There's a lot of running around I have left to do before the big day tomorrow - if it's all the same, I'll take your word for it and see you at the site tomorrow.
Thanks. I'm still at the reception site, making sure the stage is taken care of, and then I'll be going shopping with Kilroy for the gift bags. Then there's this bachelor's party later tonight.
Congratulations for the move. I always thought that living at the Pen was close to living with your parents. Where are you moving to?
I'm alright. Tired, but alright. A lot like what you're going through, it seems.
I was thinking about it. Oh but it is. I'm a horrible pack rat. You've been here. Would you want to pack up all this stuff? Doubtful. I just need to throw it all away.
That's not necessarily a bad thing. Especially when you're tossing out clutter that you really don't need any more. But you're always busy at the bakery, that's the problem. It pays for your bills, but in exchange for your time.
All right, sure. I'll be here all day. Doubt I'll be taking a break.
Of course. All sitting in my refrigerator and waiting for me to bring them over tomorrow. Everything's completely ready to go, promise.
When are you leaving for Virginia?
Oh sure of course. I totally understand.
Oh um, well actually I'm.. staying. Just, moving out of the Pen.
Are you okay?
Congratulations for the move. I always thought that living at the Pen was close to living with your parents. Where are you moving to?
I'm alright. Tired, but alright. A lot like what you're going through, it seems.
Wow it sounds like you're even more busy then I am. Just remember to get some rest, okay?
Ah, actually um, in with a .. friend. He just moved to New York.
You definitely need some time to relax it seems.
[...] That's great. Rent's so high in this city, you're lucky to find somebody to help split the cost. Do I know this friend of yours?
[...] I was thinking the same thing.
I must be a complete sissy then. That's all right. Sleep is better then most things.
Um, I'm not sure. His name is Sam Hayes. I knew him from school. I mean we grew up together. I haven't seen him since college though.
A nice long relaxing vacation would be key right about now. Or at least a nice massage.
The name doesn't sound familiar. But if he's your friend, then I know he's cool.
I have a week off from the show, while Kilroy and May are on their honeymoon. I'm planning to make the best use of it.
Yeah I could sleep for a couple of days I think.
He is, and he asked so.. I accepted.
Oh good, you deserve some time off. You've been working much too hard. Maybe you should go to a spa or something.
You're moving in with his this week?
He's a smart cookie. Oh yeah, that place sounded really nice.
Oh no, not until I pack up everything in my place which is probably going to take a year with all the stuff I have.
Hire professionals? Or maybe your friend can help? It can't be that bad.
I was thinking about it. Oh but it is. I'm a horrible pack rat. You've been here. Would you want to pack up all this stuff? Doubtful. I just need to throw it all away.
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