(no subject)

Jan 12, 2008 13:31

WHO: Harrison Tweed [Tweedledum] and Vegas Palmero [Queen of Hearts].
WHAT: Their first date!
WHEN: Friday late afternoon into evening.
WHERE: Harrison's flat at the Pen.
STATUS: AIM log and thread, in progress.
RATING: R because it's Vegas ;)

Harrison: Harrison woke up in a cheerful mood. This was the day of his and Vegas's date. He was a bit nervous when he took a shower and put on his clothes (his favorite red and black jersey and a pair of black jeans), and his nervousness grew as he ate breakfast and watched the local news. He was going to have a girl in his flat. Though it wasn't the first time he'd had a girl in his flat, it was the first time he had had a girlfriend in it. In an effort to make it look tidy for his 'lady Queen', he cleared all his clothes out of the small sitting area and made it look as neat as possible. "I hope I won't scare her into changing her mind about me," he told his cat Wellie. With a soft sigh, he plopped onto his couch and waited for Vegas to arrive.

Vegas: "Where the hell are my damn jeans?" It was the first words out of her mouth as she rummaged around through her bag looking for her favorite pair of jeans. She was talking to no one in particular and expected no answer. There was an answer though in them being thrown at her head. She stumbled just slightly and thankfully managed to keep a hold of the towel precariously wrapped around her. "Thanks!...asshole." The last said half under her breath and definently to herself as she kicked the door shut to get dressed. The smell of fresh laundry was a welcome change and Vegas face vaulted in to the pile on the bed taking a big sniff. She quickly snapped out of the cacoon of fabric softner bliss though and got dressed.

Her almost threadbare Guns N Roses Tee was donned with pride and was a perfect mate to her jeans worn to holes at the knees and shredded at the bottom of the legs. This wasn't no great formal date and so she was determined to be as comfortable as possible. She blow dryed her hair and put on some light makeup. It was just a matter of being dropped off at the street in front of the Pen. The walk took no time though she was well tucked in to her hoody by the time she reached Harri's door and knocked.

Harrison: Harri jumped nearly a foot off the couch when he heard the knock at the door. "Coming!" he said a bit squeakily, rushing over to open it. He smiled a sweet, adorable smile at Vegas. "Hello. How are you? Come in, come in..." He stood out of the way so she could enter the small Pentamerone flat. His black and white kitten Digby was perched on the back of the couch and greeted Vegas with a loud mew.

"Make yourself at home," Harri said kindly. "The place is a bit small, but it's only temporary...I mean, I'm only living here temporarily. It's not a temporary flat..." He rolled his eyes at himself and smiled. "I'm just a little nervous...You're my first...It's been..." He cleared his throat. "Would you like something to drink? I've got some tea and some sodas in the refrigerator."

Vegas: Vegas was a cat lover and the sight of the cat on the back of the couch caught her immediate attention. She stepped in to the apartment and pushed the hood of her hoody off of the top of her head and unzipped it but would not take it off. "Oh...God no tea. I have been taking care of Kettle for Kilroy and the tea is driving me insane. Soda would be great though." She shuffled over to the couch and reached out slowly to let the cat get used to her before she reached out to pet it.

"There is no reason to be nervous. Promise I left the ax at home." She gave him a playful smile to accompany her words. Vegas would probably never own an ax. The simple thought of her actually frightened her. She did quite well keeping her moods in check and if she slipped she certainly didn't want something like that around.

Harrison: Harri smiled as Digby rubbed against Vegas's outstretched hand. "Be careful. You might not be able to get him off you soon." He laughed when she told him about Kilroy and Kettle. "True, that man loves his tea perhaps even more than I do. I drank it all the time back home in New Zealand. I suppose that's the norm, though, eh?" He went over to his refrigerator and pulled out a can of Coke, displaying it to her like he was in a soda commercial. "Is Coke okay?" he asked with a funny raise of his eyebrows.

He chuckled at the ax joke, though he was a bit puzzled. Do all queens have axes? he wondered. "Oh, I didn't think you'd ax me. You don't seem like an ax murderer. I'm just...I'm kind of shy with girls, if you haven't noticed." He looked down at his feet; an action that showed off his long black lashes. "I'm working on it, though. I promise." He looked back up at her and his light brown eyes sparkled with hopefulness.

Vegas: "Well he was caught in perminant tea time after all...or the Hatter was." She shrugged and walked over to the fridge where he was standing. "Coke is just fine." She reached out to take it from his hands popping it open with little difficulty other than trying to not break a nail in the process.

"No, I wouldn't ax you..." Vegas let that strain of conversation go. She didn't want to talk of axing people. She had no idea why she had made the joke even. Harri didn't freak out from it though. It was a nice change. "So have we even discussed what we are watching?"

Harrison: Harri watched her with fascination. She certainly was a lot different than Catharine--she didn't seem that type at all, and this was a pleasant change because it was very hard for him to be around girls who reminded him of his ex. Vegas had a strong presence, and he attributed that to the fact that she had been a queen. I'm dating a queen, he thought. Not every bloke can say that. "Ah, good," he said as he watched her open the can. "It's always been one of my favourites."

He gave her a sort of sideways smile in response to her question. "No, I don't believe we have...Did we want to rent something? I've got a small collection in my bedroom, but I'm not sure what you'd be interested in watching." He looked at her sweetly. "It's up to you, luv. I'm easy."

Vegas: "Lets look through what you have first before we venture out." Her hand moved between the bedroom doors of the room waiting to be told which one was the right way to head. "Which door? Or is there scary things to be found and you will just tell me what you have?"

