It's good to know that I still have enough shame that I'm not gonna post this crap anywhere. For the ~bonus round~ at
st_respect; the prompt was "hangover."
One Enterprise evening, H. Sulu
Found his beer was considered a bust.
"Is nothing but watered-down water!"
His friend Pavel declared in disgust.
Pavel slid him a sloshing-full shot glass.
“This is wodka. Tell me what you think."
Hikaru thought it exceedingly vile
But matched him gross drink for gross drink.
We skip now to the next morning
When our boys both awoke in one bed.
Pavel found this enormously pleasing.
“We should make now the kisses!” he said.
Hikaru, by now slightly nauseous
Tried to answer his friend with a nod
But stumbled instead to the bathroom
And ended up blowing his wod.
Because they're.... they're hanging over the water, you see.
Those are sharks in the water, btw. Alien sharks. A-and alien water.