I'm going to attempt to start keeping a (paper) food journal, despite a couple of things:
a) I, like many people, have a difficult time starting anything new and keeping up with it. Especially, of course, in regards to food and/or exercise.
b) The template I have for it is, in fact, one of those dreaded
four-letter words. It's not any of the brand-name "popular" ones. Just fewer calories and (hopefully) lower fat. The most intuitive of any I've seen.
As a child, I always identified with Garfield, not the least of which because he was large and unashamed of the fact. I've always been a chunky person. I will probably always be some level of chunky. I've come to terms with that. However, as of late, I have become a level of chunk that is going beyond my comfort zone. Especially in my stomach area.
Thus, I am going to attempt to keep track of what I eat. Hopefully, so I can make healthier choices and maybe even lose a few pounds. I am going to attempt not to use this to guilt myself for what I eat (and Sebastian, I might need your help with this). But I am not always as mindful as I'd like to be in regards to food.
I might even, after a while, attempt to throw in some regular exercise. But that will have to wait. The more new things I try to make habitual all at once, the greater the likelihood I will fail at both. This is not just human nature, I know this from my own experience.
Here goes nothing!