Thank God, or in my case Other Andy!

Oct 17, 2006 20:13

I have a fixed laptop! Yay! God, not having the internet has almost killed me, I've needed it so much for work and I hate using computer rooms at uni, so now I print off slides, find out times of interesting talks and stuff from home!!! Also, I can get back to the Stargate Fandom, as I have been on help whatsoever with the 'Save SG-1' campaign as I haven't had the internet to see whats going on! Argh! Oh well! Also, have aquired the game Civilisation 4, which will stop me from working but since being without a computer has helped me learn to keep the fandom stuff to a minimum I'll survive.

Life has sucked recently, but am mostly over it, I think. Anyway, I'm going to surf the web a bit, play civ and then go to bed.
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