Who: Jonas (Middle Billy Goat), C.J. (Dorothy), Cassia (Princess, The Goose Girl)
When: Friday Night
What: Kung-Fu Movie Night
Where: CassionasJ Apartment
Status: Thread, incomplete
Jonas was channeling Jim Morrison as a spirit guide. Jim Morrison told him the time to hesitate was through. )
"Uh, zombies and republicans?" Jonas replied, though it came out as much a question as an answer. He slumped back against her side with their wooden implements of doom at the ready, but froze in an ominous pose as Cassia showed up. "Hey, Casablanca."
Having hot chicks as roommates was pretty awesome, Jonas knew, especially when they smelled good and boxed you in on the couch. And asked what was wrong with your face. Jonas rubbed his forehead with the back of his hand, almost effectively taking an eye out with a stray chopstick, then looked vaguely alarmed. "Dude, what? Did someone write on it?" It was a common occurrence in high school, and okay, he was not naming names, but he might have cast a suspicious look at C.J.
"Oh shut up, there's no writing on your face. I think you just slept on it wrong." Her giggles continued as she rubbed the creases on his face, possibly attempting to magically erase them with the power of her fingertips. No such luck.
"I was just about to tell you the same thing," Cassia informed him, patting him on top of the head.
Leaning back, she finally surveyed the table in front of them and raised an eyebrow at Jonas before looking at the table again. "Alright. So. Chinese food. Ninja suit. Um... enlighten me! Whatsa goin' on?" Cassia eyed the food, her stomach growling as the scents wafted towards her. "Ninja movies?? Are you going to re-enact the Karate Kid?"
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