May 13, 2005 09:10
So I was in spinning class on Wednesday (yes, it IS psychotic but more surprisingly, yes, I DO love it!) and I realized something.....There is not one thing in my life that I am unhappy with.... not one!
How did spinning make me realize this....
so, the instructor has the lights out and we're standing up on the bikes and she has us on a really high tension and she tells us to sprint! Bad Religion blaring from all speakers and a totally buff chick is excitedly yelling "imagine you are running away from something that is creeping up on you - something bad you have going on in your life... maybe just your day, maybe your job, maybe your love life, maybe your family.... anything that is really bumming you out... now run like hell"
And I thought, "Yeah, I am gonna run like hell... from.... think Amy think.... something that is not good in your life.... damn it.... maybe I am just too tired to like hell anyhow"
And then later, when Becky and I were walking the track and she was stressing about wedding plans and I thought "all's well there. Can't wait another year til the day comes" and she was freaking about the cost of houses and I thought "i friggin love our old house" and she was talking about being mad at Joe for something or other and I thought "I am super lucky to have Pat" and she mentioned how she got moved to an even shittier position than she had before at work and I thought "my job is great" I realized......
I am not running from a damn thing! That's such a great feeling!
But for those of you who are running from some shit going down - I highly recommend a spinning class! It really does kick ass!