This year's christmas was good, which was equally comparable to the happening ones years ago! (:
So on the eve,
we had to make our way down to cadelcott for a xmas lunch with the other departments and had our gifts exchanged. (:
and we happen to know that the radio side has 18 people in their department, and we have only 5 in publishing. haha!
went to baby's crib right after the lunch,
and he passed me my christmas gift! (:
and the next day was spent playing badminton with his friends and got the entire arms aching the next day.
but the truth is, i had like most 3 games? haaaha!
well, new year is coming along real soon, and its time to list down the new-year resolutions.
this year had been really really great. and also another long roller coaster bumper ride.
At first, I was reluctantly accepting the fact that i'm graduating in the early part of the year cause i knew i'm gonna spend lesser time with my cheerfriends. and it was even harder when i cant meet up with the stepbang for stock take as frequent and i had to let them do the job without me joining them. moreover, i'm still not ready to face the routine of a working life and i wish i could settle down for a degree asap before i will start on a job which i really want to do.
& anyways!i'm still grateful to meet the usual cliques from time to time, and it was always so good to see them everytime, having our never ending conversations as if we knew each other for a century. (:
Bracey has been an awesome boyfriend throughout this year.
Being a great listener, advisor, joker, cook-wannabe, shopping mate, movie&dinner date, ultimate slacker, and a guy who fights with me over his small little bolster and a bf who told me not to get those blingblings hairband cause its so expensive on the shelf and said he would make one for me on the XMAS and he really glued each blingbling on it and gave it to me!! hahah!
and even kept the receipt of the bling bling. lols!
i dont need him to get me any LVs, GUCCI or Jimmy choos because all his effort costs more than any other things which exist and that really counts. (:
ok. i'm getting tired.
ok. cut short.
ok. Goodbye zero-eight.
nights people! (: