Who: Kilroy (Mad Hatter), May (March Hare)
When: Christmas (posting this early since Ali and I will be busy)
Where: Muppet cabin, somewhere out in the forest
Why: May's present/Kilroy performs with his Hall & Oates cover band from the 1990's
Rating: PG-13 for safety reasons?
I said, can you play hatless? )
When Kilroy pulled away, May's instinct was to move forward, not wanting it to end so quickly. But, he was still holding her face, so she couldn't, but that glazed, deliriously happy look in her eyes was completely unmistakable. Especially since she was also completely sober. It couldn't be played off for anything else.
Oh XENU. It couldn't be played off for anything else! And as Kilroy looked down at Fozzie, May started going through what she could say if he asked her anything. It was the song. Yeah. It was a good ending for the song. It fit. And it was dramatic. And- then he was looking back at her, and that all fizzled out.
She couldn't think of anything anymore. She was just lost in his eyes, and the only thing that was threatening to come out of her mouth was exactly what she had wanted to tell him for so very, very long.
"I loved it." Her voice was barely over a whisper, and her fingers were still playing idly at the back of his neck. Were there other people around, or had Fozzie just walked in on them? It didn't matter, she just wanted to stay there with him, and go back to kissing him, and forget anything about any party- Oh Xenu- Or forget about Paisley...
"Er- Sorry." May dropped her hands, even though it was practically physically painful for her to do so, "I shouldn't have done that. I wouldn't want to mess anything up with you and Paisley..." Unfortunately, May couldn't even hold the look when she said that, and continued to mumble a bit under her breath randomly about how May was better for him anyway, though it was mostly incoherent.
"RIGHT! Present. It's- uh- over there." And with that, May wandered off the stage, dazed a bit from what had happened.
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