(no subject)

Mar 15, 2008 21:02

Who: Audra Nicholson (JILL) and Miles Brennan (GLINDA)
When: Saturday, March 15, nighttime
Where: A random pub in Dublin, Ireland
What: Birthday trip. Celebration of Miles's 27th year of life, combined with some St. Patrick's Day carousing for good measure.
Rating: PG for drinking and flirting

Miles: It's funny; the whole trip had been so very spur-of-the-moment, which really wasn't Miles's style. The man carried a Blackberry, for God's sake, complete with calendar and email right on the phone, and you'd better believe he made use of the features. But when Audra had mentioned a vacation-type birthday celebration, it had been like fate: he'd considered the option and dismissed it as "too much, too fast." Clearly? If there was such a thing as moving "too fast" with Audra, he hadn't yet found it. And with the idea broached a second time, by someone other than himself, well. It had to be a good idea.

The official parade for St. Patrick's Day wasn't until Monday, but the festival was already underway. Miles had no real itinerary - if an event had sounded interesting? They'd wandered over, but really, he didn't have a list of 'must do's.' It was just nice to be away from work and spending time with Audra. The pub was the last step in their day before heading back to the hotel - he'd picked it at random and thus far, it had been a good choice. Yeah, it was a little crowded, but it was a Saturday night. What else was to be expected?

"The guy with the darts is starting to make me nervous." Miles leaned over to murmur to Audra. He indicated an inebriated fellow (but it was a pub: who wasn't a little drunk?) taking careful aim at the dart board. "I keep thinking that someone's going to lose an eye." Not that Miles was anyone to talk; he'd already had a few himself, and while he could boast a remarkable tolerance to alcohol (let it not be said that his college days were wasted) it was a good thing no one would be asking him to drive later.

Audra: So far Audra had been having a very good time with their vacation. Even if it had been spur of the moment, she'd really jumped at the chance not only to get away from it all, but to spend time with Miles, just the two of them. Though it was cold, and a bit rainy through the day, it didn't really matter because she was in another country, and she was with Miles and it was going to be his birthday. The pub was nice and cozy and though it was a bit similar to sitting in an American bar, there was something about sitting in an authentic pub that made it more special. Maybe because everyone was way more drunk then back at home.

Turning her head to view the guy with the darts, she raised an eyebrow and then the other. "Holy Christ.." she mumbled, "Well at least he could be a pirate.. get him an eyepatch or something. Though I didn't think there were Irish pirates, though I'm probably wrong. And all I can keep thinking of is Shaun of the dead and thinking someone's going to get it in the skull.." she rubbed her head and then picked up her glass and took another drink. All the drinking was making her giggly, and feeling a bit warmer then usual, which wasn't too bad. As long as Elvis didn't show up, they were going to be five by five.

"Do you want to play? Can you throw darts? We could probably push the drunk guy out of the way. Make him think... Santa's outside and he'd buy it I think.. or y'know.. say they're giving out free drinks up at the bar.." she shrugged a little and scooted a little closer to him. "Or I could get us another drink?" she offered.

Miles: "Oh God," Miles muttered under his breath, then let out a little laugh. "As funny as it would be to send him on a quest for free liquor and steal his darts? I'm not sure I want to start a brawl in a foreign country. Though if I were going to get arrested? That's how I'd want to do it. Wouldn't it make a great story?" Though he'd been watching darts fly - and surprisingly enough, hit the target - Miles turned to look at Audra at the end of his question. Or rather, he planted his hand on the seat and leaned his weight on his palm, effectively closing a little more of the distance between them.

"Don't... even..." He started, laughing again, but the ability to articulate had been lost somewhere at the bottom of one of his pint glasses. He gestured at the milling crowd while he sought the right words. "It's a madhouse. I'll go. That way, if there's a brawl, you can save me." The lopsided grin was, dare we say, cheeky. This? This is why he usually stopped drinking as soon as it was polite to do so - or rather, as soon as it was possible to quit and not have one's manliness questioned. "What do you want? Another of the same, or are you changing it up?"

