(no subject)

Mar 31, 2008 13:34

WHO: Alejandro Diaz (Mowgli) and Cassia Wyndham-Frost (The Princess - The Goose Girl)
WHEN: A few days before she left for Paris?
WHERE: Al's room at the Pen
WHAT: Food. Gory movies. Cassia jumping into laps. SWEET LOVIN' (JK. OR AM I)
RATING: Okay, I'll admit it. PG-13 for some MACKING.

Al: Several small miracles had occurred since Al had called Cassia to confirm their movie night. One? He'd cleaned the apartment. Now: he wasn't terribly messy, especially not for a thirty-year-old bachelor, but he was a busy guy and he had a roommate and yes, sometimes the place got cluttered. Two? He hadn't actually rented a horror movie. After Cassia's reaction to the idea of Dracula, he'd decided to go with a thriller instead. Something tense, with blood, but no monsters.

So he'd rented the first Saw. Yeah, great replacement, Al. At least he had meant well.

The door to the Pentamerone apartment that Al shared with Evan was open, if only a few inches, and the sound of the television could be heard from within.

Cassia: Some small voice in the back of Cassia's head kept asking 'Should I tell Ben about Al? Should I tell Al about Ben?' and then a voice sounding strangely like Bianca's exclaimed 'No!' in her head, because really, what was she doing wrong? She'd been on one date with Ben. She'd been on one date with Al and kissed him. There was no commitment. She was having fun and that was all that mattered. So she'd let the matter go. And now Cassia was sitting on the subway with two boxes of pizza and some chicken wings courtesy of Pizza Hut sitting on her lap. She found she'd been on the subway with lots of food lately and she'd even drapped a jacket over it to prevent any further bum accidents. The blonde didn't want to be saved again because of some homeless person trying to steal food from her. One day, she just wanted to board the subway and hand out food to people and see what they said. Probably think it's poisoned, she reasoned in her head.

10 minutes later, she was at the Pen. Waving hello to John on her way in, she offered him a slice before continuing onwards to Al's apartment, which she didn't know he also shared with Evan. That would've been very awkward if the three of them had been there together. No, seriously. Talk about a rather large awkward turtle. Humming a tune she had stuck in her head, she looked down at herself, hoping she wasn't too .. casual. Simply wearing a tank top with a sweater and a large fur jacket over it, paired with a pair of jeans and Uggs, as well as a scarf draped around her neck, she figured they were just watching movies so it wasn't like she had to dress up like they were going out somewhere fancy.

Stumbling upon his apartment, she realized it was open already but out of politeness, decided to knock anyways, holding the pizza and chicken wings against her side with one arm.

Al: "Hey! Come on in." If Cassia was worried about formality, the first glimpse of Al would hopefully remove her concerns. Of course, he was fully dressed, and for Al? That was pretty formal. But the jeans and dark green polo were certainly far off of the tie-and-jacket look. He dropped the newspaper that he'd been in the process of walking to the recycling basket, then turned to trot over and greet Cassia at the entrance. "Hey," he greeted again. "Need help?" And if the answer was 'yes,' he'd reach out to try and grab some of the boxes of food. "Evan's out, so we've got the common space to ourselves."

Cassia: Well thank God. She was neither under nor overdressed. Just right. Shutting the door completely behind her, Cassia was unsure how she should greet him. If she was a forward girl, she would've gone right for it. Fortunately (or maybe unfortunately) for him, she instead simply went for the cheek, looking grateful as he offered to take the food from him. "Yes, please," the blonde said, relinquishing the boxes of hot food. It was starting to make her stomach grumble, really. At the mention of Evan, her eyebrows nearly shot into her hairline and Cassia busied herself with taking off her scarf and jacket, looking down at her boots. "Oh, that's good," she told him, looking up and hoping he hadn't seen that. Exhaling slowly, she looked for a coatrack to hang her things on. Or.. somewhere to put them.

Al: The coat-rack wouldn't be obvious until the door was shut - something that Al did by bumping it with his foot. There was a bar with coat-hooks attached to the inside, and a winter coat already dangled from it. This was after she'd kissed his cheek, of course; he certainly wasn't going to turn down such a nice greeting.

