I did like the Pilot, though not entirely love it. Perhaps, I had set my expectations too high. The whole high school vibe is there - first crush, looking over your shoulder stuff, being cute, the likes. I was expecting a darker episode or something. Well, I guess, I shouldn't have set the bar too high for a pilot episode. *shrug*
Anyway, I did like the opening scene and the music. *nod* Nope, i don't like the music, I freaking love it! :lmao:
Elena and Stefan together are cute. They do have some chemistry, though, I kinda felt it was rushed. Specially Elena. I wanted her to sulk a little more since her parents just died. Yes, she was writing everything in her journal - all the sad moments and lying about the "I'm fine." Though, I wanted to see scenes when she just stops for a brief moment and get lost in her thoughts about her parents and all the loneliness inside her. The show was more into showing/building up the love story between Stefan and Elena too quickly that it forgot to introduce the real Elena.
Some scene do felt a bit dragging. But the cast is a beauty! I think I fell in love with Matt already. LOL
Damon, Damon! I love the brothers scene. :nod: That's actually the highlight of the episode for me. Damon's script is wonderfully written.
Anyway, that's it for now as I'm trying to finish my monitors (work). :)