Audra: "You think that'd really start a brawl?" she paused and then looked around at the rest of the people in the pub, "Okay okay, so yeah most of these people could totally kill us with one hand tied behind their back. Duly noted," she grinned at him. "I'd totally love to be arrested that way. Or possibly for streaking. That's always sounded like fun to me," then she kind of waggled her eyebrows at him. Ah yes, streaking, that would be their next activity. Well maybe if they had gone somewhere warm for vacation.

"I can save you. Right. I'll come in with fists flying and feet kicking. I can totally save you.." she flexed her very weak muscle at him. She rather liked him when he was cheeky and flirting with her in quite the brazen manner. "Um, I guess I'll have another one.. and be quick about it, I wouldn't have to give your seat away to the first dashing man who asked to buy me something.." she teased, leaning over and brushed her lips against his before sitting back and sliding her empty glass away from her.

"Don't worry, no one's touching your seat or I'll put something sharp up their bottom," Audra beamed at him.

Miles: "We'll have to save the streaking. Not the right weather for it." And, in all honesty, there'd probably never be 'right weather' for it, as far as Miles was concerned. But with a lot of liquor in him, it seemed a safe joke to make. "And you'd better not be giving my seat away to dashing men. Then we'd really have a brawl. Duel, even. Which would be bad, because I seem to have misplaced my pistols." A pause. "They must be in my other pants." He made a show of patting his pockets, which was actually a good move, because while he didn't turn up any fictitious dueling pistols? He managed to locate his wallet.

"I'll be back." He said, slipping from his seat. "I trust you to defend that chair. You're... uh." No, 'fierce' wasn't the right word. Was it? "...fierce. God, I can't think of any good adjectives tonight. I'll be back. With liquor." And true to his word, Miles was back in a few minutes, carrying another round and weaving admirably through the crowd. Well, okay. Maybe he had to stop now and then to judge distances, but he didn't spill. Surely that was worth something?

"Did you know," Miles started, leaning in again so that he could pitch his voice low, "that this is possibly the best birthday ever? Even if it's not until tomorrow. God, twenty seven. I'd make a joke about needing a walker, but we both know that's not true."

Audra: Her eyes lit up slightly, "Ooh a duel, over me? Fifteen paces and then shooting? Well as nice as that sounds, I prefer you in one piece. And I don't trust any of these fuckers with a gun, that's for sure.." she grinned at him. "Ah yes, very fierce," then she made a playful growling sound, complete with the appropriate lion-face and fingers up like they were claws or something. While he was gone, she moved all the glasses aside, and had someone come and clear them off when the woman came around to do so.

When he came back, she moved her legs off of his seat, since she had been making sure that no one actually stole it. If someone even looked like they were coming over to either sit or take the chair, she gave them a dirty look and wrapped her legs around both of them to make sure. "Best birthday ever? Really? I'm glad you think so.. aw twenty seven's not so bad.. hey, you could've forgotten your birthday like I did.." she nudged him playfully. "You do not need a walker.. well except for maybe right at this moment because I think you might be too drunk to stand up soon.."

Not that she minded. She picked up her new drink and held it up and then clinked it against his, "Cheers.." she took another drink and then giggled for apparently no real reason at all. "I'm really glad we decided to do this.. you're very cute when you're old.. I mean.. drunk.. I mean.. drunk and old.." she paused, "Well you're cute all the time so I guess.. it should reason that.. wait, what was I saying?" she blinked a bit owlishly and then giggled again.

Miles: Miles lifted his glass to clink against Audra's, and chuckled at her assessment of his need for a walker. "That's okay," he replied. "Can't walk, can't cause trouble. Because I would duel for you. Except that I have no glove, and I swear there's a part with a glove. Why didn't they teach us dueling in boarding school, instead of Latin?" Miles gestured vaguely at the door. "You know, I have no idea how we'll get back to the hotel if I completely lose my motor skills." The bartender would call a cab, surely. He pondered the problem for a second, a look of Serious Thought on his face, then dismissed it. It would be fine. He had his phone. Somewhere. He could call if the people at the pub couldn't.

