Sep 12, 2007 01:12
I think the thing I love the most about college is living with people my own age. I've always hated talking on the phone. I do it now more than I ever have before, though, which is weird. It's nice figuring out who your friends are. Who you talk to on the phone; who really deserves that phone call. And AIM is all the rage again. Plus there's Facebook. Honestly, I'm communicating more than I ever have before. I love it. I guess I never really realized how much I love people before. I really never knew I did. It's weird. My life has changed a lot in the past few years. I am really happy right now.
Don't ever judge people. Don't take what your friends say as truth. Make up your own mind about people. Really. Maybe that's hypocritical of me; I do it all the time. But I need to stop. And I know that your actions make up who you are; but people can be forgiven. They can make mistakes. That's okay.
I'm still trying to make friends. But the thing is that my two best friends here I am ridiculously close to. It's kind of strange; it's really weird not to see both of them everyday. I could sit and talk to both of them for hours about nothing. Really, I do that. I never thought I would be friends with these people though, honestly. They are both from Louisville but I didn't hang out with either of them very much before I came here. Who thought I would ever be such good friends with a Sacred Heart girl? So few of my friends like Jacqui and I barely ever mention her around them, which is probably not good. Ha. But she really is amazing. We are probably rooming together next year. But Joe and I are pretty much BFF, it's kind of scary. Like, tonight, I sat at dinner with him for almost two hours, just us two. I never thought I would ever be so close to a guy, really.
I'm almost done with my first real college paper. This is cool. And I'm not done yet, but that's okay because I have a break from 12-2pm tomorrow afternoon and then I'm done at 3 so I can nap. :) I enjoy that.