"Well freeze my piss..."

Mar 11, 2006 01:18

Well, I enjoyed it very much, but then again I'm one of those in the minority because I tend to like artsy fartsy looking type movies. This is definitely one of those. The cinematography was very well done except in a few parts where I thought I was going to wretch (spelling?) because of the camera angles and such. I really don't want to give too much away.

Johnny Depp's monologue in the beginning of the film is one I must get on mp3 because I could listen to it over and over and over again. It practically made me choke on my frozen Coke in one part! LOL

There are plenty of parts of the movie that have you in stitches just laughing your head off. And it is intentional. Then there are parts that are so Jack Sparrow-esque - OMFG!!! *pants* I was so glad I had on my rubber panties let's just say. I'm kidding - I don't own any rubber panites! But damn, it was good and I enjoyed every bit of it.

The costuming in this film is STELLAR! *give two thumbs way the fuck up* My oh my how I love the look of a man in a wig and poofy shirt...LMAO!

Now it's the kind of movie where I won't be going again to see it in the theatre but I will most likely buy the DVD down the line sometime.

I went with
wcspegasus and she was quite the perfect person to see this movie with. We both saw all the "Jackisms" and were snickering together at certain points that we "got" but no one else seemed to notice...hahaha. She said she enjoyed it too so that's a good thing.

///EDITED TO ADD: I made an icon! Wahoo!

Now I'm off to bed. I'm so tired and I have a HUGE day ahead of me! YAY for The Tartan Terrors! Only 19 hours to go until showtime!

movie review

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