"You were saying," Miles prompted, returning to the subject at hand, "that I'm cute. And you can keep going if you want, but you'd best mind the ego." He paused and tapped his right temple with his index finger. The ego lived behind the temple? Well, tonight it did. "It's dangerous to encourage me. I might... uh." Again, the words? Just not forming themselves into sentences. So instead, Miles leaned over and attempted to kiss Audra. To demonstrate. Then, assuming he'd managed to pull it off without trouble, he sat back up. "See? That's what I mean."

Audra: "Because if they taught you how to duel, it'd be a bunch of guys walking around and slapping each other with gloves and then shooting each other?" she offered with a wobbly shrug of her shoulder. Her eyes fell upon the door too and then back to Miles, "Fuck if I know.. I guess I'll just have to carry you," she snorted slightly at the thought of having to carry him back to the motel. "Maaaaaaaybe we should start heading back before we get incapaca... incapici... can't walk.."

About to say something when he cut her off by kissing her, she leaned in and pressed her lips back against his. He always tasted nice when he kissed her, and this time was no exception, even with the beer flavor. And since kissing Miles was something she had thought about long and often in her days when she hadn't gotten up the nerve, it was now absolutely on the top of her favorite things to do. When he pulled back, she grinned mischievously at him. "Makes you feel naughty.. I think I like you naughty. So yes.. you're very cute.. and funny.. and I could just eat you up.."

Her cheeks were feeling warm again, "Want to.. go back to the motel then?" she asked with as much innocence as she could possibly muster.

Which wasn't much at all.

Miles: "Before I get to the point that you'll have to carry me? Yes. I'm heavy." Though the words were all solicitous concern for Audra's well-being, the impish tone suggested that this was his best attempt at matching her playful not-exactly-innocence. He planted his hands on each side of himself and heaved upwards, lifting himself to his feet. Along the way he almost lost his balance, but a quick grab for the back of his seat saved him. Then he reached out a hand to help Audra up. How much help he'd be was questionable, but hey, it was a chance to take her hand. And, unless she pulled it away after she'd reached her feet, he was going to hang on for a few extra moments. Then he let go and rummaged in his coat pocket for his gloves.

"You," he declared, as he tugged on his right glove, "are pure mischief. Beautiful, wonderful mischief, mind." The announcement was accompanied by a few airy jabs of his index finger, "but mischief none the less. C'mon." Miles stepped away from the table to let Audra out, waited for her to put on any remaining winter outwear that she might've taken off while inside, and then casually swung his nearest arm around to try and drape it over her shoulders. For guidance and/or support in his semi-drunken state. Really.

Audra: "Quite right you're heavy," she poked him playfully in his side, waiting for him to giggle. And she knew he'd giggle because she'd poked and tickled him often enough to know where all the good places to do so were. That was the brilliant part of being with someone you knew so well. Bribery and blackmail of the funnest sort. When he wobbled on his feet, she couldn't help but grin a bit and then took his hand so she could get up. She wasn't much better, though she didn't nearly fall down thankfully but it did take her a moment to decide to let go so she could stand on her own.

Her grin got even more wide, and she slid on her coat and the rest of her things, "I cannot help it.. it's in my nature.. I could be worse though, you know. Just count your lucky stars I'm in the beautiful wonderful mischief category and not the devious and vile kind.." she squirmed away from his fingers and followed him out of the pub and out into the brisk night air. She leaned into him, hopefully which wouldn't mean them both falling onto their arses and slid her arm around his waist. Maybe that way they could keep each other balanced. "You're totally going to have to warm me up when we get back to the hotel."

audra nicholson, miles brennan

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