"I'm really glad you could come," Al called over his shoulder as he led the way into the apartment and dropped the food onto the table. He'd already pulled some plates, as well as paper towels (he didn't actually own any linen) and silverware. Real silverware; he might not be willing to launder napkins, but he'd certainly wash dishes. "How're you doing? Subway ride went okay? Thanks for grabbing dinner, by the way."

Cassia: "Ah!" she said when he closed the door, revealing the hooks on the other side of the door. Hanging her coat and scarf, as well as the sweater on an empty coat, she left her slightly wet boots outside of the door and turned back towards where Al was dropping the food off on the table.

"I'm doing great! Busy with school and work. And getting ready for my Spring Break trip!" She rubbed her arms as she let the warmth wash over her, taking this time to glance around the apartment and survey the area where he lived. "Subway ride went just as any subway rides go," the blonde quipped, an amused smile crossing her face. "Especially when you're carrying food. But this time, I hid it in my lap so I wouldn't get harassed by any homeless people. Well.. attempted to anyways. And no problem! I would've cooked something up really fast but I figured since we were going to watch a movie, we probably just needed something we could eat with our hands. Or something." She really needed to stop ending her sentences with that. It made her sound nervous .. or at least retarded or something. As if she wasn't going to make a fool of herself enough by watching horror movies, with a guy nonetheless.

Al: The apartment was pretty nondescript; Al made a good salary at the Zoo, but not buckets of money, and so the furnishings tended to be pretty tame. There were a lot of potted plants - as many as Evan would let him keep - because they reminded him of the jungle. Otherwise? Posters, a sofa, an entertainment system. The latter was fairly nice, because that? Was totally worth sinking in some extra money.

"Oh man, Spring Break trip? I'm jealous. I hope you're going someplace fun. Back in undergrad I made one trip - South Padre in Texas. Otherwise, I was always here working or something. It's really nice to get away." Al grinned over at Cassia, then flipped open the pizza box and reached out to offer her a plate.

"Don't even worry about cooking. I could've cooked, but my range is really limited. Figured you wouldn't be so into ramen. Or steak. I can make enchiladas, but they take forever. Uh. Spaghetti. Sandwiches. Mac and cheese. And that's pretty much it."

Cassia: "One of my friends is taking me with him to Paris!" she said excitedly with a grin. She couldn't wait. She had even bought a French phrase book so she could practice. Why was the French language so difficult?? Probably why she'd had a difficult time in high school and college with the whole foreign language requirement. "That was the one place I didn't go backpacking cause I had to go to New York to start school." Oh well, at least she was going now. That was exciting! "It's definitely really nice to get away. I think I need it." Plus the thought of how much shopping she could do in Paris was thrilling. She loved clothes.

After finishing up her appraisal, she decided that this was definitely a bachelor pad. Why did they all look the same?? Guys. She had to smile at that. "Ramen huh? That's such a single guy thing to eat," the blonde teased him with a grin that could be taken as somewhat sassy. "Mmm, enchiladas. Now that you definitely need to cook for me sometime. I cook a lot. One day, I'll cook dinner for you if you make me enchiladas. Deal?" She took the plate from him and reached out another to shake on the deal before grabbing two slices of pizza and setting them on her plate. Opening up the box of hot wings, she contemplated how many to take before simply taking two of those as well for now and pouring some ranch on her plate. "So what's playing in Alejandro's theatre tonight?"

Al: "It's a deal. I can safely promise you homemade enchiladas - those I don't mess up." After Cassia had served herself, Al snagged two slices of pizza as well as a couple of hot wings. The puddle of Ranch on his plate was a little much for just the wings, but then, Al was a Ranch dressing and pizza kind of guy. Yeah. One of those.
"France? That's sweet. I've never been to Europe. That really does sound like a good time." Hand beneath his plate, Al reached out to snag a napkin but skipped the silverware. Hey. It was finger food, he didn't need it. "Saw. I decided not to go for monsters and just do a thriller kind of horror movie. It's bloody, but there aren't any vampires or anything. 'Cause I figured, when you said 'no Dracula,' that wasn't a good idea. But if you wanted monsters, I own some werewolf movies. I've kind of got a weakness for wolf movies; it's a Tale thing."

