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burrowedtime May 12 2008, 22:42:37 UTC

Her blush only increased as he started to sing for her, the song was making her giggle and blush a bit because it was so cute and sweet and perfect. And she was sure that everyone was staring at her and her boyfriend, but she really didn't care. In fact all she could really focus on was him, and everyone else was pretty much forgotten.

When he sang about getting down on his knee, she heard his voice move and then get lower, as if he was actually getting down onto his knee. That's where his voice was coming from anyways. She stared at him a little in surprise, and there were definitely tears in her eyes when he asked her to marry him.

She almost wanted to make sure that he was actually singing to her, but well of course he was. Her name was in the song. And she didn't want to say something really stupid, but it seemed like if she was going to open her mouth, she'd say something silly, or perhaps just blubber. So finally she just nodded her head a little.

Then she took a deep breath and willed herself to actually speak, "You really wanna.. marry me? Oh Harri.." she reached forward to touch him, or where she thought he was supposed to be. "Of course I'll marry you.. yes.. yes please..." ah well, so maybe not totally dumb.


one_fry_short May 12 2008, 23:08:41 UTC

Harrison smiled up at Cassie and sniffled softly, taking her hand. He set the uke on the floor beside him and reached into his pocket, pulling out a little red ring box. "Of course I really want to marry you." He kissed her hand and opened the box. Her response made him giggle softly and the happy tears started to fall.

"I know that we've really only been together for three months, but sometimes you just know. I knew from our first lunch together that we had something special. You knew it too." He chuckled. "Zeus even knew it. And I know I'm not perfect... I'm far from perfect. But I promise to protect you and make you happy. As close as possible to the happy that you make me feel."

He pulled the sparkling blue Cassiopeia topaz ring out of the box and gently slid it onto her left-hand ring finger. "This is a special ring," he explained. "It's a Cassiopeia topaz ring. And, not only that, but I bought it in England, where Lewis Carroll first told the story of Alice and Wonderland..."

He figured that this bit might confuse the onlookers, but he hoped Cassie would understand the sentiment. Standing back up, he wrapped his arms around Cassie and kissed her. He smiled and cupped his hands around her cheeks. "I love you, Cassandra," he said softly, before kissing her again.


burrowedtime May 12 2008, 23:25:07 UTC

Letting him have her hand, she felt herself start to cry too, unable to help it. But she didn't make any move to wipe them up either, at least not yet. "Oh Harri.. it's so.. really? That's.. amazing.. and I'm sure it's perfect and beautiful.." she swallowed the lump down in her throat.

"I love you too Harrison.." she was blushing so bad, but in a very good way. She felt his arms around her, and immediately put her arms up around his neck and kissed him soundly. Wow, she so hadn't been expecting this as her surprise, and she was all but speechless really. "I love you so much.." she really did.

She giggled and kept kissing his face, happier then she'd felt ever in her whole life. And her mother was going to be ecstatic. "Oh my god I'm getting married.." she giggled. And then everyone she worked with started to clap and cheer.


one_fry_short May 12 2008, 23:34:40 UTC

"Almost as perfect and beautiful as you. Almost." He cuddled her in his arms, crying softly into her hair. He couldn't help it. "I'm so glad you said 'yes'. Thank you for saying 'yes'." A sob escaped him. "I love you more than anything."

Continuing to hold her, he rubbed her back and kissed her happily, unable to stop smiling and crying. "I'm getting married too!" he giggled back, rocking her in his arms a bit. He took her in his arms and gently lifted her, spinning her around and bringing her in for another kiss.

"I'll let you get back to work now," he said sweetly. "I'll be at home waiting for you...Future Mrs. Tweed." He kissed her again.


burrowedtime May 12 2008, 23:56:04 UTC

Cassie was definitely not going to let go until she had to, and she wasn't quite sure she wanted him to go. She laughed when she was picked up and spun around, kissing him back eagerly. Everyone seemed so happy for them, it was great.

"You think I can just concentrate on the rest of my day now?" she teased. "I guess I'll have to try. Maybe I can leave early.. I'll see you soon.." she kept kissing him over and over again and finally let him go. "I'll see you when I get home, Mr. Tweed." she giggled. Mrs Tweed, oh yeah that was funny.


one_fry_short May 13 2008, 00:05:05 UTC

Harrison giggled. "Yeah, I kind of cheated. I took the day off. I didn't think anyone wanted Nigel the explorer singing The Happy Song of Happiness at Jekyll & Hyde. It's not very scary."

He kissed her over and over eagerly. "Don't worry about leaving too early. No rush." He winked at her coworkers. "I'll make you dinner. Anything you'd like."

He picked up his ukulele and wrapped his arm around Cassie's waist for one more kiss. "Okay, leaving here is difficult," he said, chuckling. "I'll see you at home!" Strumming his ukulele once more, he left the pharmacy to the applause of Cassie's coworkers and customers, singing "Cassie, Cassio, Cassiopeia, Cassie the pharmacist..."


burrowedtime May 13 2008, 00:12:42 UTC

She giggled a bit, "You're probably right. I'll see if I can't come home soon okay? Because I totally don't think i'm going to be any good to anyone at the moment.." because she was so not going to be able to concentrate.

