WHO: Everybody! Everybody, and Patricia.
WHAT: The first annual Europe Day Party, aka EU New Years, aka Europegate, aka The French Revolution. Decadent decay, imperialism, wine-drinking, scone-waving, Manet/Monet slurring, nouveau bossa nova, big maps, Eurocentricism, themed booze.
WHEN: Friday evening; party starts around nine, starts around
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She was going to need significantly more gin than was in Dave #1's manpurse. To be fair, it wasn't his manpurse, but he knew damn well that if he and Ms. Bouchard were attending a social function, he was to retrieve it from his locker at the office and stock it with a large bottle of gin. These were the reasons why he hadn't been fired yet. It may or may not have also had to do with Kelly dissuading Marie's pink-slipping hand.
Either way.
"And Dave Number One, sugar," she said, right on Patricia's heels, "Don't think I'm letting you off the hook either." A brief pause. The Dave's looked sufficiently terrified. "So, darlin'--" this to Patricia--"how long are we gonna ( ... )
Shooting a look of solidarity at Marie and holding her head up high, Patricia entered. Making an extreme effort not to look at anyone directly (though undoubtedly, she realized that their appearance would attract a lot of attention) she scanned the crowd for four things: the party's hosts, enemies, friends (doubtful), and the beverage table.
Without waiting for a response, she gestured to Marie. "I'm not sure if you've met Marie Bouchard, though perhaps you've heard of her." She paused as the Daves looked around awkwardly, clearly wondering if they were going to have to introduce themselves or if such a thing were even within their contracts. Very nearly rolling her eyes as she said it, she threw away the line, "Oh, and these are the Daves."
Sensing perhaps that an extended hand would not be taken by either, Hale just smiled. "The name's familiar, yes. I think Mia, she's probably in the other room, worked runway on one of your shows? Or she was an intern, and Li walked for Donna Karan. One did one, one did the other, I can't remember, I really have no idea." He partook heavily of his drink, leaned to the side, and gave a glib little wave: "Hey Daves."
( ... )
"Yes, quite an affair," Patricia agreed with Marie in words, though her if her face had portrayed any less of an interest in the Europe Party, it's possible that it would have been mistaken for that of a corpse.
"Listen, Hale." To her credit, the words didn't actually sound as unfriendly as they might have. Her tone was that of someone doing a friendly business deal. "I received an invitation from your - " Her left eyebrow raised as she wondered what the correct term might be for two men living together in the city. "- roommate. If there's anything you'd like to share with me, now would be an excellent time."
"Well, he does get excited about invitations," Hale reflected, a statement which cast much light upon the correct term for this particular pair of men living together in the city. That Watts had gotten overzealous with the promotion made more sense than the proposition that Patricia and Marie Bouchard had shown up at their party for the having of merriment. It still bewildered him that he'd succeeded, and now Hale glanced between them, not sure what Patricia was trying to extract. "Something I'd like to share." The repetition didn't give him any epiphanies, and he couldn't fight a mild gloss of confusion. "Did Watts say he had something to share?"
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