Feb 12, 2006 00:13
At twilight, when the sun's magnificent descent finally allows for the pale moon's presence to be noted, the rose garden on the western side of the building is at its loveliest. Amidst the rambling vines, clambering like social climbers up trellises, and the low-sitting, fragrant bushes there are a number of thin dirt paths, intersecting at various points. Due to the height of most of those frequent trellises, from any given path one cannot see over to another, making the rose garden rather maze-like - and, with the heady scent to intoxicate the nose and the moon's fragile glow to delight the eyes, it's no doubt the most romantic place to wander after dark.
Even if one is alone, it's a poetic enough place, and well-suited to maidens with romantic woes or dreams of one sort or another - no doubt accounting for Roxane's presence on one meandering path.
Typist: If you'd still like to do it, here's a set up...