"Actually Cassie," her boss spoke up from the back, "If you want to go home now, be my guest.. you deserve it.." he told her.

"Really? Thank you.. that's very nice of you.. thank you sir.." she went and tried to catch Harri before he left, "Harri! Harri wait.." she called, trying to grab up her stuff and hope he had heard her.


one_fry_short May 13 2008, 00:18:27 UTC

Harrison smiled. He should've known that Cassie wouldn't be able to concentrate for the rest of the day. That was the only thing he hadn't really planned. He'd planned the song and dinner and the flailing outside the pharmacy after she said 'yes', if she said 'yes', but he hadn't planned this.

He was in still in mid-song when he heard Cassie call him. "Ca- Yes?" he asked, reappearing in the doorway with a big grin on his face.


burrowedtime May 13 2008, 00:40:46 UTC

"I can go home!" she announced happily as he came back inside, "Hold on one second!" and then she gathered up the rest of her things and then went over to go find him at the door. "Hi." she greeted, grinning from ear to ear.

"He told me I can go home.. so do you want to take me home?" she asked happily.


one_fry_short May 13 2008, 00:48:04 UTC

Harri leaned diagonally in the doorway, strumming his uke some more. "She's getting her stuff," he sang hilariously, making a funny face as he grinned. "She's collecting her things while her fiance sings... She's getting her stuff...Ba ba ba bo..." He did his Bing Crosby impression for effect.

He was so silly.

When Cassie came back over, he stood up straight and laughed. "Oh, I suppose I could take you home. Would you like me to carry anything?" he asked, taking her hand.


burrowedtime May 13 2008, 00:53:57 UTC

"Well considering your home is my home now, I suppose it's just as easy, though I was going to walk home of course.." she giggled at him. He was silly, but that's why she loved him. "I've got it all, thank you though.." she really just had her bag and that was it.

She put her hand in his and gave a wave to everyone else and headed out of the pharmacy with him. "That was.. so.. amazing and I .. I don't even know what to say Harri.. I'm so.. I'm speechless.. you know the kind of speechless that comes with words."


one_fry_short May 13 2008, 01:00:54 UTC

"I walked here," Harri giggled. "I was too nervous to drive. My hands were shaking." He accidentally struck one of the strings on his uke. "Oop, I guess they still are a bit." He giggled again. Giggling was a sign of Harri happiness.

He waved to everyone as well and shouted a "See you again!" over his shoulder as they left. He beamed at Cassie as they strolled together. "Speechless with words. Yeah, I think I know what you mean. You liked it, then?" He gently stroked her ring on her finger, feeling so proud and overjoyed.


burrowedtime May 13 2008, 01:33:05 UTC

"Then I guess we're walking," she giggled. "You were nervous? Aw there was nothing to be nervous about. You didn't seem nervous.. you were perfect.." she leaned up and kissed his cheek as they walked together down the road.

"I really really really liked it.. I'm so.. happy.. I mean I love you so much and we're going to get married," she squeezed his hand and tried not to squee too loudly. She was totally going to squee at her mother though probably.


one_fry_short May 13 2008, 02:28:04 UTC

"I could carry you if you want," Harri said, grinning. "Well, I was nervous because there was a chance you'd say 'no'. And there were people there." He blushed beneath her kiss.

Her obvious happiness and excitement made him even more happy. "I love you so, so much too, darling. I'm the happiest man in the universe right now." He leaned down and kissed her softly. "And the wedding can be whenever you want and any way you want. It's entirely up to you. As long as I can be your husband."

He couldn't wait to tell his dad. And everyone he knew.


burrowedtime May 13 2008, 03:40:44 UTC

"Aww Harri.. I wouldn't say no, and definitely not in front of other people," she was totally not that mean. Not like she would have said no anyways. "You don't have to carry me, just make sure I don't bump into anything," she giggled.

They kept stopping in the middle of the sidewalk to kiss, probably annoying everyone walking behind them but she totally didn't care. She kept kissing him because she really couldn't stop herself. "Ooh a wedding. Good grief, I bet Mom will want to plan the whole thing herself," she snorted a bit. "I'll have to talk her out of it.

She really couldn't wait to tell everyone either.


one_fry_short May 13 2008, 03:56:08 UTC

Even though he had been nervous, Harrison knew in his heart that Cassie wouldn't say 'no'. He was just afraid of jinxing himself. "I know," he said sweetly, pulling her close and kissing her head. "I'll never doubt myself again." He giggled. "One of these days, I'm going to carry you. And I have to carry you over the threshhold someday. That's marriage law. Pretty sure it's written down somewhere."

He turned toward the people walking behind them, grinning. "We just got engaged." Saying that made him feel as though he could fly. "Yes, a wedding. Don't worry about it, though. Which, I know, is a bit weird to hear. But there's no rush. Your mum could plan it... Or at least help." He giggled again. "I think she'd kill us if she couldn't at least help. But maybe one of our friends is a wedding planner or knows a wedding planner or dated a wedding planner."

A taxi honked as they crossed the street. "Hey!" Harri shouted, smiling brilliantly. "We're engaged!!" He was like George Bailey at Christmastime.


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