Jun 18, 2006 21:15
Saturday found us in NJ having a picnic with friends. It was really nice because they had a tent set up which provided much needed shade and there was a lovely breeze that kept things comfortable.
What was kewl about this picnic was that it was also a garb swap/sale for us Rennie folks. I was able to sell an outfit (my first garb) for $35 which was a steal for the buyer (Thanks, Jack and Terri) even for it being a used item. But the money didn't matter to me. I just wanted the 3 piece ensemble going to someone who would get as much wear and enjoyment out of it as I did. It's a great starter set.
The food was awesome and again like usual, the company was TOP NOTCH! *winks* We were there about 7 hours. Very nice day. KUDOS TO CRAIG AND ANGELA FOR A JOB WELL DONE!
Sunday aka Today aka Father's Day...
I didn't think of my own father at all today. Guess I was blocking. I mean, he's been deceased since 1999 but still...*shrugs* I feel kinda' guilty now about not thinking of him or going to the cemetery.
Michael wanted Ariel and I to go to his hockey game this morning. I was already melting in our house (oh yeah, the central air froze up on us AGAIN - this is strike two...one more and we're telling the landlady) and after taking a shower (on the cold side even) I was a puddle of gross! I told him we wouldn't be going to see him play, sorry. He plays deck hockey in an indoor rink - full size with no ventilation. Yeah, not only would it be hot as hell but STINKY to all get out. No thanks. After he left for hockey, I started feeling badly since it is Father's Day and all. So, I gave Ariel her mid-morning snack and decided we'd go and surprise him for the last 1/2 of his game. And he was surprised! We walked in and he was in the far end and saw us and instantly smiled. That made me happy to see. I love my husband and hopefully that made his day that we came anyway.
After hockey we went to my in-laws' for a Father's Day cookout. Meh. It was an alright time but I suppose I was feeling somewhat bitter because Father's Day is OUR GIG...meaning, we have had it at our house every year since we've been married and this year we were looking forward to it more than ever since my hubby's grandfather and his wife haven't been to our new home yet. But, my father-in-law bought this new big grill you see and he wanted to have the gathering at their place so he could break it in proper. I dunno, I just wasn't into it this year. Maybe it's because I'm preggers and moody (ok, moodier than normal anyway) but I was disappointed with some things. The chicken was charred, my mother-in-law attempted to make chicken wings for the first time and they were BBQ and just well, ok. I only ate one wing. She also made ribs for the first time and I passed on those. The hotdogs were good. There was no side dishes though. No potato salad or pasta salad or macaroni salad...nothing. Had I known that I could have easily made a side dish to bring along.
She made one of my favorite things in the world too which is mozzarella with tomato but seriously it was only like 6 slices of mozz and 6 tomato slices, so to be polite I took one of each and left the rest for everyone else to eat. She literally ate the rest as it turns out no one else likes the stuff. But she gets points as she did ask me if I wanted more but I saw the gleam in her eye for the goods and really I don't need the sodium intake, so I let her chow down. There was a spinach salad, don't get me wrong so there was sort of a side dish, but after 3 servings of it and not being satisfied I just stopped eating altogether. Oh there was baked beans too, but again that to me doesn't substitute for a good potato salad. *drools at thought of Broodman's potato salad*
Then just before dessert I had fallen asleep on the couch. Good thing I did because dessert is always ICE CREAM of many varieties etc. Can't eat that right now, so I'm glad I slept through it all.
I hardly ever complain about my in-laws as they are wonderful and we get along but today, I just wasn't feeling it. I would rather have been home even with the broken central air.
Oh and I forgot to get my father-in-law a card...whoops! My bad. It totally slipped my mind as I was trying to find cards from me, Ariel (and Aurora too) - I was just focusing on Michael. What I found out though on the way home was that Michael wasn't given a single card from his side of the family. I'm glad my mom sent him one and with some cash to boot! GO MOM! Alright, I'm done and I'm sleepy, so off to la-la land I go as I have to be into work tomorrow at 6am.
Laters all.
father's day,