nothing.

When Bob grabbed his horns, Luke had the sudden revelation that he'd made a tactical error. No one else had ever been able to touch his horns before, except for himself, of course. They slid right through stuff most of the time. Sometimes he even forgot they were there. So being THROWN by his horns was definitely unexpected. He had enough time to think to himself "This is not the way it was supposed to go down" before he hit the floor. He hadn't had time to prepare for a fall, so he hit with his shoulder and skidded across the floor into the wall. Ow. It hurt like hell; he suspected his shoulder was dislocated, or at least strained. But he didn't have time to think about it now; he'd suffered worse, in the past, in battle with the Bridge Troll. He got up, shook his head to clear it, and charged back up the stairs, this time keeping his horns more guarded.

By the time Luke got up from off the floor, Bob was almost at the foot of the stairs. Adreneline rushing through his veins and a cruel smile on his face, Bob was pleased that he'd gotten the first hit. Seeing Luke come toward him, Bob stood his ground, fixing his center of gravity to keep himself steady, his hands out to grab Luke again, but this time his foe had more strength behind his charge. Bob was pushed off balance, and was forced back against the wooden barrister, which cracked and splintered against the force of impact. Roaring with anger, ignoring the pain ripping at his side, he was driven further, smacking against the wall. Holding his hands tightly together, Bob rose his arms over his head and brought his fists down hard upon Luke's back.

Luke felt a sharp give in his back accompanied by a massive, splintering pain. God, it hurt; broken ribs, he thought. It occurred to him, now that he was in the midst of the fight, that perhaps it was not a good idea to go up against the Troll unarmed. After all, the Troll was significantly stronger than he was this time. He'd have to use his wits - and his horns, now that he knew they WORKED against the Troll. He brought up his elbow, smacking Bob sharply in the chin, and followed up with a knee to the kidneys.

"FUCK!" Gritting his teeth together, Bob could taste his own blood as it trickled from the corner of his mouth. He had no time to think - he needed to get the hell out of this corner. Wrenching the goat away and pushing him aside, Bob stumbled into the center of the lobby, holding on to the place where he'd been hit, and felt something wet soaking through his shirt. Looking at his hand, he saw there was blood there from where the bannister had tore his clothes and ripped his skin. Damn it, he liked that shirt, too. Picking up the closest thing he could get his hands on, Bob threw a chair in Luke's direction.

Luke ducked the chair as he crossed the room, ignoring the thudding pain in his back. Bob was off-balance from the clumsy throw of the chair. He knew how to fight with his horns - knew it the way all animals knew. He hit Bob hard in the midsection, lifted him up with a terrific wrench of his back muscles and threw him as hard as he could.

With a thunderous shout, Bob soared through the air in a wide arc that send him across the room. Glass shattered, everywhere as he went right through the window. Landing outside on the front lawn among the scattered shards, some of which stuck in odd angles in his body, Bob was momentarily stunned. With his eyes shut, he laid there, collecting himself together, telling himself over and over again that he couldn't let the Goat win this time - he couldn't let him win.

Luke's breath came in short, painful gasps. He choked, strangely, and spit up blood. His lungs felt strangely thick, like when he'd had pneumonia. But he'd won - no one could take being thrown through a window like that and still have fight in them. Good thing, because he could feel his strength fleeing as the pain grew. The rush of adrenaline that was keeping him from collapsing and howling for an ambulance was going to wear off imminently. He stumbled to the window and looked out at the lawn. Anser's going to kill me, he thought. But Bob sure did look beat. In fact, he had GLASS sticking out of him. For one moment, Luke was just a guy fighting another guy, instead of a Goat up against a Troll, and he was horrified at having let the fight escalate to the point that they were both so messed up. Was it really worth it? He'd never doubted his purpose as a Tale before; seeing Bob's blood, he doubted it now.

It was some kind of instinct which told Bob that Luke was standing close by, even with his eyes closed. Like, some sort of radar. He could also smell the other man's blood, even from this distance, and it enlivened his senses. Opening his eyes to thin slits, he confirmed where Luke was standing, but remained perfectly still, his anger and hate refueling him to continue the fight. Just one moment more.... Luke had taken a step forward and that was enough for him. With surprising agility, Bob lept from his spot to grab Luke by the shoulders, and using his forward momentum, he brought him crashing to the lawn, pinning him down with body. With his horns, Luke looked less human and more goat, and hell bent on revenge, he pummeled his hapless enemy again and again, until he heard bones break.

janelle hartwell, bob trowbridge, jonas reilly, luke shepherdson, river kincaid, george woodruff

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