I called off again today. I was still feeling very cruddy and I figured working until 11:30 tonight wouldn't do me any good.
Sebastian also convinced me to go to one of those Minute Clinic places at a CVS not too far away. It wouldn't normally have taken so long to get there as it did, except for the snow and a couple of accidents jamming up traffic. They apparently won't give you an antibiotic nowadays with head or chest colds, unless it lasts more than 7-10 days, and this I actually respect. I remember getting antibiotics willy-nilly as a kid, not knowing that too many could also be bad. I also got sick a lot.
Croup was my BFF for many years, long after I should have stopped getting it. Thanks, immune system!
[Though when I think of the "supergerms" they talk about in reference to antibiotic-resistant germs, I always think of those
giant stuffed animal germs coming to life and eating off one's face, zombie-style. I mean, look at that mono germ from that link. Sure it looks innocent, but every B-grade horror movie instict tells me that those long eyelashes are a facade...for evil and carnage. Just sayin'.]
In any event, the nurse practitioner told me to keep taking the Mucinex, and gave me a prescription for an inhaler to help me breathe better. She also wrote me a note [which made me feel like I was back in high school], in case I have to call off again tomorrow. We can't call off more than two days in a row without a doctor's note. I think, based on how I'm feeling now, that I should be able to make it into work and not feel too extra shitty. I'm only working the 12-8 shift, so it won't be too late. The 9-5 shift on Sunday might be interesting. If my ASM is working, though, the cough should allow me to keep her away from me and garner some sympathy points. I'm pretty sure I'm not working a shift with her, but some days that doesn't matter.