Harrison: Harrison laughed. "Wow, no! No, there's nothing scary. Just a bedroom...with a bed in it." He blushed a bit. "It's that door there," he said as he pointed toward the correct door. He had no idea what she meant by 'scary things' and hoped she didn't think a young bachelor's bedroom was scary. "I don't keep dragons in my flat or anything..." He stuffed his hands in his pockets and smiled shyly as she went into his small room. His black-sheeted bed was the main occupier of the room, but there was a small shelf nearby that had a collection of carefully alphabetized DVDs with genres ranging from Top Gun to Love Actually.

Vegas: Vegas moved in to the room and found the shelf with his store of DVDs. She plopped down on the edge of the bed looking the selection over curiously. "So you have no preference?" She looked up at him with startling pale blue eyes and a quizical tilt to her lips. "I think we might need to go rent one." Vegas had dated more than Harri and knew most the movies he had that she would want to watch would end up in awkward moments between them. Love scenes in a movie on the first date wasn't nothing horrible but with as nervous as Harri already was the last thing he needed was her curled up next to him and the actors on the TV going at it.

Harrison: Harri chuckled. "Okay, that's fine. We could take my car, unless you want to walk..." He trailed off once he looked into her captivating blue eyes and realized that she was sitting on his bed. Unable to be subtle, he let out a soft gulp. "...You're on my bed," he said softly. His tone was less nervous and more surprised. He fixed her with an adorable expression and tilted his head toward the shelf. "Are you sure none of them would work? I've heard Love Actually is a great date movie...I've never actually seen it on a date, I've only watched it alone..."

Vegas: "Yes, I'm on your bed." She chuckled and with out warning grabbed his hand and jerked him off balance to fall on to the bed. "And now so are you. It happens. Beds aren't just for sleeping and hedonistic romps that wrinkle your sheets anymore. You can sit on them as well." Her lips quirked in to a devious smirk. She was feeling quite full of herself and Harri just seemed to need a bit of shocking from time to time.

Harrison: Of all the things Harrison might have expected to happen, this was not one of them. He let out a soft shout as she pulled him over, and as he lay there blinking up at her, he marvelled at her words. He had no idea what 'hedonistic' meant, but he could pretty much gather what it alluded to. The idea made him blush even more, but he made no effort to move and just stayed there, gazing up at her innocently. "Oh, yeah," he said softly after a few moments, gulping again. "Th--that's true, I suppose...It's just been a while since..." He gave her a deer-in-the-headlights look before clearing his throat. "So...We could just, y'know, spend part of the date here then. It's comfortable...Maybe you can tell me some of the things you'd like to do, so I can make sure to please you." He meant it entirely innocently, but of course it came out sounding a bit more sexual than he would've wanted.

Vegas: Vegas couldn't help but smile around Harri. She didn't know why but he was just infectious like that. She looked down at him and couldn't help the chuckle that escaped her. Vegas was in highly new territory. She in all truth didn't know how to respond to a guy that was so blatently innocent. She half felt like she would break him. Though in all truth she wasn't sure Harri could be broken.

Vegas sat her drink on the bedside table and flopped back on the bed herself. "You are very accomidating. How about you tell me what would please you first?"

Harrison: Harri watched her lay back beside him with a cute, childlike smile. "Me? Well...I dunno..." He slowly reached over and took her hand in his. "This pleases me." He looked into her eyes. His eyes were always so sparkly, as if they were lit from within by some secret longing. "I s'pose I'm not your typical guy. I like romantic things...I like having fun..." He laughed. "I'm so broad. I need to be more specific, but I don't know. I like music. There. That's something."

Vegas: Vegas would never have thought a month ago or even two weeks ago she would be dating Harri. It wasn't as if he was out of the usual for her. Vegas truly didn't have a type and if she did the guys she had been with fit in two destinctive groups...so maybe she had two types. "I rarely get romance." It was a sad truth. Sammy had been the most romantic guy that Vegas had ever dated and she had been in a bad place emotionally back then and hadn't been able to appreciate him the way he deserved.

The mention of music brought a smile to her lips once more. "Music...bleh I hate music." Her mocking tone would have given her away had Harri not known she was a musician.

Harrison: Harri continued to look into Vegas's eyes as he listened to her. The fact that the Queen of Hearts rarely got romance was a bit of a shock to the romantic Kiwi. "Really?" he questioned softly, letting his thumb gently brush against the back of her hand. "Then you're missing out." He smiled sweetly at her. "I think it makes relationships more special."

He giggled. "I think it's impossible to hate music. But as you're in a band...a great band at that...you of course know how wonderful it is. I especially love rock and roll, myself."

Vegas: Harri was slightly mesmerizing with his gentleness. It was something she knew she generally took for granted. Vegas was just slightly on the rough side. She had jagged edges like you wouldn't believe and was decently fractured but Harri seemed unphased by all of it. "I have always loved music. I started playing guitar when I was five. Hell...who knows, Harri, you might end up with a song wrote about you." She smiled at him and the odds of Harri making the pages of her notebook were pretty good. Vegas had been writing pretty steadily of late.

Harrison: Not receiving any negative response from Vegas, he continued to gently pet the back of her hand with his thumb. Romance came naturally to him, so it had always been a disappointment to him that he couldn't find a girl that appreciated it. There seemed to be so many cynics in the world nowadays. It depressed him. He smiled adorably when she said she might write a song about him. "Really? That would be amazing. I've never had a song written for me. I'm trying to teach myself the ukulele, actually. I know a few chords. Maybe someday I'll form a ukulele band." He chuckled softly. For not being used to having a girl on his bed, he was doing quite well.

harrison tweed, vegas palmero

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