Cassia: "Are you saying you mess up mac and cheese?" Looking amused, she lifted her plate and sat down on the edge of his couch while he served himself. "Or are you one of those 'I burn water' types?"

"Europe is beautiful," Cassia told him, a delighted expression crossing her face at the sudden onslaught of memories of the continent she'd grown to love. She wanted to live there. At least for a year. Three months just wasn't enough. She couldn't even decide where she liked the most. Each country was wonderful in it's unique way. "I think everyone needs to go there at least once in their lifetime. Experience it. Cause believe me, it is definitely an experience." Dipping her finger in the ranch, she put it in her mouth, sucking on it for a moment before pulling it out and trying to figure out something to say in regards to the fact that they were going to watch Saw. Wasn't that the torture movie? Or was that Hostel? Was she getting those mixed up? She couldn't really tell the difference. They all looked awful. "Should I warn you again about getting scared? I scream. Loudly. I hope your walls are sound-proof." Wait, that sounded dirty. Oh GOD! She cleared her throat and picked up her piece of pizza, stuffing part of the slice in her mouth. After chewing, swallowing, and regaining herself, she continued with, "Anyways, isn't that the torture movie? And there's like five sequels?"

Al: "I think so? It's the one with the people being locked up together and having to amputate body parts. I mean, it's gory, but I didn't think it would be as bad because it's so… implausible. Seven, that's a disturbing movie."

Al reached down to scoop up the DVD and show it to Cassia. "We could see the Howling instead? And you can scream. Figure most people are still out, anyway. It's early yet. And I'll be right there - promise, you get too freaked out, we can stop it."

Cassia: "I can handle Saw. I think. As long as no one is going to jump out and scare me," she told him, moreso reassuring herself than anything. Eating another slice of pizza, she swung her legs on the side of the couch, waiting for Al to pop in the movie.

Cassia wasn't quite sure where she should sit or what she should do. She hadn't been on a movie date in a long time and this was different. She wasn't even sure if he liked her or not? They could've just been hanging out platonic ally for all she knew that he thought. Unsure, Cassia frowned but then erased the frown and sat down on the couch all the way, setting her plate of food in her lap and looking at the television and then looking up at Al. She decided that maybe she shouldn't think so much and just watch the movie. Cassia wasn't even sure how she felt about him or if she liked him. Maybe. But then there was Ben, she kind of liked him too. Cassia had never had this problem before.

Al: Al popped the movie in and then moved back to sit on the couch. If he'd noticed any signs of inner turmoil in Cassia, he didn't let on. But honestly: it was Al. He probably hadn't noticed. He left about half a foot between them on the sofa, far enough that he wasn't quite invading personal space, but close enough to be within eye-covering range. Or, y'know, arm-around-shoulders range, should he feel safe in going for that. Once on the sofa, he reached forward to snag the remote so that he could skip straight to the disc menu. "No one's going to jump out." Al promised. "Evan's the only one who could, and he'd be deeeeead. He knows it, too."

Cassia: She grinned and relaxed slightly, tensing up as soon as the movie started up. Cassia fidgeted with her plate, before setting it down on the table in front of them so she could concentrate on the movie. It was starting to make her stomach feel queasy anyways.

The movie progressed and Cassia realized that it was kind of a mystery suspense movie with.. some gore. Ok, a lot of gore. She was surprised. Usually horror movies had no plot. Well not anything complex. Mostly just some group of teenagers going on vacation and being attacked by some serial killer. But this story was kind of interesting but the gore really freaked her out. Cassia screamed several times throughout the movie. People having to cut off body parts. Hints in dead bodies. By the time they were near the end of the movie, Cassia had pretty much scooted right against Al, and couldn't help a screech before burying her face in his shoulder. And then it was the end. That definitely had to be the worst when she realized that the guy was inside of the body. Screaming louder than all the other times, Cassia ended up jumping... right into Al's lap.

