Happy 22nd Part 1! :D

Jun 10, 2010 15:52

I had my bday celebration with my colleagues first! (:
Food was awesome and the company was definitely great. I shall keep it short while i let the photos do the talkings.

This was certainly a surprise planned by bestie ping&ming! (:

So early in the morning, the girls dropped by my place and got a string of to-do-list for me to complete! (yes, i didnt know they were coming anw!)

Of course this started with "to express your love to someone close to you!"

And just nice mommy came home with a bag of groceries and i went over to hug her and say " I LOVE YOU! " After that i continued to pack my stuff and the girls talked to momsie. Seriously, they can be good friends man! Talk and talk and talk non-stop! hahaha! So later, we made our way to BPP and had Macs breakkie and it was when i saw the rest!!!!! *surprise surprise* So the next thing is to ECP to "teach me how to cycle!!!!"

So embarrassing! At this age of 22 i still cannot cycle one man..

Dinner at Demsey, PS Cafe! :D

I really enjoyed evey single things you all had planned! ♥

You know, i would do anything for you guys for sure! (except borrowing a million bucks might be a problem cause i'm quite poor you see!) You people brought so much fun and laughter to my life and yes! TOAST TO OUR EVERLASTING FRIENDSHIP!!! (: and pleaseeeeeee meetup when free, even though all of us are busy with work + school!

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