*i guess it wasn't all that bad!*

Sep 26, 2006 15:57

So, my tv audition last week was, indeed, shitty. However, they apparently liked me for SOMETHING, so they called me yesterday and offered me a job as a Moderator behind the scenes, meaning I filter out these "messages" and decide which ones go on the air and which ones suck and get thrown away.

Power. Hooray!

PLUS I get to host every once in a while. I will be anxious to find out the following:

-Pay/ hours (full or part time)/ benefits??
-How many other moderators are there?
-Who the hell did they get to host (very curious)
-What in the hell is this show about??

I am most excited about this because I will be able to sport experience that I currently do not have on my resume- LIVE TELEVISION! FUCK YEA! My resume is going to kick even more ass than I possibly thought it could.


Jonathan Beckwith's screenplay is being mailed to me this week, which means I'll be the star of a movie. Add THAT to my resume, BIOTCH! YEAAAA!

Oh here it goes, here it goes, HERE IT GOES
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