Al: Okay. Al hadn't really rented the movie so that she'd scream into his shoulder. Really. Scout's... oh, who was he kidding? Al had never been a Boy Scout, and while he hadn't picked the movie for the shriek-and-hide factor? He wasn't going to argue with the lessening of distance between them.

The jumping-in-his-lap but was a surprise, though. Al inhaled in surprise, then let out an amused bark of a laugh. "It's okay!" He exclaimed, and tried to swing an arm around to pat Cassia on the back. "Still no one here but us."

Cassia: To be honest, Cassia was completely shocked at where she'd ended up; in Al's LAP. Clapping a hand over her mouth, she looked very embarrassed. "I'm sorry!" she babbled. Then she realized where she was, for real now. She was in his lap. If she had been a forward girl, Cassia would've already gone for it. But seeing as she wasn't, and how the first time they'd kissed had been an accident, she just kind of swallowed, still not moving off of his lap out of sheer embarrassment. How did you move off of someone's lap without it being completely awkward?

"I told you I'd get really scared in these kinds of movies," Cassia continued to tell him, still not moving from his lap. To be honest, she wasn't sure if she wanted to move or not. But ... um, now what?

Al: Al had tried to keep from promising that he wouldn't laugh if she got freaked out, and this is why: because he just couldn't stop from chuckling a little. "Look, don't apologize - you warned me. And hey. I've got a hot girl in my lap, I'm not complaining." His grin was lopsided, amused, and unless Cassia shrugged off his hand, it was going to remain in her shoulder. Uh. This was indeed awkward - normally Al would just go for it, to hell with consequences, but she looked so flustered. So he hesitated.

Cassia: She couldn't help it. He just made her feel a lot calmer about the whole sitting in his lap situation. Grinning a little, she ducked her head slightly before looking back up at him, still smiling. The movie was finished behind her, the credits now over and still she didn't move. Cassia was obviously asking for it. "I'm sorry I'm still in your lap," she told him, not meaning it at all. And he would be able to tell by the tone of her voice. There wasn't a trace of sincerity in her voice. But there was a little voice in the back of her head going 'you little harlot' but to be honest, she really didn't care. How un-Cassialike!

Al: Several replies sprung to mind in response to Cassia's not-apology, but it took almost no time for Al to settle on one. He exhaled, a smirk on his face, and leaned down to try and kiss her. She was still there, which he took as an invitation. He didn't press his luck the first time, though he did go for the mouth - none of this cheek business. A few seconds, and then he pulled back just far enough to catch her eye. "You are welcome on my lap, you know."

Cassia: "Good," she said, the response coming out before she could stop it. She looked up at him, then lowered her eyes, biting her lip and not quite sure what to do now. But she followed instinct and leaned back in for another kiss, this one longer then the first one and definitely more involved. There was hands sliding into hair and eventually a small sigh on Cassia's end before she finally had to breathe.

"I'm sorry," she apologized again, not quite knowing why she was apologizing. Well, she did, but there really was no reason to apologize since he'd kissed her first so she'd simply been acting on the moment when she leaned in for the second. "That was .. " the blonde looked embarrassed again, not quite sure how to describe that kiss. Instead of finishing her sentence, she just looked away with a smile on her face, obviously unsure if she should just keep on kissing him like she wanted to do. This felt so deliciously right. She didn't want to ruin the moment by saying anything or moving or anything like that.

Al: Because she wasn't clambering off of his lap or announcing that she had to go, Al smiled a pleased smile at her and leaned in to kiss her again. He wasn't going to press for more than a makeout session, but he wasn't eager for the kissing to end, either. Now. When Cassia did feel that she needed to go, Al would let her. He'd help her gather up her things, he'd see her to the door, and he'd promise to call. And - shocker! - he'd keep his promise before she went to Europe for break. Irresponsible he may be, on occasion, but he didn't forget a pretty girl.

cassia wyndham-frost, alejandro diaz

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