Title: Reputation
Characters: Cutler Beckett, James Norrington, Mercer
Pairing: Beckett/James,
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 227
The appreciative glances he gave the Admiral when he successfully did his job were just that - nothing more. But it seemed the other had his own interpretation of even the subtlest of his actions when they truly had little complexity. And such was the reason why one day he found the other leaning over his desk and pressing his lips against his and a strong hand against his shoulder to tug him in. He began his charade that this is what his intention had been all along because he would never let himself not be the instigator to anything. One kiss quickly led much farther then he’d intended to but he still found himself bound to his reputation, to not lose face. The ceding of something material outweighed any immaterial lost. Nonetheless he quietly ushers himself out of the room the moment the other fell asleep and goes to his only confidant with the authoritative air he is known for and tells him to do away with the Admiral as discretely as he can, as soon as he can.
Good help can be hard to find but it does outweigh the fact that he cannot allow anyone to have any perception of him other then the one he gives, but sometimes he comes to wonder if he even knows where the line of what is fact and what is fabricated is.